WildWill |
Name: Metallo
Set: Unleashed
Number: 85
Rarities: 6 Unique
Cost: 149
Health: 10
SSADD: 8/10/16/3
Powers: Plasticity, Super Strength, Invulnerability, Toughness, Exploit
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 4
Team: Superman Enemy
Metallo was just a common criminal who was critically injured
while committing a crime. His just reward for being a “good” citizen? A
piece of kryptonite that traveled to earth with little Kal-El was implanted
into his chest cavity in place of a heart. How’s that for modern medicine?
Metallo made his first “post-Crisis” appearance in the now immortal
Superman #1 (no, not THAT Superman #1, the John Byrne Superman
#1), where he failed to kill Superman. That would be a running theme for
poor old Metallo, he fails to kill Superman a lot. During the whole
Villains crossover a few years back DC upgraded a bunch of their second,
third, and last tier villains, and Metallo was one of them. He traded his
banged up human body for a robotic one, and now appears in the comics as a
big robot, similar to the old designs of Brainiac before Crisis. According
to our buddies at Whoclix (http://members.aol.com/whoclix/dc2hp.htm)
he can changed his body into any weapon (gee where have I seen that
before…oh yeah, Alpha Flight, and “absorb any mechanical device into
his body”. I guess that accounts for the plasticity on his dial.
149 points is just a bloody
awful lot of points to be spending on this guy, and while I’m sure there’s
some out there who think he’s totally worth it, I don’t. Sure Exploit
Weakness with a 3 Damage is nice, and with the tried and true
Invulnerability/Toughness combo, he’s double hard to KO…but that’s about all
you get. Yes, Super Strength is nice, but is he really worth 149 points? Oh
yeah, I forgot, the Outwit he gets from the TA…well, there’s something. I
just think it’s not enough to justify that amount of build points. Maybe in
a 500 point game.
Pulling this monstrously
sculpted behemoth isn’t a bad thing at all if you’re into expensive Superman
enemies. If not…well…you could get about $15 for him (that’s his average
over the last 90 days) with a high of $22.50 and a low of $9.01 in 110
My Ratings (Playability,
then collectability)
Next time: A rarity these
days, a DC Clix I’ve never heard of before.
Shooter |
149 points
Range 4; 1 Targets
9 clix of life
Superman Enemy
Plasticity (8 clix); Super Strength (7 clix); Invulnerability (2 clix);
Toughness (7 clix); Exploit Weakness (5 clix)
Just like I start every review out: sculpt review. This guy has an AWESOME
sculpt! That awesome warped metal look and the “I’m gonna crush you” attack
stance, just amazing.
Now for the stats. In my opinion, this guy is a very good figure but is
highly underestimated. Fairly average values all around, but they’re fairly
consistent and his powers complement each other nicely. Plasticity to hold
his opponents close and let him get away (probably to get another object to
smash with), and Exploit Weakness with Super Strength to deal 3-5 damage
that can’t be prevented. He’s also got the Superman Enemy TA to let him gain
outwit from an adjacent team member. I personally like teaming him up with R
Braniac 5, that way you get two outwits and a nice taxi for Metallo. His
defense values are pretty average, 16 for 1 click, a couple of 15, then 14
and 13 to finish. On the plus side to this, when he takes a bit of damage,
he can easily be healed. And his long dial lets him stick it out, then
plasticity or a taxi can get him out fast and without hassle to be healed
back to full strength.
Overall, nothing uber spectacular, but a definite sleeper that can be
greatly underestimated by looking at his dial.
100 points: N/A
200 points: 1.5 out of 5 (Too many points, not enough power)
300 points: 3 out of 5 (Support him right and he can ravage your opponent)
400+ points: 3 out of 5 (He gets more support here, but stronger pieces can
put the hurt on him)
Next time… He’s big, he’s mean, and he carries a big gun.