Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Francesco Rook |
I feel
that this Character may be a little overpriced.
What saves this guy is the hyperspeed
which he can put to good use. I would have preferred him with a higher
movement but 10 is still workable to be a ‘’hit and run’’ character.
The beginning RCE and two targets are very helpful to pick off the
support characters of your opponent. If used properly, the
hyperspeed power gives him an effective
range of 20 squares. And with an attack value of 11, everyone is a
potential target/victim.
defence is ensured with a high 17 and Impervious. This is a very good
combination that can put you outta reach of
the smaller characters and if luck’s on your side, the bigger ones too.
Once he loses ranged combat expert, he gains quake for two clicks but
only with an 8 attack rating. It’s a great power but the skill is so
low that hitting anything but scrubs is going to be a challenge.
All in
all, Count Nefaria is a character you can
build a team around and if you have a medic handy, you just might pull
it off.
vizier_usa |
Count Nefaria
Point Value: 210
Team: None
Range: 10
Ranged Attacks: 2 Powers
Speed: 10/10/9/9/8/8/7/7/6 HSS, Leap/Climb
Attack: 11/10/9/9/8/8/7/7/6 SS, Quake
Defense: 17/17/16/16/15/15/14/13/12 Imp, Invul, Tough
Damage: 4/3/3/3/3/3/2/2/2 RCE
Background: Search me. Better yet, search Whoclix.
The only thing I can say is, DAMN, the man looks so retro he probably
headlined Tales of Horror. I mean, COUNT NEFARIA ? oooooooo .. Can anyone
imagine saying YAY, my COUNT NEFARIA just kicked your butt! . Did I just
scream COUNT NEFARIA? Man, I won, and yet I lost Oh, and YELLOW and WHITE on
a faux vampire
costume? (So I m a wannabe fashion critic )
First Thoughts: Ok, if you get pass the part that using this figure will
probably make you look like a dork, (in more ways than one ), one look at CN
s (I m not typing COUNT NEFARIA twenty times ) stats will quite obviously
send your opponent into nervous convulsions.
Strengths: This is probably the most versatile figure in the entire set.
First of, the front dial HSS with 10 MV for two clicks. Ok, that in itself
is already special, since your operational range now covers almost
three-quarters of the playing area (with TK).
What do you have to back that up with? Well, since HSS is a close-quarters
combat power, what better than to give CN Super Strength? With a 11 AV plus
base 4 damage, you do the math. Looking at this info, CN is already a
monster. Then you add the 10 range (2 targets), and the RCE. Your opponent s
headaches just got worst. However, what s really nasty about this figure is
the fact that the combinations of powers actually make sense. If, somehow,
you manage to get a hit in and knock CN out of HSS (17 Defense + Imp), guess
what? He gets Leap/Climb! Say goodbye to your 210 pts, because he just
scooted his ass back to his
Weaknesses: For this topic, I would have to ask the question, is this figure
top-heavy? That is, will he lose all of his effectiveness once you get
through his first few clicks? My answer is Maybe. Knock CN into his third
click, and he will still have a very respectable 9 AV with 16 Def plus Invul
and 3 damage with RCE. Certainly not front-line material, but if your
opponent thinks you re dead after one or two hits, they WILL be sorely
mistaken. Quake on the 5th and 6th clicks is probably there to separate you
from your opponents in case you get surrounded, but its position on the dial
makes it pretty iffy that you ll hit it precisely when you really need it.
Personally, I would rather have taken this figure without the Quake and
saved myself some points. Other than that, for its point cost, this figure
is pretty solid.
Opportunities: Well, if you field him, CN is your team. While it might be
tempting to go after your opponent s big guns, if you can t take them down
in one hit, it may be a better idea to slowly chip away at your opponent s
team by taking out their supporting elements. A hit and run approach might
work well with CN, and your opponent will not dare to approach CN for a
ranged shot considering how much damage they may receive in return. Will it
be a good idea to push?
Actually, since there are two clicks of HSS, if you can take out something
important, yes, it would be a good idea to push with CN. Just remember to
have a medic waiting around later .
Threats: The usual suspects: Outwit, Incap and Stealth can really cramp
teams relying on just one figure. A careful player will be able to figure
out a way to avoid these deficiencies and turn them into strengths. Oh, the
major Threat: the 210 pts. My new policy regarding feats and such is
basically: If you have a team with one major figure and not much else, don t
use them. Once you use a feat, it s gone.
On the other hand, a support figure will last the entire match. So
therefore, careful planning is essential.
Conclusions: Anyone who s ever played with an Amazo team will be right at
home using a CN team.
Personally, I think that CN has more useful powers over Amazo (Yeah, I m
really going to use that Plasticity), but there is also the fact that Amazo
gave you more options over the long run (Ok, yeah, so I actually did use
it.. once), as well as Flight. A solid figure, although one that will
require a lot of thought if you want to use it in a tournament. For casual
players, yeah, it ll win you games, but is it worth the inevitable grief
from your friends when you shout COUNT NEFARIA IS THE MAN!! ?
Tournament: 4
Casual: 4