Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Vindicator
Set: Ultimates
Number: 88
Rarities: 6 - Unique
Cost: 104
Health: 9
SSADD: 10/9/16/3
Powers: Running Shot, Energy
Explosion, Invulnerability, Toughness, Energy Shield/Deflection, Leadership
Ranged Attacks: 2 Range 8
Team: Avengers
Heather Hudson’s husband
James was the instrumental leader of Alpha Flight when they first battled
the X-Men WAAAAY back in the early issues of Claremont’s run. He and
Heather also found the just laced with adamantium Logan in the Canadian
wilderness and were able to bring him back to reality, and bring him into
the Alpha Flight fold. James was the first Vindicator, the outfit he wore
being a super-soldier type battle suit, and after he became “Guardian” in
Alpha Flight #1, he led the group for a whopping 12 issues. Yup, Guardian
bit the big one in Alpha Flight #12 (with the memorable John Byrne sniper
scope cover). Heather would later take over the mantle of Vindicator
wearing a variation of the suit, and would lead the team for MUCH MUCH
longer than her hubby ever did.
Yeah, I’m a little partial to
Alpha Flight, it was the first ongoing book I ever collected from Issue #1,
and I still have almost an entire run of the first volume. (and yes, I
wrote this introduction from memory without WHOCLIX). After FIVE freakin’
sets, we finally get our first Alpha Flight team member, and I hope we get
some more too…I can see the entire original team coming, Shaman, Marinna,
Snowbird, Aurora, Northstar, Sasquatch, and even little Puck, and hey, a
transforming Box wouldn’t suck either.
Unfortunately Vindicator
isn’t all that great of a piece. She’s overpriced, and that attack value
STINKS. Running Shot with a 3 damage isn’t bad, but that attack is going to
have to be perplexed up in order for her to hit. She’s basically a pricey
secondary attacker, and unless you like that sort of thing, she’ll either be
trade bait or display material. Too bad too, because with 2 range 8
attacks, she COULD conceivably do some damage, but not with that low
attack. Did I mention the low attack?
And now we come to the part I
know you’ve all been waiting for…Wildwill’s Patented Price Guide!
Vindicator Completed
Auction Review – 8-4-04
# of Single Auctions: 70
High Amount: $20.50
Low Amount: $ 5.99
Average Amount $ 10.80
# Auctions Above Avg.: 29
# Auctions Below Avg.: 41
# Auctions with no bids: 13
Price range of no bid
Auctions: $8.99-$20
Pricing Commentary:
A VERY middle of the road Unique, price wise. Again, when the average price
of the Unique is less than the cost of two boosters, I say buy the boosters
instead, because with 2 boosters, you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting a
Unique. I don’t see much of a future for old Heather, and that’s sad. But
since she doesn’t appear in any books currently (though I would imagine
she’ll be showing up in the new Alpha Flight book, if it doesn’t get
cancelled) her prices are in the “Who the heck is that, and why do they have
a Unique?” category.
My Ratings
Playability - 2
Collectability - 3
Next time: Godwin’s
picks conclude…who will be picking next week? I know, but I ain’t
Monger |
Vindicator Unique
Marvel Ultimates #088
If you keep up to date with HeroClix and you visit the
Wizkids website often, you’ll know that the set due in November will include
the new “Alpha Flight” team and team ability. What I cannot figure out is
why Wizkids printed this figure (who is part of Alpha Flight) in Ultimates,
when all of her companions will be found in the next set. Couldn’t they of
waited a few more months? Hopefully Wizkids will release a different
version of this figure in a REV set, but is she popular enough to deserve
it? Back to the current time and the click we need to look at.
Vindicator’s dial does not match her point value. I was expecting a decent
piece and strong stats when I first heard about this figure, but I was
greatly disappointed, here is why…
Speed / Range: Well, the 10 speed, 8 range and running shot
is a great combination. It’s just a shame we are only given two clicks of
this and then nothing afterwards. The figures speed and range are average
at best. Nothing really special or disappointing here, other then a dull
Attack: Ok, this is the area I really have a problem with.
For 102 points, I would want nothing less then a 10 attack value. That
should be a given for figures over 100 pts. The six straight clicks of
energy explosion are nice, but they in no way make up for her lack of high
attack values. This figures Attack is well below what I expected and I
would not consider this piece playable simply because of this stat alone.
Defense: Vindicators defense offers a nice array of
abilities. She gives us four straight clicks of damage reducing abilities
with invulnerability and toughness. After these, she picks up energy
deflection on top of a decent 14 defense. It’s still a little low for my
liking and it’s extremely low for a 102 pt figure.
Damage: The base 3 damage works well with this figures
running shot. There’s nothing I hate more then a figure with running shot
and ranged combat expert on the same click. It almost forces the player to
stand still every time they make an attack because the damage being 2 clicks
higher. The damage values stay pretty high and I feel they fit this figure
nicely. The two clicks of leadership was a little odd, as none of her team
members (Alpha Flight) have been offered to us yet.
Overall: I expected a lot more out of this figure in the
forms of attack value and defensive numbers. I couldn’t see myself playing
this figure in any constructed tournaments, but she could find a place in
some draft or sealed teams. I have honestly seen better figures for almost
1/3 of her point cost. I do not consider this figure a threat and would not
suggest anyone give her a try on their regular teams.

