Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

There is one, and only one villain in the DCU that
actually has the cojones to take on the universe, and win. That guy not only
runs his own planet, but is constantly in search of the "Anti-life"
equation, which if he ever gets ahold of it, will destroy the
entire universe. Darkseid is that man...or God as it were. He's one of the
greatest creations of "The King" Jack Kirby, who brought him to DC with his
marvelous Fourth World Saga. Darkseid has appeared in almost every DC comic
series since, including a fantastic run in Legion of Super-Heroes, which
cemented his legendary status. See, Darkseid survives to the 30th Century
and beyond. Tell me that's not a
villain! He rules the planet Apokalips with an iron fist, and his amazing
Omega Beams. He traded his own son Orion to the New Gods in order for the
status quo
to continue in his constant struggle with Highfather. He commands Desaad,
Kalibak, Steppenwolf and the Parademons, and he's not to be taken lightly.
After all that, you'd think his Heroclix would be fantastic, and it is,
though not as great as he could be. I'm actually surprised that WK decided
to make him in the initial set, since he is in the top 5 of most powerful
beings in the DCU.
Let's look at that figure shall we? At 151 points, you might say that's
pretty hefty, but it really isn't when you think about it. He gets one range
8 attack (The Omega Beams), and has 10 clicks of health. Not shabby, but he
really should have a full 12. Minor quibble. Starting stats of 8 Speed, 10
Attack, 16 Defense and 3 Damage are outstanding, and coupled with powers
that include Mind Control, Psychic Blast, Super Strength, Impervious,
Toughness, Outwit and RCE and he's definitely a heavy hitter. The problem I
have is that he's not enough of a heavy hitter. I'm just used to Darkseid
being the baddest mamma-jamma around, and this clix just isn't the greatest.
Heck the Phasing Green Lantern is more powerful, and tell me the last time
Jon Stewart kicked Darkseid's butt? Never!
Darkseid is a unique from the Hypertime set, which has been out for over a
year now. Which basically means that you can get him for cheap! $5 to $15
will nab
you this nasty gentleman. Oh, and for a Unique, they could have done a nicer
sculpt, all around, I can't wait for a better Darkseid in a future
My Ratings:
Playability 3.5 of 5
Collectability 3 of 5
Next time - Our Heavy Hitter from Marvel...it's a female Unique...who might
it be? Here's a hint, she was in one of the two X-men movies. |
M055man |
History: This is the Thanos of the Dc universe. A God always seeking more
power than he should rightfully have, Supermans father in an alternate
universe, these
are some of the many things Darkseid is.
Clix: Darkseid is an absolute beat stick with good range and powerful
punches for ranged and close combat action. A deadly starting click having 9
clicks of life, 8 range 8 speed with Mind Control, 10 attack with Psyblast,
16 defense with Impervious, and 3 Damage with Outwit. At 151 points,
Darkseid (pronounced Dark-side) is well worth it. After 2 clicks Psyblast
becomes Super-Strength (decent
although with the new Indy clix rules range is more crucial than close hand
combat; with the exception of charge but I will not get into that right
now). After
3 clicks Impervious becomes Toughness, but all the while your opponent does
not realize whats coming, click him twice more and he gains Ranged Combat
Expert. Now his damage (4 at range) is higher than at the start of the dial!
Absoutly deadly. Though by now it might also be a good idea to run to a
medic for
once he hits RCE he only has 4 clicks left (one shot from say Despero). But
the core power of Darkseid lies within his first click. He can Psyblast a
than see if it has a different defense power, Outwit that, have another team
member blast a bruiser for usually death. One thing I noted well
play-testing him
is that, his Mind Control is barely ever used. Why control someones mind
when you can simply use godly powers to pummel them into submission?
Sculpt: This is one of the few sculpts from Wizkids that truly captures the
extreme power of this character. Arms folded and muscles bulging large with
the insane grimace of power on his face, this is a rare occasion, as this is
one of the few figures that will ever get perfect from me on sculpt ratings.
Sealed: 4/5! (5/5 if larger point build)
Constructed: 4.5/5! |
Anthony |
What's up. Today's click is one of my
favorite DC Villains. Yes sirree, it is the one, the only, Darkseid!!! Yes,
the Ruler of Apokolips has his own (Unique) heroclick, and yes, you better
bow down to it's (Unique) might! Okay, Darkseid weighs in at a large 151
points, and his starting stats are speed of 8, attack of 10, defense of 16,
and damage of 3, with Mind Control, Psychic Blast(!), Impervious(!!), and
Outwit(!!!). So, he's definitely gonna give hurt more than take hurt,
especially with Psy Blast and Mind Control for two clicks, as well as Outwit
for FIVE! Not only that, Darkseid gains Toughness, Super Strength, and
Ranged Combay Expert during his 9 click life span. So, if used correctly,
Darkseid can do no less than three clicks of damage! Ouch! Oh, and what good
would MC and RCE be without a range of EIGHT! The thing I don't get is that
Darkseid is not a Superman Enemy, OR a Arch-Enemy (Blue dial) of Superman.
What the hell?! Anyway, on to the scoreboard...
200:4/5- Use him with Desaad here.
300:4/5- Excellent here.
300+:5/5- Perfect. |