Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Blastaar Review
The Fantastic Four have taken many trips to the fun vacation spot of the
universe, the Negative Zone. There they met and fell in love
with…no…wait…strike that, reverse it…they met with the wrath of Blastaar of
Baluur, the bitter arch-rival of Annihulus. (Why they didn’t make Annihulus
and Blastaar arch-enemies I’ll never know, maybe they lacked foresight, Anny
is in IC and Blastaar is in CT). Blastaar and Annihulus both have the same
goal however, total domination of the positive universe (you know ours).
Blastaar is your standard issue Marvel Alien Heavy Hitter. He’s one of the
few big guys who actually get stronger as they get hit with damage, and that
alone makes him dangerous. Throw in Running Shot, Toughness, Super-Strength,
Energy Explosion AND Leadership, and this guy is a no-brainer for your team.
Plus he can fly, and has a range 10 attack, which with that Running Shot is
nasty. His starting stats are by no means puny, at 8 Speed, 8 Attack, 17
Defense and 2 Damage, but by his fifth click of damage (and he gets a total
of 9 clicks) he’s got 10 Speed, 12 Attack, 19 Defense and 4 Damage (with
Toughness and Super-Strength). Drawbacks? No team affiliation, and 138 point
cost. Like I said, he’s a Heavy Hitter, and can be the cornerstone of any
team, if you have enough points to use him.
Blastaar’s Veteran version is a level 4 uncommon, so he’s plentiful enough.
If you can’t pull him out of a pack, a couple of bucks is all he’ll set you
back. The sculpt and paint schemes are reasonable enough, if not noteworthy.
My ratings:
Playability 3.5 out of 5
Collectability 3 of 5. |
Webbing |
Veteran Blastaar is just begging to be used
(and abused) in the right point enviroment. His "Hulking up" bit is much
better used here because his peak click SO huge, it's more than worth the
138 points. His "best click" has a 10 movement, a 12 attack with Super
Strength, a 19 (!!!!) defense with Toughness, and 4 damage!! Yikes! With
just two Con Artists, this guy becomes a nightmare. Use him wisely, cause if
you don't, this explosive package will bomb dive to his
death on you.
200: 1/5 I wouldn't try it, but you can if you want.
300: 2/5 It really depends on what type of support you have for him, get a
Taskmaster if you can.
400+: 4/5 Here, Blastaar will knock the socks off your opponent. Make
400+sure you have good support, or else he'll go down quickly before you can
beef him up. |