Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

vizier_usa |
Polaris REV
Clix Info:
Point Value: 50
Team: X-Men
Range: 6
Ranged Attacks: 1 Powers
Speed: 9/8/8/7/6 Force Blast
Attack: 8/7/7/6/6 TK
Defense: 15/15/14/13/13 Energy Def
Damage: 4/3/3/2/2 None
Point Value: 70
Team: X-Men
Range: 6
Ranged Attacks: 1 Powers
Speed: 8/8/7/7/6/6/5 None
Attack: 9/8/8/7/7/6/6 Super Strength
Defense: 16/15/15/14/13/13/12 Invul, Tough
Damage: 4/3/3/3/2/2/2 None
Point Value: 76
Team: 76
Range: 8
Ranged Attacks: 2 Powers
Team: X-Men
Speed: 10/9/8/8/7/6 Force Blast
Attack: 9/8/8/7/7/6 TK
Defense: 16/15/15/14/13/13 E/Deflection
Damage: 4/4/3/3/2/2 None
Background: Hot chick with green hair. Magnetic powers. Sorta like the
Junior Varsity version of Jean Grey spliced with Magnet Toes. Not going to
go into storylines, because if I did I d probably have to spend two pages
into it.
First Thoughts: Wow, yet another TKer. Oh, wait no, the Exp version is a
beatstick. With a point scale of 50-76, this figure is definitely into
secondary attacker territory. However, does it have the goods?
Well, the Rookie version is basically a support character, although the 4
damage is definitely noticeable on a 50 pt figure. TK and Force Blast are
vanilla, plus the Energy/Deflection. Exp is your standard beatstick with
Super Strength plus Invul and Toughness. The Vet at 76 points is simply the
Rookie with better stats. Overall, this REV set fills out a slot as a
secondary attacker, but is it actually necessary?
Strengths: A 50 pt TKer with Energy Defection and 4 Damage is pretty good,
considering the Range and Speed Values. There really aren t any figures that
can fill the role of a second attacker/support figure in this point range
with these values, so Polaris should clearly be a consideration in any teams
that need TK support. Force Blast isn t anything to cheer about, although it
will be useful in certain situations in regard to close combat (or in this
case, running away from close combat ) Regarding the Vet version, while it
has stats that are superior to the Rookie, the 26 pt increase may not
translate into a better figure.
While the Rookie version was cheap enough to use as a Tker in addition to a
secondary attacker, the 76 pt Vet almost has to be used particularly as an
attacker because of its cost, which forces it into the same dilemma as the
old Magneto REV did in the past, namely should you TK first and then push to
attack or just attack. However, the 9 AV for 4 damage is actually decent for
a figure in this point range, along with the potential 18 Def, so as a
ranged attacker, Vet
Polaris may have some potential.
Weaknesses: The Exp version is such a basic compilation of powers for a
beatstick that there really isn t anything to talk about. If you ve seen one
beatstick with Super Strength and Defensive powers, you ve seen them all.
Personally speaking, unless the figure itself has a MV power like Charge,
which allows movement plus an action at the end, (i.e.
Wonder Woman, V Captain Britain), it is highly doubtful that it will be
useful in a tournament event.
Other than that, the Rookie and Vet have fairly short dials, so one good hit
will probably put them out of action and running to a medic. In fact, with
the power creep of late for damage, it may not be too out of place to see
someone with enough Perplex take out Polaris with one shot. Remember, Energy
Deflection increases Def values, so the full damage values are applied if
your opponent manages to roll right. Also, recently speaking, Pulse Wave and
Hypersonic Speed seems to be making their presences felt in Marvel Heroclix,
powers which are both generally hazardous ranged attackers like Polaris that
rely on Energy
Final Thoughts: The rookie is a nice figure, although most players may feel
that 50 pts is a lot to spend on TK. Fortunately, R Polaris also has enough
punch in her stats to make her a fairly good addition to any team. E Polaris
however, really shouldn t be in any competitive team outside of a sealed
Mutant Mayhem event. Finally, V Polaris is a judgment call, specifically in
regard to her cost and short dial versus her stats and abilities.
R: 4
E: 2
V: 3