Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Judge Fire
Set: Indyclix
Number: 112-114
Rarities: 2-4
Cost: 60, 72, 84
Health: 6, 7, 7
SSADD: 8/8/14/3, 8/8/14/3,
Powers: Running Shot, Energy
Explosion, Invulnerability, Toughness
Exp and Vet add no new
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 6, 2
Range 6, 2 Range 6
Team: 2000AD (All versions)
Judge Fire is one of the
Dark Judges that constantly get beat up by Judge Dredd over in the 2000AD
Universe, which is soon to be hitting your comic book store in a much bigger
way, by being distributed by DC Comics. He’s a living flame, what more do
you need to know?
Well, for starters, why this
figure is so freaking pretty to look at, but horrible to play. Actually
that’s going to be a running theme this week, as these three figures are all
sculpted very well, but have little to no actual playing value, which is
unfortunate being that they were European Exclusives.
Their biggest problem is
that their point costs are FAR too high for what you get, and while Running
Shot and Energy Explosion are nice, they don’t actually do a heck of a lot
for you at that price. Those attack values are FAR too low for the point
total, and a lack of meaningful powers won’t put any of his versions on very
many teams.
And now we come to the part
I know you’ve all been waiting for…Wildwill’s Patented Price Guide!
Pricing Commentary:
Unfortunately there just aren’t enough Ebay auctions for these guys to do a
full Price Guide. As I said, they’re European Exclusives, which means that
during the initial release of Indyclix in October of last year, you had to
live in freakin’ EUROPE to get these guys (but then you couldn’t get some of
the American only figures either). One REV set of this guy sold for ₤7.50
(which is roughly $13.50) and the Veteran sold by it self for ₤2.19 (roughly
$4.00). One REV set didn’t sell for $20. I think the long-term
collectability of this guy is questionable, because even though he’s REALLY
freakin’ hard to get, not that many people want him.
My Ratings
Playability first then
Rookie – 2,3
Exp. – 2,3
Vet. – 2,3
Next time: More Dark
Judges…aren’t you afraid yet? I know I am.
Monger |
Judge Fire REV
Indy HeroClix #112, 113, 114
Honestly, I’ve never heard of this figure until now. When I first saw his
sculpt, I was impressed with the design. His appearance gave me a sense of
power and possible explosive offense, but looks can definitely be deceiving.
The Rookie:
Speed / Range: A 60 point figure with running shot and six range is decent.
He can work his way around the board without much problem. This is about
what I expected and makes me anxious to see the rest of the dial.
Attack: Well… Did I say I was anxious? That’s ended at this point. The
attack values of this figure are very low and drop extremely fast. The only
thing this figure has going for him in this area is the entire dial of
energy explosion. Even then, he still requires successful attack rolls,
which will be serious problem for this figure.
Defense: Invulnerability is a great ability, but its not as impressive when
it its placed on a 14 defensive number. This figure may be able to reduce a
lot of damage in the first three clicks, but a single outwitter on the
opposing team can spell a quick KO for this little guy. This area is almost
as disappointing as the attack, but not quite.
Damage: Possibly the best stat on the figure. His base three damage is nice
and enables him to deal damage to anyone (as long as they don’t succeed on
any special ability rolls). I see this figure as having normal damage
dealing capabilities but there is nothing special.
Overall: The low attack values and low defense values of this figure ruin it
altogether. I do not suggest picking up this figure unless you are a
collector. There are FAR better pieces when it comes to playability.
The Experienced:
Speed / Range: Exactly like the rookie version, only this one has one extra
click of running shot.
Attack: For 72 points, I would expect nothing less then a 9 or 10 attack
value. His 8 attack is horrendous and ruins the piece as a whole. I would
not suggest to anyone that they use this piece simply because of this area
Defense: This one has an additional click of toughness, but once again, the
actual base values are so low they are almost a joke. Just like the rookie
version, a single outwitter on the opposing team can ruin this figures day.
Damage: Still the best area of the dial. Two straight clicks of a base three
damage cannot be complained about or nit-picked. I just wish the other areas
of this clicks arsenal were as strong as his damage.
Overall: Once again, I do not suggest that any gamers pick this piece up. A
collector might find him interesting but he is definitely not playable by
any means.
