Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Raven
Set: Unleashed
Number: 64-67
Rarities: 3-5
Costs: 50, 65, 81
Health: 6, 7, 8
SSADD:8/8/16/1, 8/8/16/2, 8/9/16/2
Powers: Phasing/Teleport, Incapacitate, Regeneration, Probability Control,
Support Exp. Adds Barrier Vet Adds no new powers Ranged Attacks: 1 range 8
(all three)
Team: Teen Titans (all three)
Ahh, Raven…you might be familiar with her, if you’ve
been watching the fantastic Teen Titans animated
series on either the WB or Cartoon Network. Her comic
version is pretty similar to the ‘toon version, though obviously she’s MUCH
older in the comics. She has also died and come back to life too, at least
once, so that’s not a bad thing this close to Easter now is it?
If you read the interview with Jon Leitheusser (linked
to on the front page of the Heroclix section), you
might find that he wasn’t all that happy with the
adaptation on Raven, and I guess I agree with him.
This figure doesn’t really represent Raven all that
well, though it’s an admirable job, that MIGHT see
some play on Titans themed sets. Actually the Support
powers on the EXP and VET version might see some use
as well. None of her starting stats are all that
great, and she doesn’t fly, which is odd, considering
she does in both the comics and the TV show. All in
all, not a great piece. Not a BAD piece by any
stretch, but not a great piece. I would write more,
but there just isn’t a whole lot to write about, this
is a very pedestrian piece, one that doesn’t garner
much kudos. Her sculpt and paint job isn’t even all
that wonderful, though it is consistent with the
character. I guess I was just hoping for more. Meh.
My Ratings (Playability first, then collectability)
Rookie 3,2
Exp 3, 2
Vet 3, 3
Next time – one of my ALL TIME favorite villains, err…heroes…err…I dunno
what he is anymore…strike that, one of my all-time Starman supporting
There that’s what he is.
Shooter |
81 points
Range 8; 1 Targets
6 clix of life
Phasing (6 clix); Incapacitate (5 clix); Barrier (2 clix); Regeneration (2
clix); Probability Control (3 clix); Support (3 clix)
Yeah!!! Back to figures that theoretically can be played in 100 point games!
And what a piece to be looking at today! (it’s an exclamation point day!)
She has a fantastic sculpt may I say. In fact, most of the Unleashed sculpts
are fantastic, with a few notable exceptions (which will be the only ones I
don’t praise for a good sculpt, incase you’re wondering (and yes, we will be
reviewing some of them)).
Raven is the ultimate in support characters. First of all, she’s one of the
two figures in DC who has Probability Control to start with, making her a
pleasant anomaly in that fact. She also starts with a couple of clix of
Barrier with range 8. Barrier, from what I’ve seen, is growing in popularity
for its many uses, both offensively and defensively. I personally have found
many ways to use and abuse this power, and Raven is a great piece to use it
with. Her phasing let’s her get into position easily, as well as escape if
she gets herself into a dangerous position. When she’s not needed to put up
barriers, her Incapacitate at range 8 makes for a nice way to mess with your
opponent’s pieces, as well as provide her with a possible way to damage figs
with defensive powers. Halfway down the dial she picks up Support and, a
click later, Regeneration, which let’s her heal others as well as herself.
Combine that with her Titans team ability, and she her healing power just
becomes crazy.
Her movement only drops from 8 to 7 on click 5, providing her with enough
movement to make a clean getaway if necessary. Her defense of 16 for the
first 3 clix aren’t phenomenal, but aren’t anything close to a bad defense.
Her attack and damage are mediocre, but that’s to be expected.
On Titans teams, she is just an awesome piece. On other teams, her ability
to absorb damage and then heal herself (similar to how people use Wolverine
or Marrow for the X-Men) is lost, but she’s still a great piece for what she
can do.
Oh, and I’d just like to clarify for anyone who may think otherwise…THIS
FIGURE DOES NOT (repeat NOT) FLY!!! Thank you.
100 points: 1.5 out of 5 (Support pieces, even as good as this one is,
shouldn’t be too large of a chunk of your team)
200 points: 2 out of 5 (See above)
300 points: 3.5 out of 5
400+ points: 4.5 out of 5
Next time… Another Unleashed Titan, but this one does fly.