Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Cyclops
Set: Ultimates
Number: 61-63
Rarities: 3-5
Cost: 43, 55, 69
Health: 6, 7, 7
SSADD: 6/9/15/3, 6/10/15/4, 8/10/15/4
Powers: Running Shot, Energy Explosion, RCE
Exp and Vet add Force Blast
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 6, 1 Range 6, 2 Range 8
Team: Ultimate X-men, Brotherhood, Ultimate X-men
Another Uitimate character. Oh boy. But for some reason, you all wanted us
to review him, well, here you go.
Again, I don’t know squat about the Ultimate universe, and don’t really want
to start learning. I’ve read a few issues of Ultimate Spidey, and I’m not
impressed. I guess I’m just old-fashioned that way.
So did we really need another Cyclops? Probably not, but since his only
other versions are from WAY back in the IC days, I guess WK wanted to make
all their fans happy, so instead of a different character that the fans have
been clamoring for (though I can’t think of one off the top of my head…oh
wait, Namor would be nice) we get another dupe. Joy.
And I’m not impressed. The only version here that I see as playable is the
Veteran, and at 69 points, he’s over-priced. The 10 attack with two range 8
targets is nice, especially with RCE, but that’s about ALL you get…unless
you count Energy Explosion and Force Blast as great powers, and I don’t. The
first click of health is where Cyke is the most powerful, since he’s got
that 10 attack and Running Shot, but after that, it’s either blast a whole
bunch of clix for 1 each (I guess you can RO3 that up to 4) or one clix for
2+2. Whoopee. Like we can’t do that we a bunch of other clix.
And now we come to the part I know you’ve all been waiting for…Wildwill’s
Patented Price Guide!
Cyclops Completed Auction Review – 8-16-04
# of Full Set Auctions: 26
High Amount: $6.19
Low Amount: $0.99
Average Amount $2.65
# Auctions Above Avg.: 11
# Auctions Below Avg.: 15
# Auctions with no bids: 6
Price range of no bid Auctions: $3 – $3.75
Pricing Commentary: Seems about right for an REV that includes a Rare, if a
little low. Perhaps that’s because we ALREADY HAVE a Cyclops REV set. Again,
My Ratings
Playability first then Collectability
Rookie – 2,2
Exp. – 2,3
Vet. – 3,3
Next time: There’s a theme this week, but it’s kind of lame. I chose one
character from each universe that we haven’t done a review of. Next time,
it’s Indy Clix turn. I know, you’re anxiously waiting to see who it is…I’ll
give you a hint, it’s a female and she wears…red.

Run down:
Ultimate Cyclops is a relatively low cost, ranged attacker with Running Shot
and Energy Explosion during its prime offensive clix and has a hefty 4
unmodified damage to go along with his Running Shot clix. Unfortunately he
loses these clix rather quickly and gains Force blast and Ranged Combat
Expert. Depending on what version, Cyclops can have free movement through
the Brotherhood Team ability [exp only] or +1 attack against a certain
opposing figure or Team [superman ally, bat enemy, ect ect] in his rookie
and veteran versions. In his veteran version he is at his prime with 8 range
and 2 targets but still has a glass jaw combined with an extremely shallow
dial. [6]
Ideal Combo:
Cyclops is adjacent to Marvel Girl, Jean Grey or any figure with Telekinesis
while at the same time 5 spaces away from 3 Rookie conartist with line of
sight to Cyclops and adjacent to a Veteran Blizzard. Also Veteran Pyro is 8
spaces ahead from the rest of a team, hiding in a bush with 18 defenses
against ranged attacks.
Blizzard uses Pulse wave and in turn hurts the 3-rookie conartsit who then
have Perplex. The conartist pump up Cyclops’s damage to 7. Cyclops uses his
Ultimate x-Men team ability and targets the Ultimate team gaining 11 attacks
against them. Jean grey then uses telekinesis to move Cyclops 10 spaces
towards the enemy, once he lands, he uses running shot and targets 1 of 2
Veteran Ultimate Hawkeye’s his opposing team has. He successfully rolls a 5
and KO’s Hawkeye. Pyro Surrounds Cyclops with Barrier to keep him safe
during his opponent’s turn. Then the next turn, repeat against Hawkeye #2
but without Blizzard’s pulse wave or Jean’s Telekinesis. [note: this combo
is extreamly costly and is only provided as an example on how to use said
figure’s potential]
Solid attack
Great range
Good movement [Running shot]
Great Attack
Shallow dial
Useful only in first 2 clicks
Still has a stupid pose
Low defense
Rating in a scale of 1-5 [in bold]
1.) Broken
2.) Playable
3.) Okay
4.) Not worth using
5.) Good luck champ
Final Verdict: Cyclops seems like a playable figure but his low defense,
shallow dial and glass jaw combination makes him unworthy of serious tourney
play, although he is a beast during a draft.
