Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Monger |
Terrax Unique
Marvel Critical Mass #091
Terrax is 172 points of pure brut. From the opening click to the ending
click, this guy has the power to devastate HeroClix games. Packed with a
nice assortment of offensive powers and all the damage reducing abilities in
the book, Terrax is a nightmare for your opponents.
Speed / Range: Ten speed combined with ten movement is a hard combo to
match. Throw a click of running shot in there and you have a figure that can
threaten the entire board. I would have liked to of seen a few more clicks
of running shot, but I believe this figure was designed as a hand-to-hand
combatant and not a long ranged attacker.
Attack: Nine straight clicks of blades/claws/fangs! That’s a lot of red and
that’s A LOT of possible damage to opposing figures! The actual attack
numbers are high enough to break through any high defensive number and with
relative ease, then again – any number under 12 would have been a
disappointment for a 172 point figure. If there is a weak point to this
figure though, it’s the drop of his attack values after his 6th click. After
this point, you are working with a poorly placed seven and eight attack
value for the rest of the dial. This takes a lot of the punch away that was
given at the front of his dial and a lot of players see this as a serious
Defense: As I said above, this dial is packed with all the damage reducing
abilities possible. Not only this, but his numbers are high and stay high
thru the majority of his dial. Nine out of his eleven clicks of life have
either impervious, invulnerability or toughness and none of those powers
have a number lower then 15.
Damage: This area will be overlooked for the majority of his games played.
About the only time you’ll be focusing on this area is when you are not
base-to-base with a figure or you are on your way into battle. The base
three damage value is high enough to give everyone problems, regardless of
their defensive abilities, so no worries here!
Overall: A great piece and he demands respect in early game situations, but
I have a slight problem with his drop in attack value. A figure that costs
172 points to field should retain a high attack value, defense value, damage
value or all three if possible. Because of the drop in the attack, the rest
of the dial suffers and this piece goes from being a serious threat to
nothing more then a crippled bystander. Not something you should have to
deal with on a figure over 150 points. If you find yourself playing a few
games with Terrax, keep a medic handy. If you are capable of keeping this
figure in the first four or five clicks of life, then you should have no
problems and will enjoy this piece immensely.
Godwin |
Terrax is one of the Uniques from the Marvel Critical
Mass expansion set and should have a foot note as the first ever Marvel
figure to have Impervious (at least I think so). Terrax comes in at 172
points and for that price you expect this guy to be a pure tank with the
ability to inflict a lot of damage as well as take a lot of damage. Well he
is that, but with a slight twist.
His starting Speed of 10 is nice, but add Flight and Running Shot and it
really rounds it out well. He loses Running Shot after his first click, but
keeps the Speed of 10 for 2 clicks. I love Running Shot, but sometimes its
limited by either a slow Speed or a short range. Well Terrax isn’t limited
by either because he also has a Range of 10. So his effective range with
Running Shot is 15 squares. Zoinkers!
His starting Attack of 12 is just sweet. This means he has the same starting
attack as Veteran Thor, but he has quicker Speed and longer Range. His
Attack does slowly dwindle down, but he still has at least an Attack of 9
through his 6th click.
So what about Damage? Well he has a natural 3 Damage for 6 clicks and then 2
throughout the rest of his dial. This gives him some bite to his Running
Shot, but not as much as Thor with his ability to do 4 Damage. What makes
Terrax interesting is that unlike most heavy hitters he doesn’t have Super
Strength, or Close Combat Expert. Instead he gets Blades/Claws/Fangs, which
in my opinion just doesn’t seem to be as effective on larger point figures.
With BCF I have a 50 – 50 chance of doing the same as or less damage then
his normal Damage of 3. Plus you can’t Perplex BCF. Without Probability
Control I would be hesitant to use it. But if you can roll those 5s, and 6s
then he can do a wail of amount of damage.
Terrax does play the part of the tank very well when it comes to
survivability. Like I said he is the first Marvel figure to be given
Impervious and he gets it for 2 clicks, followed by 2 of Invulnerability,
and then 5 of Toughness. His Defense flips flops between 17 and 16 for 6
clicks before dropping off so he still stays tough to hit even after taking
damage. Plus he has 11 clicks of life so it will take a lot of damage to KO
Overall Terrax is definitely a beast of a figure, but I’m not sure you would
get your 172 points out of him on a regular basis. I’ve never played with
him or against him so I might be wrong. I would use Running Shot until he
takes damage and then move in for the kill. Use BCF if you feel lucky with
your dice, or if you absolutely need to try to do as much damage as
possible. Otherwise Perplex up that 3 Damage to a 4 or 5 and he can do
enough damage that way.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Unique Terrax – 7.21

WildWill |
Name: Terrax
Set: Critical Mass
Number: 91
Rarities: 6 - Unique
Cost: 172
Health: 12 (Full Dial)
SSADD: 10/12/17/3
Powers: Running Shot, BCF,
Impervious, Invulnerability, and Toughness
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 10
Team: None
Terrax the Tamer was another
in the LONG line of Galactus’ heralds, though the former planetary ruler was
a bit…how can you say it, ruthless in his quest for power. He took Galactus’
power cosmic and used it to basically subjugate planets he came across.
Galactus doesn’t rule planets, he eats them. So, he got mad and stripped
Terrax of his powers. Didn’t stop him though, he became a “pawn” of Dr.
Doom, and got more powers. Then he tried to have the FF kill Galactus. But
Galactus survived and once again Terrax got stripped of his powers. He’s
still alive, hiding somewhere in the deep dark corners of the Marvel U,
waiting for some intrepid writer to utilize him again.
So like the other guys said
(I’m writing a LITTLE later in the day), Terrax is a tank. Not a great
tank, because even though he has a range 10 attack and one click of running
shot, he’s not really a ranged thread. This is a guy that you want to be
using to base other characters, and since he’s a flyer, well, you can’t
really do that either. Oh well, swoop in, use BCF, take no damage from your
opponent’s meaningless retaliatory strikes and swoop off. Simple enough.
If you can afford the 172 points he costs.
Terrax Completed Auction
Review – 8-31-04
# of Full Set Auctions: 14
High Amount: $19.00
Low Amount: $10.50
Average Amount $13.43
# Auctions Above Avg: 8
# Auctions Below Avg.: 6
# Auctions with no bids: 2
Price range of no bid
Auctions: $9.99
Pricing Commentary:
I guess since Critical Mass is getting fairly old, there’s no real
collector’s value to this once VERY sought after piece. I always maintain
that if your average cost is under the price of two boosters, buy the
boosters instead and trade.
My Ratings
Playability 3
Collectability 3
Next time: Villain Week
continues…bringing back an oldie but a goodie…someone we’ve never
reviewed from one of the original sets…who could it be? I’ll give you a
hint…Best Sculpt from it’s set.