Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Uhh...actually, nope, I'm not gonna really review The
Riddler. Sure, I could make a witty introduction that somehow ties The
Riddler into the comics mythos. In fact I had a good one, but it's gone. You
see, Yahoo Mail ate my first version of this review, and I'm just going to
be lazy about it and not really write it again. Instead I'll just tell you
what I'd write, if I felt like writing it.
Anyway, first I'd start with a witticism about how The Riddler is a
second-rate Bat-villain (which is the truth, I mean the film-makers chose
TWO other Bat-villains before they got to The Riddler, and then he was so
weak they had to have him do a tag-team with the obvious Two-Face.) He's
never really had a terrific story-line in the comics, and has always been a
cheap copy of The Joker, minus the insanity.
Though I guess you'd have to be insane to run around committing crimes
dressed in lime green tights with question-marks all over them.
Then I'd look at the Riddler's stats, which if I had to look at them again,
I'd notice right off that they suck. I mean they suck-diddly-uck, suck. I
remember that the Veteran only has six clicks of health, and his only two
powers are Mastermind and Perplex. Not a real team character. Basically I
think the WK design team couldn't figure out quite how Riddler would fit
into the game, and blew it. Then again, it's the Riddler, who really
cares...it's not like he has a ton of fans, and if I just offended the two
of you out there...oh well...sorry. No really.
Of course, I'd wrap all this up with a look at the collectability and
economics of this particular piece. Usually I do a quick survey of the price
guides and I check out the last 30 days worth of sales on Ebay and pass
along some perfunctory data and meaningless statistics. Of course, this is a
Veteran Riddler, and thus it's a rare. But then it's a DC character, and a
silly one at that...so he has no collectability value, and I don't care what
sales have been made on eBay.
It's not like he's Firelord or something like that.
Finally I will give you my ratings, which I think are
the same as last time.
Playability 1 of 5
Collectabilty 2 of 5
Next time something else. I don't know what, but
it'll be something. |
Joel Lufgren |
Yo! Today we are reviewing another on of those 'nifty' DC
clix, The Riddler. Lets get to the reviewing shall we?
Riddler (Veteran)
Pts: 47
Team Affiliation: Batman Enemy
Range:8 , 1 attack
Ablilites: Perplex, Mastermind
Start Stats: 6 spd, 8 atk, 14 def, 1 Dmg, 6 'Hp' clicks
The Review:
Frankly, straight up, I don't like this Clix. You probably won't play him in
'serious' casual game and especially not in a tournament (unless there is
something about DC I dont know). His stats are either mediocre or weak.
Luckily this guy has 'cheap' perplex, obviously, he acts all odd-like with
riddles, so it makes sense. Once he loses perplex he gains Mastermind. I'm
not a fan of Mastermind, if you are adjacent with this Clix, anyone can just
use Energy Explosion and hit them both (or smack 1 clix with 2 dmg, however
the rules work..). MAYBE he can be playable with the proper team
affiliation. perplex+the Batman Enemy team ability can make him useful.
Otherwise, useless. I might recommend him in a draft though, Cheap perplex
can throw things around in your direction. Or not.
The Verdict: I sadly give this figure some of my worst ratings yet!
100: 2/5 Playing him here? You better have some decent back up....
200: 2/5 He just starts to take up space here
300: 2.3/5 There are simply better clix , trust me they are there.
Draft/Sealed: 3/5 Only redeeming quality is the 'cheap' perplex. |
Lo Pan |
Riddler Bad. Very bad.
47 points is very cheap. Now you get to find out why. 6
health, terrible stats, including 1 damage...only powers are perplex and
mastermind, perp for the 1st 3 and mast for the last 3, and both can be
found on much better characters. Even Joker.
Dont use him. 1.0 |
DayCreeper |
The Riddler:
report’s going to be very short, but what is there to say about the famous
puzzling riddler? A range attack of 8 is pretty nice for this guy, and he’s
a cheap mastermind and perplex guy, but that’s all I Can say about this guy,
I’m sorry my report’s are brief, I just cut straight to the chase with the
basic facts. But from now on, I’m going to really dedicate myself to
posting long reports like you guys, so watch out for me!
Casual: 3/5
Sculpt: 4/5
- DayCreeper |