WildWill |
Name: Jesse Quick
Set: Unleashed
Number: 67-69, 215
Rarities: 3-5, LE
Costs: 45, 54, 68, 37
Health: 6, 7, 8, 6
SSADD:11/8/16/1, 11/9/16/1, 12/9/17/1, 12/8/16/1
Powers: Hypersonic Speed, Flurry, Super
Senses, Energy Shield
Exp. & Vet Add No New Powers
LE Has the following powers only: Charge,
Flurry, Super Senses, Combat Reflexes
Ranged Attacks: None
Team: Teen Titans on the EXP. And VET. Only. None on the Rookie/LE
You know what? I just realized that Whoclix
doesn’t have DC Unleashed up yet, so for most of you, you’re probably flying
blind as to who SOME of these characters are. Jesse Quick is one of the DC
Speedsters, and hangs around with Wally West Flash, and the rest of those
characters Both her father (Johnny Quick, one of the original DC
Speedsters), and mother, Liberty Belle, were meta-humans, thus Jesse (who’s
surname is Chambers) is an uber-meta-human! During a crisis where Wally was
turning into energy, he named Jesse his successor, in an effort to shock
Impuse (Bart Allen) into becoming the hero he was meant to be. Did it
work? I dunno, I suppose it did to an extent…but with The Flash, who knows
what’s happening, that comic goes by too darn quick.
(insert drum roll here). In any case,
currently she has lost her powers (according to this website anyway
http://www.hyperborea.org/flash/jesse.html), and is the head of “Quick
Start” Enterprises. Whatever that is.
So Jesse’s Rookie Heroclix is the cheapest
character to have Hypersonic Speed at 45 points. That alone will get her on
some tournament teams, even though she’ll need some TK assistance to truly
be utilized properly. I’m not sure why she’s on a flight base, since as far
as I know, she doesn’t have flight powers, and I don’t see a Wing icon on
any of the online stat databases. I guess I’ll actually have to LOOK at a
figure to determine if the flight status is true or not.
Either way, Jesse is an awesome tournament
figure. Sure, a few of the stats are low, especially the range, but look
what else besides HSS you get. Flurry, Super Senses and Energy Shield.
Basically call her Nightcrawler Junior, and jump up and down with glee when
you pull her from a booster. You’ve got a tournament level clix (whatever
rarity you get), and you should plan on using her on your teams.
Nuff Said.
Now, check out the LE. I don’t know about
you, but when an LE character is less powerful than the regular editions,
I’m pretty upset. Jesse Chambers LE is significantly underpowered, because
basically, you trade out HSS and Energy Shield for Charge and Combat
Reflexes. Whoop-de-doo. Her build cost is significantly lower than even
the rookie (37 points!), but really, it’s that HSS that makes this character
great, and Charge/CR isn’t that much of an improvement, if at all.
Currently, Jesse’s REVs sets are going for
between $3.50 and $12.50 including shipping on Ebay. I don’t see any
listings for the LE yet, so it may not be available on the open market yet.
When it is, I would expect it to be a $20 figure.
My Ratings: (Playability, then
Rook: 4, 3
Exp: 4, 3
Vet: 4, 4
LE 3, NA