Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Psi-Judge Anderson is one of the more popular characters
in the long-running Brit-comic Judge Dredd. Originally serialized in 2000
A.D. Magazine, Judge Dredd has been the stomping grounds of such creators as
Garth Ennis, Mark Millar, and Alan Moore. There are loads and loads of
comics with the Judges, and it was even made into a horrible movie with
Stallonne as Dredd. My personal favorite is the pinball game, with it’s
unbelievable multi-ball (where you can get up to I think 30 balls at
once…it’s nasty).
Anderson is one of the Psi-Judges, and a good one at that. She’s had her own
series at various times as well. Her Heroclix is a reasonable 60 points, and
for that she has one range 6 attack as well as 5 clicks of health. Starting
stats are 7 Speed, 9 Attack, 15 Defense and 2 Damage. She only has three
powers, Psychic Blast, Incapacitate and Perplex. In fact, she is one of only
4 characters to have Perplex in the game (the others are Aphrodite IX,
Rasputin and Judge Fear [only available in European packages]). She’s not a
fantastic piece, but she is decent. Having Perplex for only 60 points is
attractive, but there’s more attractive Perplexers in Marvel and DC.
The sculpt appears top heavy to me, and not in a good way. Her shoulder
armor just looks too bulky. I haven’t seen one live either, but I’d be
willing to bet that the paint ops got sloppy when they were being produced.
Anderson has traded for between $7.50 and $20, but many of them selling for
less than $15. She isn’t a great investment, but a key piece for those 2000
AD Collectors.
My Ratings:
Playability 3 of 5
Collectabilty 3 of 5. |
The Antman |
Judge Anderson - Unique
Well let me start off by
saying that this character has experienced status and is almost as bad as
the Unique Cyclops. Her status is awful because her speed STARTS at 7,
her attack STARTS at 9, her D STARTS at 15, and her dmg starts and stays
at 2; get my drift? also the only good thing about her superpowers is her
perplex and that only lasts for three clicks, and she also has psychic
blast which can be good, but it only does it for 2 to 3 spaces and it only
lasts for 2 clicks, after that is incapacitate for the rest of her short 5
click lives which isn't much good there because 1: she has low attack and
2: she can only make one range attack, and incapacitate only is good if
you have 2 lightning bolts or more... last i wanted to talk about the fact
that she is a Unique and that her only figure is a Unique!!! This is the
first figure that I know of that is a only Unique and stinks!!!
all formats: 1/5 this card
stinks and thats that from the fact that she cost's 60 for what you get to
the fact that her 2000 AD power doesn't do much. NEVER PLAY HER!!
Trade bait: 3/5 the only
reason that this click is tradeable is the fact that she is a Unique which
boosts up her trade value up a whole bunch.
Over all:1/5 she sucks, that
is all that is needed to say
so peace out people thanks for
reading my review
The Antman