Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Judge Dredd Veteran
If you call yourself a comics fan, then you'd better own some Judge Dredd.
I'm not talking about a five year run of the imported 2000 AD magazine
but you'd better have at least bought one of the MANY crossovers that JD has
done...Batman comes to mind.
JD is so recognizable that they made a movie out of him...and that will be
my last reference to that piece of celluloid trash. Let's just look at the
figure eh?
JD is 109 points to start, and any time you go more than 100 points in one
figure, you've got to wonder if it's worth it...I'm here to tell you, he is.
Look at the numbers, 2 range 8 attacks, 7 clicks of health, starting stats
of 10 Speed, 11 Attack, 15 Defense and 2 Damage. Add in powers that include
Running Shot, Incapacitate, Energy Shield, Toughness and Outwit, and you've
got a heckova lawman. This figure is indeed the law.
One quibble, I guess after seeing so many great plastic interpretations of
the Judges over the years (and I'm talking about the action figures and even
die-cast figures that have been out for years) I guess I was looking forward
to seeing better sculpts than these. I was wrong. Oh well. Can't have
everything, but I can try.
JD's vet sells for between $1 and $8, which isn't bad considering his icon
stature..I mean, come on, he is Judge Dredd after all. And there's no
Unique, so for now, this is the best JD figure there is. Snatch him up while
you still can.
My Ratings:
Playability 4 of 5
Collectability 3 of 5.
Next week - more Indy Clix? I dunno, but I sure hope
so. |
Antman |
Yo! We are still reivewin' those nifty Indy
Clix.Today is Judge Dredd
probably the most popular character because he has a (in my opinion, really
bad) movie.
Reviewage: Okay qucik reivew. 109 points is half a team ladies and gents,
but usually high costers are well worth it (J.D. here is). 8 range with two
attacks is pretty decent. 10 speed with running shot is amazing (I LOVE
Running shot), with the potential of 15 squares covered, you can see how he
is pretty good. His attack is 11 max with Incapacitate, which is decent, but
with the 2000A.D. it has the ability to be bumped to 12 against certain
characters or teams. His defense is 15 with E/S/D or toughness, his defense
is pretty weak, but I guess it passes for 'fair'. Damage is 2 with outwit at
the start and end (2 through out the dial). It's decent, since outwit drops
those nasty defenses or other abilities.
The Verdict: Decent for it's cost.
200: 4/5 I feel this is one of the better spots
300: 3.5/5 There are better figs at his cost
300+: 3.5/5 I guess it's okay
Sealed/Draft: 3.5/5 Same idea =/
Sculpt: 3/5 Its just so-so =/
king |
Review: Judge Dredd (V) (#072)
This figure has some strong points and some weakpoints. Let's see if it
sizes up to the 106 point cost.
A lousy veteran for 106 points.On it's first dial 10 for speed, 11 for
attack, 15 for defense, and 2 for damage, which is good. It has the very
awsome Running Shot for the first 2 clicks, which could do some major
damage. Judge Dredd also has the very cool outwit, which could stop a
opponents power, on the 1st click and near death gets it back for 2 clix.
The thing I hate about him is that he cost 106 and only has 7 (yes, seven)
clix of life.
Whats also bad is his attack for a veteran 11,10,9..... not that good eh.
In my opinion: he gets a 2/5 on 200 point teams
3/5 on 300 point teams
-xokxshamanking- |
TheHoneyduke |
I'll confess to not being a fan of Judge
Dredd, but I could be converted by
this Veteran version. Best qualities are the 11 attack (12 with the Team
Ability) and double-target Incapacitate at 8 range. With just two damage,
Dredd would probably be better off using Incap instead of the straight
damage, a role that Green Arrow plays well. Running Shot and Outwit make for
great options. My only reservation is at 109 points, it's a question of
whether you'd want to build your 300-point team around him, as he only does
two damage a shot. Nonetheless, you get your points worth, as he maintains
toughness and the two damage to his last click. I'd try to fill the team
with three or four characters who can pack 3 damage potential. With all the
Indy Clix characters boasting blades, that shouldn't be too hard.
200 points - 3/5
300 points - 3/5
400 points - 4/5 |
John Misczak |
Judge Dredd has one good role in a game: a
mobile cannon. If you can TK it out into the battlefield and keep him on the
run, that 17 defense (and normally some hindering terrain, making it 18)
will stop some of the lower AV characters in Indy. A natural two damage may
not look too hot against a large scale of Invulnerability, Toughness, and
Impervious these days, but with Outwit, you can take out one of those
defensive powers then move and shoot for full damage. Better yet, since he
doesn’t have RCE, you can have a nearby Rasputin sitting in stealth,
providing coverage for Dredd during turns when you clear him (Vet Rasputin
has 10 range attack while Dredd only has 8 – Rasputin can be two squares
back in stealth and still cover) while also giving you a front-line,
willpower perplexer for use for 2 consecutive turns.
If you pull this figure in a marquee or just any old booster, you may want
to consider what you have in your other figures before fielding it. Even
with 10 speed it’ll take a while to get into position, and even then it will
be vulnerable for a turn. Also, be extremely reluctant to push this guy, as
he loses Outwit for 4 clicks after his first one. Combine that with a loss
of energy shield after the first click and you have a figure that is going
to be properly and carefully played to be effective.
Judge Dredd is one of the judges in IndyClix, which are pretty sought after
currently. They’re right up there in terms of wants with Hellboy and the
Johnny Alphas.
200 Point Game: 1/5
300 Point Game: 3/5 – Needs proper support
400+ Point Game: 4/5
Collectability: 4/5
John Misczak