Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Judge Mortis
Set: Indyclix
Number: 115-117
Rarities: 2-4
Cost: 60, 75, 88
Health: 5, 6, 7
SSADD: 6/8/13/1, 6/8/13/1, 6/8/13/1
Powers: BCF, Impervious, Invulnerability, CCE
Exp and Vet add toughness
Ranged Attacks: None
Team: 2000AD (All versions)
Judge Mortis is another one of the Dark Judges that constantly get beat up
by Judge Dredd over in the 2000AD Universe, which again, will be hitting
your comic book store in a much bigger way, by being distributed by DC
Comics. Mortis’ very gaze can kill you, so I guess he’s a human Basilisk or
Male Medusa.
Again, another BEAUTIFULLY sculpted figure that has little to no play value
for another European only figure...sad but true. I suppose the 2000AD TA,
which allows you to declare a single figure or team once per game, and for
the rest of the game you get +1 to attack that character or team, is useful,
especially in a situation where the Team is important…but really it’s not
that great. With this guy you get both BCF AND CCE, which, as we all know,
don’t really work together very well, so you choose one or the other, and
since the Rule of 3 exists, you can’t really perplex this guy up much.
That’s if you can even hit with that 8 attack to start on all versions. UGH!
And now we come to the part I know you’ve all been waiting for…Wildwill’s
Patented Price Guide!
Pricing Commentary: There are even less Ebay auctions for this guy than
Judge Fire from yesterday! One REV set of this guy sold for ₤9.50 (which is
roughly $17.00). Another full REV set failed to get any bids starting at
$20. Again, I think the long-term collectability of this guy is
questionable, because even though he’s REALLY freakin’ hard to get, not that
many people want him.
My Ratings
Playability first then Collectability
Rookie – 2,3
Exp. – 2,3
Vet. – 2,3
Next time: The Last Dark Judge…I swear.
Monger |
Judge Mortis
Indy HeroClix #115, 116, 117
Judge Mortis is an interesting piece to say the least. He has a wide range
of abilities and some awkward stats. He ends up being one of those figures
right on the edge of everything. Is he offensive? He sure can be with
blades/claws/fangs and close combat expert. Does he offer a decent defense?
Four clicks of impervious and invulnerability should answer that question.
Does he have what it takes to be a popular piece? Well, you’ll have to
decide that one for yourself!
The Rookie (60 pts):
Speed / Range: With no range and a short speed value of six, you’ll need to
team this character up with some telekinesis or a decent taxi. If he has to
run around the board without any help, it will take awhile for him to get
Attack: The attack is just a little low for a 60 pt figure, but the 2000AD
team ability does help a little. He does have four straight clicks of
blades/claws/fangs and this enables Judge Mortis to deal high damage. A
little perplex will help this guy out a lot!
Defense: Impervious or invulnerability on every click. Those are some of the
best defensive abilities Wizkids has to offer, but they can be outwitted
with certain figures. If this happens, Judge Mortis is an easy target. Why?
The actual base defense value starts out at a horrid 13 and doesn’t get any
better. My suggestion is to combine this figure with another figure that has
defend, such as Invisible Girl rookie. This will give Judge Mortis an 18
defense when he is adjacent to her.
Damage: If your opponent wants to outwit your blades/claws/fangs, you can
still turn around and deal an impressive 3 clicks of damage with your close
combat expert ability. Perplex up the damage value to a 2 and he is capable
of dealing four clicks of damage on every click of his dial!
Overall: Only four clicks of life, but they are decent clicks and provide
the user with several different options. If used correctly and combined with
defend, a taxi and some perplex, you’ll have an awesome little figure.
The Experienced (75 pts):
Speed / Range: Just like the rookie, this one has no range and a low
movement. Combine him with TK or a good taxi if you use him.
Attack: The actual numbers have not increased any since the rookie, but we
do have two clicks with an eight attack instead of just one. Use the team
ability to increase this stat to a nine, but don’t use it early, wait until
you need it!
Defense: Exactly the same as the rookie. The only difference is that we are
given a fifth click which holds toughness. The numbers are still low and he
will need some help in this area to increase this stat.
Damage: This too is exactly the same as the rookie. There is no change
what-so-ever other then the extra click at the end.
Overall: This figure is almost exactly the same as the rookie. The only
different is the one extra click of life. If I had to pick between playing
the rookie or the experienced version of this figure, I would most
definitely reach for the rookie. I do not see 15 points worth of additions
to this figure.
The Veteran (88 pts):
I won’t even break this figure down into separate categories simply because
this figure is exactly the same as the rookie and experienced except for the
extra clicks of life. There are no increases in his stats values like we see
in all the other REV sets and there are no real reasons to play this figure
over the experienced or rookie. He still has a wide variety of powers and
abilities, but for the points, his numbers are to low to be considered