Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
This week I let one of our
intrepid reviewers choose the figures…so if you don’t like them, blame
Godwin. If you do, praise Godwin…
Name: She-Hulk
Set: Clobberin’ Time
Numbers: 82-84
Rarities: 3, 4, 5
Cost: 59, 110, 120
Health: 8, 9, 10
SSADD: 8/9/15/3, 8/10/16/4, 10/11/17/4
Powers: Leap/Climb, Super-Strength, Invulnerability, Toughness, Battle Fury
Exp & Vet add Charge
Ranged Attacks: None
Team: None, Fantastic Four, Avengers
Young Jennifer got a blood transfusion from her kindly older cousin
Bruce…Bruce BANNER that is…oops…yeah, guess who’s skin turned green? Any
guesses? ANYWAY She-Hulk has been a member of the Fantastic Four and the
Avengers over the years, and she’s had her own title at least three times
that I can think of, notably in the 80’s by John Byrne (remember the cover
where she said “Read my book, or I’ll come over and rip up all your X-Men
comics?”) She’s great…and she has a new series out.
And she’s not a bad Heroclix either. Sure, she’s not primary attacker
material, and as a brick she leaves a little to be desired, but she’s
definitely playable, especially the Vet version. Whenever your attack is in
the double digits, you’re doing well, and that 3 or 4 damage looks nasty
when you perplex that up to 7 with RO3. She’ll last awhile with those high
defense stats, and while she doesn’t have the holy trinity of
Invulnerability, Impervious and Toughness, she isn’t doing too badly with
two of the three (if I’m not mistaken Impervious didn’t come out until AFTER
Clobberin’ Time…though I could easily be wrong). Bottom line? You pull
Shulkie EXP or VET, try to get her on a team. You won’t be unhappy.
And now we come to the part I know you’ve all been waiting for…Wildwill’s
Patented Price Guide!
She-Hulk REV Set Completed Auction Review – 8-2-04
# of Single Auctions: 4
High Amount: $ 10.50
Low Amount: $ 3.24
Average Amount $ 7.25
Pricing Commentary: Don’t let the lack of stats fool you, just because there
were only 2 REV sets completed in the last 90 days doesn’t mean a thing.
Clobberin’ Time pieces are getting fewer and farther between these days, and
REV sets even more so. The veteran piece by itself has sold recently for as
high as $5.50, which isn’t spectacular, but it is solid. You can expect this
REV set to gain in value, not a lot, but it will gain.
My Ratings (Playability first, then collectability):
Rookie 2, 2
Exp. 3, 3
Veteran 4,3
Next time: Godwin’s picks continue…
Godwin |
Well I was given the chance to choose the reviews this week.
I thought it might be interesting to review some older figures as well as
tie in one of the Ultimate uniques that I have pulled. So this week we are
going to make it an Avengers theme week and do a couple of Avenger figures
that have not yet been reviewed. Today we take a look at the She-Hulk REV
set from Clobberin Time. I happen to have the complete REV of her so lets
see what she brings to the table. She-Hulk is a lot like the Hulk and yet
nothing like him at the same time. She is always green so she never
requires pushing to get “Hulked up” (Yeah!). She is similar in that she is
a quintessential close combat fighter and uses whatever object she can find
to bash you over your head with, but you will definitely notice she goes
about it in a slightly different way.
The Rookie She-Hulk comes in at a mere 59 points. Her Speed
is adequate starting at 8 although without any powers on her first click she
has to move around the board the old fashion way. She does gain Leap/Climb
for the next 5 clicks, which is nice for being able to break away whenever
you want and freely move around the board. She also gains Battle Fury on
her last 4 clicks, which is unique to her Rookie version. Her Attack of 9
is about average for a figure of 59 points, but it drops steadily so try not
to get her beat up to early in the game. Her Damage of 3 with Super
Strength gives her a solid amount of damage she can do for her point cost.
Her starting Defense of 15 is mundane, but the 2 clicks of Invulnerability
are not. This is a nice power to have on a figure of only 59 points and
means unless someone Outwits Invulnerability she has an advantage over other
figures of her point cost. Overall the Rookie is a solid secondary fighter
for her cost and can squeeze into a lot of games. If she gets knocked
around early though she will be reduced to a bystander.
The Experienced She-Hulk pole vaults up to 110 points and
becomes a member of the Fantastic Four. She is the exact same point cost as
the Experienced Thing and can be swapped in his place if you are playing a
Fantastic Four team. For an additional 51 points She-Hulk really rounds out
into a good figure. She gains two clicks of Charge, which no version of
Hulk has ever had. With a Speed of 8 this gives her a solid, but not great,
distance to be able to run over and attack on the same turn. Her Attack
goes up to 10, which she keeps for 2 clicks. Her dial doesn’t drop nearly as
quickly and she has a good chance to still land hits deeper down her dial.
Her Damage goes up to 4 on her first click, which combined with Super
Strength, always gives you the potential to do some crippling damage. Her
Defense also goes up to 16 for her first 2 clicks. She now has
Invulnerability for 3 clicks and 8 clicks of health. Experienced She-Hulk
just might be a better figure then Experienced Thing for the same point
cost. Even though her Defense is lower her higher Attack really can come in
handy and Leap/Climb allows her to easily get out of fights that aren’t
going her way while Thing would have to roll to break-away.
The Veteran She-Hulk only goes up to 120 points. She now
becomes a member of the Avengers and her combinations of powers are quite
lethal for the point cost. Charge now is heightened with a starting Speed
of 10. Her Attack goes up to 11 for 2 clicks and doesn’t drop below a 9
until her 7th click. Her Damage of 4 is carried over for a 2nd
click. Her starting Defense goes up to 17 with 4 clicks of Invulnerability
and Toughness the rest of her dial. Overall, in my opinion, Veteran
She-Hulk has all the quintessential tools for a very potent close combat
heavy hitter. Her combination of Charge and Leap/Climb give her an
excellent opportunity to choose when and where to fight. Her solid Attack
helps ensure she will land her hits. Her Invulnerability is not overshadowed
by a weak Defense like a lot of big figures so even if you Outwit
Invulnerability it’s still not a given that you will hit her. For 120
points she can go toe to toe with some of the more expensive figures in the
game. Every time I’ve played her she has done well. Combined with a Medic
she can last darn near forever. For 120 points she is cheap enough to
easily build around in a 300-point game.
All three figures fill a nice little niche. The Rookie can
be a solid support piece, while the Experienced is best played as a 5th
member to the Fantastic Four in larger games. Unless I’m playing Fantastic
Four figures I always try to make room for the Veteran since her stats are
nicely rounded out for only 10 more points and you can use the Avenger team
ability without needing other Avengers on the team. Also a lot of people
like the Veteran Thing, and I happen to be one of them, however, if you
compare him next to Veteran She-Hulk you’ll be surprised to see that she
seems to be his better or equal in every category and yet is 14 points
less. Very intriguing!
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below
average, 6 = slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Rookie She-Hulk – 6.87
Experienced She-Hulk – 7.33
Veteran She-Hulk – 7.56