For a somewhat large amount of build points(104) what you get
with Vindicator is a flying, free moving character with 2 ranged targets,
whose main purpose is to move and attack a bunch of grouped up enemies using
Running Shot with Energy Explosion, while defending herself with
Invulnerability or toughness and providing a possible extra action by using
Ideal combo:
Roll for leader ship so Shield
Medic can use TA to increase her damage.
Use Running shot, while taxing vet
Psylocke. After 5 movement, Target two weak [16 def or lower] enemy figures
who are adjacent to eachother or other figures.
Use Energy Explosion, whith
Psylocke’s Enhancement and Shield Medic’s TA.
Protect self with invulnerability
and prevent being based with Psylocke’s B/C/F.
Result: If vindicator successfully attacked 2 adjacent
figures, she would deal 3 damage to “Enemy A” and 3 splash damage to “Enemy
B” and also deal 3 damage to “Enemy B” and 3 splash damage to “Enemy A”
which would be 12 damage total not including splash damage to other clix
adjacent to Enemy A and/or B.
Running Shot--- + Manuverability
8 range
Energy Explosion
Invulnerability----Reduces damage
Avenger’s TA----Free movement
Leadership—possible extra action
2 ranged attacks
3 damage---goes through toughness
and invulnerability
8 clicks of health
Canadian jumpsuit
9 attack—hard to hit 17 def or over
16 def--- easily hit
Only fist 2 clicks are worthwhile
Over 100 build points
Rating in a scale of 1-5
[in bold]
Not worth using
Good luck
Final Verdict: Even with
potentially devastating powers Vindicator is not worth using because of her
low attack and defense combined with a shallow dial and high point cost.
Godwin |
Our review of Avenger team figures continues this week with
Unique Vindicator from the Ultimate expansion set. She was the first Unique
I pulled from the Ultimate set. Truthfully I knew nothing about her from the
comics. I thought her costume was cool because it reminded me of the
Canadian flag with the red looking a little like the maple leaf. Low and
behold my friend tells me she is a member of the Alpha Flight, a Canadian
super hero team. (I didn’t know there were bad guys in Canada. I thought it
was too cold. Sorry I can’t help it. I love Canada, but I love to pick on
her even more). Anyway she was the wife of the leader of Alpha Flight. When
he got killed in battle she took one of his suits and became the Vindicator
and worked for a while alongside the Avengers, hence the team ability on the
So before I start rambling on further and forget what I came
here to do lets review her figure. She comes in at 104 points. I kinda
laughed when I pulled her because I have quite a collection of Avengers with
Running Shot. Iron Man, Thor, Warbird, Hawkeye, and now Vindicator. She is
similar to Warbird in that they both have flight and start with Running Shot
with a Speed of 10. She keeps Running Shot for 2 clicks at a Speed of 10,
before she loses it. She does keep a relatively nice Speed since it doesn’t
drop below 8, but after the first few moves of a game Speed doesn’t seem to
be that crucial. She also has a couple of clicks of Leadership so put it to
good use even though Avengers already get free moves.
Her attacks are mainly going to come from Running Shot. She
has an additional ranged attack and if I read the rules right this means she
can target two different targets and still use Running Shot. This is can be
extremely helpful in making sure your hits land if you can find at least one
defender nearby with a low defense. This is a good ability to have because
Vindicator does not shine with her Attack stats. Her first 2 clicks have an
Attack of 9, and it drops from there. This isn’t going to make it easy to
go after targets with high defenses so make use of those 2 ranged attacks to
cover your butt. She does have Energy Explosion so if your opponent is
bunching people together it might be worth it to go after those groups.
She becomes more respectable again when you look at her damage. She keeps
her starting Damage of 3 for 3 clicks and the rest of her dial she never
drops below 2. Unlike Warbird she doesn’t have to choose between Ranged
Combat Expert and Running Shot. She gets to use the full 3 Damage with
Running Shot.
From a survivability view she starts with a click of
Invulnerability and a Defense of 16. This is not bad, but it isn’t
supported on the rest of her dial. She drops to a Defense of 15 for 3 clicks
and loses Invulnerability for Toughness. After 3 clicks of Toughness she
gains Energy Shield Deflection for the remainder of her dial, but this isn’t
going to help much with her low Defense. She has 8 clicks of health, which
isn’t bad, but not spectacular either.
Overall her first dial is pretty good and the longer you can
keep her on her first click moving around with Running Shot the more
effective she will be. I wouldn’t suggest pushing her off her first click,
and never, never push her off her second unless you bet on your opponent and
plan on throwing the game. After that she becomes a rather mundane figure
and you will never get your 104 points out of her. I like this figure, but
don’t love her. She is fun to use in Friendlies, but I don’t see her as
tournament worthy. Compared to Warbird she can do more damage with her
Running Shot which is her main avenue of attack, but Warbird has better
options to do damage after she loses Running Shot with her RCE and Super
Next we will review another Unique Avenger. I picked her
because a lot of the Avengers have already been reviewed and she has not. So
if you don’t like her then to bad. I’m in control this week.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below
average, 6 = slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Unique Vindicator – 6.97