Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

The Dreaded Dormammu, staple of Dr. Strange comics
for decades. You know, the dude with the flaming head.
One of thew few clix with a cost of over 200 that is not named "Superman".
He's a mystical being who transformed himself into pure energy. He's the
ruler of the Dark Dimension, and a bad mother besides. He's just downright
Cost: 206. Ranged 10 Attacks: 1. Health: 12 Clicks
SSADD: 8/12/16/3
Powers: Psychic Blast, Invulnerability, Outwit, Toughness.
OK, yeah Dormammu is nasty, but with all the powers that the comics version
has, which according to our friends at whoclix are "interdimensional
teleportation, size transformations, time travel, elemental control,
telepathy, matter transmutations, energy manifestations from extraordinary
powerful bolts to magically-constructed beings", his Heroclix could be
nastier. Some TK perhaps? More than one ranged attack maybe? I dunno. All
I'm saying is that he could be much, much worse than he is. If you're lucky
enough to pull this Unique, definitely build a team around him, though it's
going to have to be a high point level team.
Dormammu should be one of the more sought after Uniques from Critical Mass,
but he's not really, selling for between $8.50 and $27. Personally, a clix
this powerful should look a bit better. Also, I'm wondering why WK chose to
delay Dormammu until this set, and then not give him Dr. Strange as an
My Ratings:
Playability 4 of 5
Collectability 3 of 5 |
RFS101 |
First things first. This heavy hitter is a whopping 206 points. He's got a
maxed out 11 clicks of life, 10 Range with 1 target, 8 Speed, 12 Attack, 16
Defense, and 3 Damage. With this he also gets Psychic Blast,
Invulnerability, Toughness, and Outwit. The attack is awsome. Shoot for 3 at
Range with no way of reducing. That 3 damage would hurt even OWAW Superman
or Savage Hulk. Now let's say the Son of Darkseid Superman whacks Dormammu,
that will drop Dormammu right to his Outwitting prime. He can do 3 damage
still and he can use his Outwit on something other than defensive powers.
His Defense is average, but low for a 206 point character. The fact that he
has Invulnerability and Toughness all the way down his dial helps justify
his value. His Defense values are a bit of a double edged sword, though. It
starts off slightly low and never drops below 13. Even with the best
Paramedic, it would be slightly difficult to heal him. I would have liked to
have seen at least one click of Impervious or at least a starting Defense of
17, but Dormammu will still be around a long time.
200 Point: N/A
300 Point: 2/5
400+ Point: 4/5 |
Honeyduke |
Dormammu provides a great combo of Psychic
Blast and Outwit on several of the same clicks. That's not completely
unique; Mordru has the combo on his first three clicks, and Darkseid two.
Dormy's got 'em beat combined with six clicks of PB and Outwit, and he's the
sole Marvel character to have it. The challenge is that he costs a lot more
than those other characters, and he doesn't get the combo until the fourth
But that's okay. Dormammu should get the job done on those first three
clicks with his nice attack values and Psychic Blast. And it just might be
worth pushing to have Dormammu reach those Outwit levels. After all, he
keeps Invulnerability for four clicks, and a 16 defense for his first two
clicks. Basically, treat him as a Willpower character so you can attack on
two out of three turns.
Once you reach Outwit, you won't need to use it on Toughness or
Invulnerability, since you'll still have PB. You can spend most of your time
neutralizing your opponent's RCE or other nagging attack abilities.
In a 300-point game, there's likely little room for more than three other
characters to team up with Dormammu, and one will need to be a cheap taxi.
To fill out the rest, a useful ally could be Pyro or Avalanche to provide
more protection (barrier, namely) for the 206-point centerpiece of your
team. There's others with barrier, but Pyro provides you a good
flame-oriented character if you're aiming for a cheesy theme.
But Dormammu should be great for a 400-point team, where there's more wiggle
room for his points.
TheHoneyDuke |