Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Godwin |
Next we take a look at the Ultimate version of Erik
Lensherr aka Magneto. For those of you in living in a cave he is the leader
of the Brotherhood whichin the Ultimate version is a mutant society living
in the Savage Land that Professor Xavier helped Erik to create. Between the
review of Beast and this review I have actually read the first storyline of
the Ultimate X-Men. Magneto doesn’t seem to be to drastically different then
his previous incarnations. He believes that mutants are the next
evolutionary step and normal humans are just standing in their way of
rightful dominance. This obviously leads to conflict with the X-Men.
Wouldn’t make a good comic series if it didn’t.
The new Magneto is a Unique in the Ultimate expansion set. He comes in at a
whopping 144 points, which if I remember is almost double from his Veteran
Infinity Challenge figure. For 144 points though you get a monster of a
figure. His starting Speed of 10 with Flight would be solid for movement
alone, but that is just the start. Running Shot allows for him to move
around the board while still firing off shots and making it harder for your
opponent to move his figures into base contact against him. Throw in 5
clicks of Leadership and he can help give your team additional actions. In
truth though I’ve never been a big fan of Leadership on figures over 100
points. The main reason is they take up so many points I never seem to have
enough figures to worry about actions. On a 300 or 400-point game he will
take up enough points that you would be lucky to use all your actions as it
is. The main power though that is a requirement for any version of Magneto
is Telekinesis to represent his ability to control magnetic fields. This
gives you excellent leverage to move your figures, or if a opponent gets
into base-to-base contact you can move them up to 10 squares away freeing up
Magneto to go back to Running Shot.
We all know that Running Shot can be an expensive and wasted power if the
figure doesn’t have the range and attack to back it up. Well Magneto only
comes to the plate with a starting Attack of 11, a range of 10! So with
Running Shot he has an effective range of 15. Not to shabby. Did I also
mention that he has a starting Damage of 4? This guy is definitely a killing
machine. To help give him flexibility he has 2 ranged attacks along with his
range of 10. You can only make 1 ranged attack with Running Shot, but if you
need to try to hit a figure with a super high Defense I love to use dual
ranged attacks and target a figure with a lower Defense as well. That way if
you miss the higher figure your shot isn’t wasted and you can still land
that 4 Damage on someone.
On the survivability side Magneto has all the powers to stick around the
entire game, but he does have a short dial for a figure of 144 points with
only 7 clicks of life. To make up for this his starting Defense of 17 also
includes Impervious. In fact he keeps Impervious for 3 clicks and then gets
Invulnerability for 2. But be careful, because Impervious is a magnet for
Outwit and by the time he gets knocked down to Invulnerability his Attack is
only an 8 and he becomes a lot less scary then when he is on his starting
few clicks.
Overall this is a very potent figure and for 144 points he is the same
amount as E Thor from Clobberin Time. I think in a head to head match up
Magneto could take Thor because those Impervious clicks give him an edge.
I’m not sure I’m crazy about the sculpt though. I can’t tell if he is flying
or getting blown away by a giant hair dryer. Still this guy is a menace and
since they didn’t include the REV of Magneto from Infinity Challenge into
the Universe set than this is the only tournament legal Magneto. This figure
is a must for any fans of the Brotherhood out there.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Unique Magneto – 7.71