Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

So, here's my introduction to this week's theme. As MANY of you already
know, I'm getting married on October 4 (yes, I realize that you're reading
this on October 7 or 8, but I'm writing this in late September), and so, for
the week while we're on our Love Boat Mexican Riviera Honeymoon Cruise, I
thought it would be nice to look at a few of our married Super-Heroes. First
up, the Amazing Spider-Man!
Peter Parker had many, many girlfriends over the course of his adventures,
including the late Gwen Stacey, Betty Leeds and the villainess Black Cat.
Peter thought he would never fall in love again after the original Green
Goblin killed his girlfriend Gwen Stacey, but he would, and he would fall
hard. Some people say that Mary Jane Watson was meant for Peter Parker, and
they'd be right! Despite several starts and stops, MJ and Peter were finally
hitched in 1987, in Amazing Spider-man Annual #21, an event so popular that
Marvel actually held a live wedding (with actors dressed up as MJ and Spidey).
Marvel also printed the special issue with two covers, unheard of at the
time! MJ and Peter's marriage has had several rocky periods, and they've
even separated for years at a time, but lately they've gotten back together,
and I, approaching my impending nuptials, could be happier.
OK, sure, that's all well and good, but WHAT ABOUT THE FIGURE? Well, we've
looked at several Spider-Men over the months, but this time we're looking at
the first Veteran Spider-Man from Infinity Challenge. He costs a hefty 110
points, and gets 9 health and one range 4 attack. Starting stats of 10
Speed, 12 Attack, 18 Defense and 2 Damage are augmented by Leap/Climb,
Flurry, Incapacitate and Outwit. Basically, he's expensive, and he's not
that great. I probably wouldn't actually use this version, since it's a
really early fig, and the black costume version looks better.
Even though Spider-Man Vet is a level 5 rare, he's from the oldest HC set,
and thus, those who really want him already have him. You shouldn't have to
pay more than a few bucks for Mr. Mary Jane Watson. Oh yeah, did I mention
that Mary Jane is a successful Model/Actress, while Peter is a substitute
teacher? Must have slipped my mind.
My Ratings:
Playability 3 of 5
Collectability 3 of 5 |
Webbing |
Oy vey, people. Most of the stats(except for
the damage and defense) are pretty good, but need to be more consistent.
But, the sheer amount of Incapacitate makes Spider-Man specific for one
thing that shouldn't be so at this level of points: a harasser. There is no
WAY on God's good Terra that I'd use the Veteran version of Spider-Man of
Infinity Challenge unless it was absolutely necessary. Everyone, pray that
Critical Mass will have such a useful version of Spider-Man, he'll be called
cheese. For now, use the exceptionally good Clobberin
Time, and the much more teamy XPlosion. Cross your fingers and hope, people.
That's all we got left.
400+:0/5 |
jetsetneo |
Quick review all o.o! Of course, I'd never
pass up a Spidey!
Linkage, quick:
Review,quick:( out of order...)
Spidey-Team Ability? Check. Good. Excellent even.
Hp? 9, check, decent.
Defense? 18 The perfect Number!
Point cost?110 Yikes!
Attack. 12 w/ Incapacitate! Rock-on
Range:4, 1 attack Yay web-shooters
Speed: 10, Leap/climb, Flurry, At least he gets where he is needed Damage 2,
1 w/ Outwit. Not bad, Not Good o.o
The Verdict: All-around Decent, nothing super, nothing bad. I love Spidey
Chars >_<!
100: N/a duh.
200: Enteresting place 3/5
300: Perfect 4/5
300+: Go wild 5/5
Sealed/Draft: Depends on the strat..and wild card is definately workable,
4/5 (Counts as one of those 'game winning' pieces)
Scuplt: 4/5 Fragile...My current spidey-vet is missing a finger O_O! Now he
looks 'proper' |