Godwin |
Ah Cyclops. The superhero that nobody really ever liked.
He’s like the kid in school who you always wanted to smack around because he
always wanted to be the leader on the kick ball team. He was somewhat of a
weenie in the original X-Men and it’s no different in the Ultimate universe.
Still he is the ultimate team guy (no pun intended) and if I wanted someone
to have my back it would be him. So what about his newest heroclix version?
The Rookie Cyclops is a member of the Ultimate X-Men team. No surprise
there. His Rookie version comes in at 43 points, which is about 12 points
lower then his original X-Men variation. He is very similar in that he
relies on ranged shots with Running Shot or Ranged Combat Expert to do his
damage. The difference is I always used Running Shot on the original to move
him up to sit and use his RCE. With the new version Running Shot becomes his
primary weapon. On the Rookie his Running Shot is only on his first click.
His pedestrian Speed of 6 is only going to allow you to move 3 squares
before firing. Combine this with a Range of 6 and his effective Range of 9
is not that great. What rounds out the Rookie is that his Attack of 9 is
good for a 43 point figure and with the Ultimate X-Men team ability that can
go up to 10 against a single opponent, or team. What also is nice is his
natural 3 Damage means he can do 3 clicks of Damage with Running Shot. He
doesn’t have to choose between that or using RCE. Overall though the Rookie
has some weaknesses that limit his playability. His Defense is average, and
with his Attack dropping to 7 and losing Running Shot on his 2nd click his
usefulness plummets after his first click.
The Experienced version of Cyclops gets bumped up to 55 points (identical to
the IC / Universe Rookie Cyclops). He becomes a member of the Brotherhood
representing when he was pretending to be a member of the Brotherhood to spy
on Magneto. From the Rookie version to the Experienced version his Range
doesn’t change, and his starting Speed doesn’t change so he can’t stretch
his shots over any further distance. His attack goes up to 10, but he
doesn’t have the Ultimate X-Men team ability. Oh and his Defense is still
mundane at 15 with no modifiers to it. So why do I like this guy? Because he
has a Damage of 4 and I don’t mean with RCE included. He can do 4 damage
with Running Shot and that is just deadly. I used him in my Ultimate marquee
and he did about half of the overall damage done by my team. With an Attack
of 10 he will miss a shot or two, but he will also land a lot. Only Thor,
that I’m aware of, can do 4 clicks of damage with Running Shot. Push him
only if you need to because even though he has Running Shot on his second
click he gains RCE and his natural Damage drops to 2.
The Veteran version simply takes what the Experienced does well and
heightens it with his 69-point cost. Keep the same Attack of 10, but add
back the Ultimate X-Men and now he can target an opponent or team with an
Attack of 11. His Damage stays at 4, but now its like that for 2 clicks so
if necessary pushing him might be a good strategic move. His Speed on his
first click now goes up to 8 so you can an extra square of movement. Oh and
his Range goes to 8 with 2 Ranged Attacks if needed for flexibility. So his
effective Range for Running Shot is now 12. That is nice, very nice! His
Defense is still suspect, but try to keep him away from close combat.
Overall I have the Experienced and he almost single handily one me my Frank
Castle LE. His Range is a little shorter then I like, but I will never, ever
complain about Running Shot with a Damage of 4. On a 55 point character
nonetheless. I don’t have the Rookie, but I feel that he isn’t quite well
rounded enough to be worth his 43 points. The Veteran is a very, very nice
piece for his point cost. I happen to be a big fan of Running Shot and like
figures who can use it with high damage values. He is just insane and should
always do enough damage to warrant his 69-point cost. I don’t have him, but
would love to get ahold of him. If you play smart and know how to use him
and keep him out of close combat he should be a monster on your team.
Cyclops is one weenie who can play on my team anytime!
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Rookie Cyclops – 5.97
Experienced Cyclops – 6.93
Veteran Cyclops – 7.50