Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Patch - AKA Wolverine with an eyepatch.
So when Chris Claremont was writing the X-Men back in the late 80's Marvel
tried something different, they gave Wolverine his own series. But rather
than give him a storyline that jibed with the rest of the series, Claremont
set him up in the asian city of Madripoor as Patch, a nightclub bouncer/cum
soldier of fortune, and for awhile all the stories in his own titled
revolved around that persona. Yeah, sounds pretty stupid to me too. Well,
with Heroclix aching for YET ANOTHER Wolverine to put into the next
expansion, they hit on Patch. Why I don't know, but they did. And they made
him an REV as well. Double Trouble.
Cost: 64. Health: 9 Clicks. No Ranged Attacks SSADD 8/8/16/2. Powers:
Stealth, BCF, Toughness, Regeneration, Stealth and Perplex.
For the life of me I can't figure out why you would actually want this
version of Wolverine, instead of any of the other numerous versions
available, except for the Perplex. Other than that, there's far better
Wolvies available in and around the same point scale.
This was a figure that didn't need to be made in my opinion.
The sculpt doesn't do a darn thing for me, and apparantly it doesn't do much
for anyone else either.
Patch Veteran is a Level 5 rare, but since his name isn't VENOM, he ain't
worth a whole lot. Couple bucks at best.
My Ratings:
Playability 2.5 of 5 (the extra half point is for
Collectability 2 of 5. |
Steelwasp |
I'm back
after a long hiatus from the game because of school and family. I haven't
played much with the newer sets(Indy and Critcal Mass) so I'll do my best
with each review. I'll start off my comeback with Veteran Patch. He's
another incarnation of Wolverine. The starting stats are as follows.
Speed:8 with Stealth
Defense:16 with Toughness
Team Ability(TA):n/a
Hp(clix of life):8
Patch seems to be another one of those 'grow as they get hurt' figures. His
attack rises up to 10 and he gains BCF to inflict serious damage. His damage
value also increases to 3 but in most cases, you'll be using BCF. He gains
perplex at the end of the dial which is nice to have as the game progresses
to insure you stil have some firepower when everyone else is hurt. One thing
that really shines on Patch, and any Wolvie reincarnation, is his
regeneration. He isn't able to heal all the way back to his first but that's
ok. The most he can heal is back to his first BCF click, which is the best
click on his dial. I personally like him but his attack and defense values
are a bit low. With the right support, though(like some perplexers and
Probability control(PC) figs), he can become a powerhouse. All in all, he's
certainly not the greatest fig in the world but he surely isn't bad at all.
200-: 3/5
Booster Draft/sealed:4.5/5(very powerful because of BCF and low point value)
Collectability: He's a level 5 rare. It might cost you a few bucks(like 4-5)