Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Wildwill |
Matt Murdock LE
According to PojoBill, it’s Daredevil Critical Mass Week here at Pojo.com. I
like theme weeks. Makes it easier to write these little things. It’s too bad
that the “director’s cut” DVD of last year’s film version was just delayed
an entire year, that would have been a nifty little synergetic moment for
It’s only appropriate that we start the week off with ol’ Hornhead himself,
so today we’re looking at Matt Murdock, the LE Secret Identity version of
this set’s REV DD. So far through four sets we’ve gotten three different
REV’s, and now FINALLY an LE. No Unique thus far, and that’s kind of
strange…but who knows, perhaps we’ll see a yellow and black costumed version
in the future.
Cost: 37. Health: 6 Clicks.
SSADD 8/8/15/2. Powers: Stealth (1 click), Leap/Climb, Super Senses & Outwit
(1 click).
If you compare this LE with the Rookie version of the same figure, you’re
going to do a double take. The Rookie costs 10 points less, doesn’t have the
click of outwit, but DOES have one ranged 4 attack. All the other attributes
are exactly the same.
Ranged attackers who can stealth are pretty nifty, since they can hit you,
but if they’re on top of hindering terrain, you can’t hit them. I don’t know
that I’m willing to trade a ranged attack for 10 points and one click of
outwit that I wouldn’t really use anyway. In short, this is a very poor LE.
I wouldn’t use it at all, why bother going through the rigmarole of
obtaining this piece either online or by winning a tournament, just to find
out that the Rookie version is better.
Almost every LE is worth something on the secondary market, simply because
you cannot get them in any old store. They range from Level 3 to Level 6 in
rarity, and I believe, with the higher level, the rarer the figure. Murdock
is a Level 5, meaning he’s pretty darn rare. One way to get him was to win a
tournament at the Midwest Regionals last month at Clixcon. I think it’s safe
to say that he was a mite difficult to get. He’s currently trading on Ebay
from between $28 and $80, with an average sale of $47. That’s a nice sum,
that probably isn’t going down any time soon, unless he’s coming up in
marquee tournaments, which I don’t see that he is.
My Ratings:
Playability 2 of 5
Collectability 5 of 5.
Next Clix – Someone who looks VERY similar to this figure… |
Havokclix |
Matt Murdock
First up for Daredevil Critical Mass week, we have the LE Matt Murdock.
First off, I would hate to receive this figure for winning a tournament. His
movement is very Daredevil-like, but he loses stealth after only one click,
moving to leap/climb. His attack value is horrendous. His 8 against any
decent defensive value
(16 and higher) is going to be an uphill climb. His defense may feature
super senses, but the 15 is only mediocre at best, though at least it doesn
t drop of too quickly. His final click features outwit, right at the time
you are running at break-neck speed for the medic yeah, that s helpful.
Collectability: 4/5
Sculpt: 3/5 (as dynamic as you can get for dressing in a red jump suit)
100: 3/5
200: 2/5
300+: 1/5 (there are way better support killer pieces
out there at this level)
Crit happens
Havokclix |
Duke |
try to keep this rant short: WizKids bogged down Critical Mass with these
new versions of Daredevil and other repeat performers. Coupled with the
Starjammers and the obscure foes of Dr. Strange and Thor, the expansion just
didn't seem to offer much.
On to Matt. This limited edition is basically the Veteran version (which
we'll review soon) taking away the double range, 22 points and his business
card sporting his Spider-Man Team membership. The problem with the Daredevil
figures is that one rarely ofers anything different from another. With
Murdock, you've got your full slate of super senses, opening click of
stealth, a couple of slots for Leap and Climb, and late Outwit. No
surprises. It's not like Daredevil really offers a lot of alternatate
versions, like Vampire Daredevil or Son of Thanos Daredevil. Well, there's
always the Earth X Daredevil, but Wizkids hasn't tapped that series yet.
For now, people ought to look elsewhere for the 37 points they would spend
on Murdock, unless he's your favorite character. The real shame is that this
is a tournament prize that probably won't feel like a real prize for anyone
outside the completists.
TheHoneyDuke |
Aeril Blade |
Matt Murdock
So, let's see. 37 points gets you Stealth, Leap/Climb, Super Senses, and
Outwit, but you also get...
(R)ange: 0
(T)argets: 1
(L)ife: 5
(S)peed: 8
(A)ttack: 8
(D)efense: 15
(D)amage: 2
What the heck? No Incapacitate? No Range? 15 Defense! Apparently, when
Daredevil's not wearing the red tights he sucks. This is not cool. He is
just not worth the 37 points. Yeah, he get's Outwit, but it's only for 1
click, and it's his last click. How many times does that actually happen in
a game. Not to mention he's easy to hit. The Super Senses is supposed to
make up for the low Defense, but I'd rather have a 17 Defense with no Super
Senses than this junk.
100 Pnt: 2/5
200 Pnt: 1/5
300 Pnt: 1/5
400+ Pnt: 1/5 |