Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Shi
Set: Indyclix
Number: 89
Rarities: 6 - Unique
Cost: 61
Health: 7
Powers: BCF, Toughness
Ranged Attacks: None
Team: Crusade
I know Billy Tucci will hate me for saying this, but Shi was one of the BEST
of the “Bad Girls” that came out of the early 90’s. (I know this, because he
told me so at Wizard World). Well drawn, and decently written, Shi has
survived where a lot of others haven’t, and Billy, the creator, is a really,
REALLY nice guy. He’s even branched out into movie directing.
The one thing he told me (and I know, I’ve repeated this a lot), is that
when WK came to him to license the character as a clix, all he said was
“don’t make her suck”. Well, she doesn’t. CHEAP BCF is what you get here.
Not primary attacker, but a NASTY secondary attacker, with that 11 attack
and 16 defense. Sure, you MIGHT forgo the 3 damage for BCF, and I know I’d
be tempted to…but come on, you can perplex that 3 up to 6, and make SURE you
do that…She’s a cuisinart on wheels, what more do you need?
Shi Completed Auction Review – 8-16-04
# of Full Set Auctions: 5
High Amount: $8.01
Low Amount: $4.25
Average Amount $6.85
# Auctions Above Avg: 4
# Auctions Below Avg.: 1
# Auctions with no bids: 6
Price range of no bid Auctions: $6 – $12.99
Pricing Commentary: Wow, times HAVE changed in the almost YEAR since
IndyClix was released (Heh, I still remember my first Starter, my fiancée
bought it for me the day before we got married!). Unfortunately for Shi,
that means a BIG drop in price. It also may have something to do with the
fact that there’s an REV set too, but I forgot that, and we’re not reviewing
that today. Pricing on Indyclix figures may also have something to do with
the FLOOD of unopened boosters and starters still on the market and marked
down at several stores, including Gamekeepers and WOTC stores that went out
of business. Too bad too…but at least you can get a fully playable figure
for cheap!
My Ratings
Playability - 4
Collectability - 2
Next time – We end the week with a DC Character who’s been both Hero and
Villain, and she ain’t too shabby at either.
Monger |
Shi Unique
Indy Clix #089
I’ll be honest with everyone; I do not like this figure. The veteran version
of Shi is one of the best HeroClix ever printed, yet the unique is one of
the worst. When it comes to Indy Clix, if you do not have stealth, you are
not a playable figure. All of the teams that were playing in the last
regional I attended where based on TK, stealth, Blades/Claws and lots of
range. If you left a figure out in the open, they were ripped apart within a
matter of seconds. This figure, having no form of range or stealth, is
nothing more then a HUGE target and in my opinion, a waste of 61 points.
Speed / Range: No abilities, no range – nothing. This figure will not be
playable in any Indy Clix tournaments simply because of this. The actual
speed is nice, but you’ll need a high speed when your running back to the
medic. And, unless you’re playing in an open tournament or you place the
overpriced Samandahl Rey on your team, there is no medic to run to.
Attack: This figure has a great attack dial. The stats are high she has
blades/claws/fangs on every click. It’s just a shame she’ll never be able to
use any of these great attack values, as she’ll be taking a lot of damage
throughout the game until she is KO’ed.
Defense: The defense is decent. Every click has toughness and the actual
defensive numbers are adequate. However, without any stealth, and the high
attack values most of the Indy Clix figure were given, this figure will
still take loads of damage. You will not find her in the heavy battles as
she cannot protect herself.
Damage: The damage is high for a 61 pt figure. She has two clicks with a
base three damage, two clicks with a base two damage and a base one damage
on her last two clicks. With all of her blades/claws/fangs attacks, she’ll
never end up using the base damage values. Most of the time, these stats are
Overall: This figure is nowhere near playable. The veteran version of Shi is
1000x times stronger and 1000x better – for a cheaper point cost. I see
absolutely NO reason to ever consider this piece for any form of HeroClix
play, even casual.

Run Down:
Shi is a low cost, can cause a massive 3 damage from 8 spaces away rather
easily but cannot be attacked herself by ordinary means ranged attacks
because of her Stealth ability. Although she is primarily a ranged attacker
Shi is also dangerous up close in her own right because of her Blades/C/F
ability but has a weak defense behind her stealth and has a shallow dial
Ideal Combo:
Attack from a distance while keeping Shi safe from ranged attacks using
stealth, thus forcing your opponent to base you with a close combat, use
super senses to avoid. Then attack opposing character using B/C/F. Re-roll
attack dice roll by using probability control from a friendly Destiny
figure. Roll two 3s then roll for B/C/F lets just say you got 6. That would
deal 9 damage because of the Crusades Team ability. [Note: this combo is
extremely unlikely and is only provided as an example on how to use said
figure’s potential]
Great attack
Great range
Solid damage
Protection from close combat
Cheep point cost
Shallow dial
Useful only in first 3 clicks
Low defense
Team ability is hard to use
Rating in a scale of 1-5 [in bold]
1.) Broken
2.) Playable
3.) Okay
4.) Not worth using
5.) Good luck champ
Final Verdict: Shi is one of the best Indy clix to date, Cheep and somewhat
versatile Shi is a great addition to many teams. Just think of her as a more
powerful psylocke but without Enhancement and a lower defense.