Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

vizier_usa |
Shadow King
Rank: Unique
Point Value: 106
Team: None
Range: 8
Ranged Attacks: 3 Powers
Speed: 6/6/6/5/5/5/4/4/4 Mind Cont 7 Cli
Attack: 10/10/9/9/8/8/7/7/6 Psy Bla 4 Cli
Defense: 16/16/16/15/15/14/14/13/13
Damage: 3/3/3/3/2/2/2/1/1
First Thoughts: Wow, yet another Mind Control/Psychic Blast combo figure.
Shadow King seems to have the right stats to make this combination work, but
is his point cost worth it? Well, let s see
Strengths: One look at Shadow King s stats and you can see that he is built
specifically for ranged combat. With a 10 AV for 3 Damage at 8 range to
start, SK is definitely going to be sending some bombs out there. In
addition, with the ability to target three different figures at the same
time, SK currently has the ability to MC three different figures at the same
time (It might be a good idea to check with your local judge on this, as the
way I see the rulebook, if you can do a triple Incap, then you should be
able to do a triple MC Of course, don t quote me ) Assuming that this is the
case, then SK basically has the potential to turn the tide of battle in one
turn, if only to move a significant portion of your opponent s team away
from you (Of course, in return, there may not be much of SK left afterwards
Weaknesses: While SK s point cost would seem to be reasonable for what he
gives a player, a close look at his stats would seem to indicate otherwise.
For a ranged attacker, an 8 range is actually only above average, in
comparison to figures that fulfill similar functions, such as the Mandarin
and Morgan Le Fay.
What this means is that SK will have to get in a lot closer to shoot than he
otherwise should, a dangerous prospect when you realize he has absolutely no
defensive powers outside of a DV that STARTs at 16.
Once the first seven clicks of this figure runs out, there really isn t
anything that can be done other than to limp back to a medic for help.
Considering the fact that SK isn t exactly the fastest figure out there with
a starting MV of 6, it would be wise for players not to risk having SK get
shot out before he has a chance to take a shot.
Final Thoughts: A very gimmicky figure. The key power here is clearly Mind
Control, although with the changes in rules for this power, it really is no
longer worthwhile to take the potential damage in return for controlling
your opponent s figures for a turn. Psychic Blast in this instance functions
more like a security blanket to keep your opponents from getting too close.
With the prevalence of Stealth in today s tournament atmosphere, a good
ranged team featuring SK should probably include some manner of anti-Stealth
like Ultimates. SK isn t a bad figure, but it would probably take a lot of
support for it to be the centerpiece of a tournament caliber team.
Tournament: 3