Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Veteran Juggernaut
Ahh yes, Cain Marko, Professor Xavier's half brother with the horrible
costume. Unstoppable supposedly. Crystals of Cytorrak. Subject of many a
topic in comic book forums. Whoopee.
Juggs (I just had to) is your prototypical Heavy Hitter in the game, and
they really don't come much better than the human tank. 146 points for a 10
click long dial that includes starting stats of 8 Speed, 13 Attack, 18
Defense and 4 Damage, all of which are among the best starting stats of any
figure. He only gets Super Strength, Invulnerability, Toughness and Battle
Fury though, so basically, he's a tank. A big
tank, but one nonetheless. Whack away with him with your snipers, he shrugs
it off. Beat him with a stick, he shrugs it off. Drop a nuke on him,
he...well...it tickles. A little.
Juggernaut can be the core of a great villain team, and can easily match up
with the best heavy hitters. He's not too versatile though, you just point
him in the enemies direction and let him bash right through 'em.
Unfortunately, Juggs is a Hypertime Rare, and as such, not in much demand
any more. You can score him for a couple of bucks.
My Ratings:
Playability 4 of 5
Collectability 2 of 5.
Next week, it's a short week, but we'll be looking at two more from the list
of "Heroclixmasta". Until then, do something nice for someone else, it's
frickken' Christmas. |
M055man |
V Juggernaught
History: Cain Marko, step brother of Profesor(Sp?) X. When in Vietnam (yes
he is old) discovered the Mythic Crystals of Cyrotakk and was granted
virtually unlimited power with limits as the un-stoppable Juggernaught!
Clix: I am horribly dissapointed that Jugs does not have charge. What did he
do in the comic books? He charged at the X-men. What did he do in the
cartoon? He charged at the X-men. What did he do in the video games? He
charged at the freaking X-men. Ah so sad too bad he would have had potential
for greatness if he had charge. For 146 points you get 10 clicks of life.
Starting attack of 13 (AWESOME!) Defense of 18 (AWESOME!) and damage of 4 (AWESOME!)Sadly
there is no way he is able to properally support himself. Super Strength for
his first five clix, Invulnerability for his first 7 (Toughness for the
rest) and Battle Fury for the same amount of time he has Toughness. Bleh, as
you have heard me say over and over, attacking characters without range or
charge is something you will NEVER see in serious tourney play. It is a real
darn shame too because Juggs stats have greatness written all over them. But
just for kicks here is why he will never work:No range, no charge, no
running shot? Without those powers you will have to move Juggernaught into
position, have him knocked out before he can actually do any damage, and
than moan at the loss of 146 points. Sound familiar? It should. All though
the one difference between Juggy and Hulk (Read my reviews) is that Juggy
will probably survive the flailing, but still be too injured to be a threat
of any kind. In sealed he is great (mega defensive powers) but still slow
(lack of Charge).
Sculpt: Since when has Juggernaught been in ballet? Awful, looks like he
glued his head to his shoulder while doing his version of The Nut Cracker **
See I am funny sometimes.
Constructed: 2/5
Sealed: 3.5/5
Scuplt: 2.2/5
Jesse |
What's up. Today we review the Veteran
Juggernaut. Okay, our gigantical friend costs 146 points, and the price is
right. His starting stats are speed of 8, attack of 13(!), defense of
18(!!), and damage of 4(!!!), with Super Strength, Invulnerability, and
Battle Fury. All this = BEATSTICK. Have him just smash anything in his way
and that's it. But watch yourself, because his stats (except defense) drop
FAST. On his last click of health (10 total, BTW) his speed is.......2. 2
SQUARES?!? HA! My grandma moves faster than that, and she, well.....her
speed is normal, but that's not the point. He has 7 clicks of
Invulnerability, which will make him a lasting impression to your opponent.
Also, Battle Fury will protect you from Jug-Head's attacks on your army, so
don't worry about MCer's (Mind Control). Heres the rundown...
200: 1/5- Don't try it.
300: 3/5- eh, he's okay here.
300+: 5/5- This is where Juggy shines. Try him out. |