The Veteran:
Speed / Range: This version has an exceptional speed and range combination.
He can strike opposing figures from a moderate range and his two clicks of
running shot can be helpful with indoor play.
Attack: The attack values are still a little low for my liking. The 2000AD
team ability helps a little, but only against a certain opposing figure, not
against the entire team. Just like the rookie and the experienced versions,
his entire dial is packed full of energy explosion, but his low attack value
will give you a headache.
Defense: The stats were raised slightly on this version and they even
included a few more clicks of toughness. This version is not as susceptible
to an outwitter as the experienced or rookie, but you still want to keep him
away from them whenever possible.
Damage: Exactly the same as the experienced version only he was given one
extra click of a base two damage.
Overall: By far the strongest figure of the three, yet I still consider him
overpriced and unplayable in tournaments. There are FAR better pieces for
this price and I would definitely reach for a different figure when building
a team.
Godwin |
Today we review one of the figures found only in the
European Indy Set. They would have to pick this week to review Euro only
figures since I am suppose to be in the Netherlands as we speak where I
could be picking up some European Indy Boosters. But no, I had to turn down
a free business trip to Europe because out of the past 3 months they had to
pick the one week that I couldn’t go. I curse them all. Curse them!
Sorry. I am trying not to rant. Today we look at Judge Fire a member of the
2000AD. The Rookie Judge Fire comes in at 60 points. He is basically a
Running Shot figure much like Cyclops, or Dead Shot. His starting Speed of 8
gives him a decent move distance, but with a Range of 6 he can only reach 10
with Running Shot. Even though some figures have a range of 10 without
needing Running Shot this power still gives you flexibility to move and then
fire positioning your figure as you go. His Starting Attack is only an 8,
which means he is going to be hard pressed to hit anyone with a higher then
mundane Defense of 15. The 2000AD will help, but only against a specific
figure or team. Other than that your stuck with that 8 unless you Perplex.
If you can hit though his Damage of 3 will come in handy. You don’t have
choose between Running Shot and Ranged Combat Expert since he doesn’t have
RCE. So you can do his full damage on the run. To round out Rookie Judge
Fear he has Invulnerability on his first click followed by 2 clicks of
Toughness. To bad starting Defense of 14 is pretty weak. This makes him very
vulnerable to Outwitters and even figures with low Attacks.
The Experienced Judge Fire goes up 12 points to 72. Here is the simplest way
to explain the Experienced Judge Fire. Take the exact same first click on
the Rookie and now give it to the Experienced for his first 2 clicks. The
only difference is he still only keeps Invulnerability for 1 click.
Basically you get the same figure, but you can push him once and still keep
your same offensive capabilities even though you sacrifice Invulnerability
for Toughness. Otherwise he is almost an identical figure as the Rookie.
The Veteran Judge Fire goes up another 12 points to 84 and we see some
improvements to this figure. Starting Speed goes to 10, Attack to 9, and
Defense to 15. Damage stays at 3. The second click is almost identical to
the second click on the Experienced except the Defense is 15 instead of 14,
but he still doesn’t get an extra click of Invulnerability. The only other
major difference is he gets two Ranged attacks instead of 1. This may not
seem like a major deal, but with the new rules on multiple ranged attacks it
can make a big difference. If you can target two figures in his range then
you can attack both and assign the damage after your roll. So if you aim for
a figure with a high defense and miss hopefully you can target a figure with
a low defense and not waste your shot.
Overall Judge Fire is a pretty so-so figure in my book. I would love to have
at least one simply because his sculpt is pretty cool, and he is only
available in Europe (or Ebay). His playability though is not anything great.
I actually think the Experienced is the worst of all of them. You basically
don’t get anything for an extra 12 points. The Veteran looks like he could
be useful, but 84 points is a little much to digest for since his Defense
means he won’t be around long. Also use the 2000AD ability carefully. It’s
not like the Ultimate X-Men. Once you select a target figure or team then
all of your 2000AD team members get +1 only against that target. You don’t
get to choose separately for each figure like the Ultimate X-Men.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Rookie Judge Fire – 6.26
Experienced Judge Fire – 6.21
Veteran Judge Fire – 6.55