Run down:
Ultimate Storm is a carry-able, long ranged, second-string
attacker. With a cost toping at 52, she uses Energy Explosion and Ranged
Combat Expert to bring her enemies down. Unfortunately Storm’s stats are
even lower than her popularly played Xplosion Counterpart. The two vary
drastically. For instance the Veteran Xplosion storm has higher statistics
when it comes to range and attack, can fly, and has a good mix of offensive
and defensive abilities such as Energy Explosion and Energy
Shield/Deflection, while Ultimate storm lacks in defensive abilities and
statistics. This is especially derogatory when you consider that Xplsoion
Storm’s stats were whittled to the bone of playability, except for range.
Good range
Good offensive abilities [RCE and energy explosion]
Ultimate X-men TA
Able to be carried
Shallow dial
Low Stats [atk &def]
Not Hale Barry
Not flying
Lacks abilities/stats that Xplosion storm had
Rating in a scale of 1-5
[in bold]
1.) Broken
2.) Playable
3.) Okay
4.) Not worth using
5.) Good luck champ
Final Verdict: Ultimate Storm pales in comparison to her
Xplosion counter part, though she has decent abilities, somewhat low cost,
and long range, her low attack, low defense, and shallow dial [6], plus the
inability to fly makes her a weak figure to use, though there are certainly
worst figures in the game, ultimate Storm is still not worth using unless in
certain draft tournaments.
Necro-M |
Ultimates Storm b review by Necro-M
I'm a little biased on this figure since it is storm.
The ole goddess of the wind and lightning really did a number on my
Brotherhood team in a theme match. She has energy explosion all the way down
the dial. But she also has decent damage with expert range combat.
The rookie is an amazingly cheap 6. The fact she can't fly doesn't really
bother me as much as the last of distance on that range. She has no defense
really and only 7 movement so you'll have to employee swarm techniques to
keep her alive. If she does manage to survive and rolls a critical on
multiple adjacent opposing figures (what happened to me) you'll really see
her worth. Otherwise I'd recommend a LE T.O.
Morrow. The experienced version get flying and 2 extra movement but that's
not really going to change her strategy. She can now carry another figure
for cover however. Is it worth those 14 points? Probably not. If you want a
taxi get a real taxi (Shadowcat's my favorite). If you want a real ranger,
get a real
ranger (like Bullseye, etc..). At 56 points, the
veteran is not worth the points at all. A meager 9 attack, 2 damage with ERC,
and 15 defense with no power are all signs that this is a figure for
collectors only.
Rating 3/10
Wow the figures sort of sucked this week. I guess they're all in good fun