Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Hulk
Set: Marvel Ultimates
Number: 95
Rarity: 6-Unique
Costs: 182
Health: 12
SSADD:[8/10/15/4] Second Click listed
Powers: Leap/Climb, Super Strength, Quake, Toughness, Invulnerability,
Impervious, Battle Fury
Ranged Attacks: None
Team: Ultimates
In the Ultimates universe Dr. Bruce Banner was working for the government
looking to duplicate the Captain America serum. He tried a version of it on
himself and became the Hulk, a savage beast who is eventually taken down.
Banner resigns and depressed over a recent break-up, takes another version
of the serum, this time becoming a killing machine. Currently, this nasty
version of the Hulk is under lock and key again.
If you’re lucky enough to pull one of these bad-boys, you might want to
re-think your tournament team’s primary attacker. The Hulk is the ultimate
brick, so to speak. TK him into battle, and watch him obliterate pieces.
That 4 damage actually goes up to six in the middle of his max length dial.
Leap/Climb is helpful when you want to base your opponent, Super Strength
will come in handy when you want to bash your opponent’s head in with an 8
point object. Oh and the holy trilogy of defense powers, Toughness,
Invulnerability and Impervious means that that ONE click of KO will almost
never be seen. Did I mention the full dial of Mind Control? Nope, sorry.
Love that power. Even if you manage to outwit this one that 15+ defense
makes it more than a little difficult to Mind Control him.
If he has one drawback, it’s that activation click, but hey, push him on
turn one and you’re good to go.
So Wiz Kids has included a Hulk figure in every set thus far, why shouldn’t
we expect another one next time. The nice thing about Hulk is that, well, he
has so many legitimate different incarnations that they can keep doing this,
and not upset the loyal fans. Thus far, there’s nine different Hulks (I
listed them below, just to pad this review).
IC – Rookie Hulk
IC – Experienced Hulk
IC – Veteran Hulk
IC – Playsation (Movie) Hulk
IC – Bruce Banner LE
CT – Mr. Fixit
XP – Savage Hulk
CM – Smart Hulk with Big Guns
ULT – Ultimate Hulk
This version of Dr. Banner is selling quite briskly on Ebay, topping out
recently for $39.51 and having a low end of $15.00. The average on the 88
single auctions was $24.42, which isn’t too shabby at all. Though, auctions
STARTING at between $23.50 and $33 didn’t garner a single bid, which leads
me to believe you should be able to find Ultimate Hulk for under $24.
My Ratings:
Playabilty 4 of 5
Collectability 4 of 5.
Next time on Ultimate Unique theme week part XVIII…either an Avenger or an
X-Villain, I can’t remember which one.
Monger |
Unique Hulk
Marvel Ultimates #095
Everyone knows who the Hulk is, and what kind of terrifying presence he
brings with him. Well, in the world of HeroClix; it happens to be the exact
opposite. Wizkids has been printing different versions of the Hulk ever
since Infinity Challenge. Unfortunately, they have yet to make a version
that is as dominating as the real thing. The Ultimates version is no
different from any of the others. The numbers are high, the damage he deals
is amazing, but his lack of charge puts a damper on a good piece.
Speed / Range: Until Wizkids gives us a Hulk figure with charge, I’ll never
be happy. His 10 straight clicks of leap/climb is nothing to laugh at, but
it does not enable Hulk to work at maximum proficiency. Other then the lack
of much needed abilities, the Hulks base speed numbers are very high –
ranging from 8 to 10.
Attack: An absolute powerhouse when it comes to attack values. This version
of the Hulk can hit anyone that steps toe-to-toe with him, and with relative
ease. Hulk offers seven clicks of super strength with values that range from
10 to 13. After the 7th click of super strength, the Hulk picks up an
interesting ability in the form of Quake. You can get the Hulk into a group
of opposing figures, he’ll wreck havoc on all of them, dealing 2 damage to
everyone in the group and also pushing them back..
Defense: Nobody ever said the Hulk couldn’t take a punch. His dial is packed
full of damage reducing abilities of every kind; toughness, invulnerability
and impervious. Unfortunately for the Hulk though, this is the backbone to
his entire existence. If the opposing team has anyone with outwit available,
Hulk finds himself falling off the map in short time. When not facing any
opponents with outwit, the Hulk is a major force who can stand up to anyone,
especially when you’re making successful impervious rolls to ignore any
attacks or damage. The numbers are high and the powers are begging to be
Damage: OUCH, this guy can knock out about 25% of the Marvel Universe in one
punch. Tack on his super strength and this Hulk can deal an awe-inspiring 8
clicks of damage. All it takes is one solid hit from this big guy and anyone
will be close to KO, even a full strength Thor. The only downfall on Hulks
damage is his battle fury, which means you cannot taxi him, but its also
means he cannot be mind controlled, which is a gret thing; you don’t want
Hulk turning around a busting one of his own teammates in the chops.
Overall: I would give just about anything to see this figure with charge. He
would be a game dominating piece. A guy who deals a possible 8 clicks of
damage running in from 5 spaces away and smashing people – that would be
GREAT!!! Well, back to reality and the 10 clicks of leap / climb. Its
unfortunate, but we’ll deal with it in whatever way possible. I guess that’s
why you’ll always see Hulk hanging around a TK’er like Jean Grey. Either
way, this figures usefulness really depends on the metagame you are facing.
If you expect to see a lot of Black Panthers roaming around the board, then
I wouldn’t suggest using the Hulk. If you plan on seeing a lot of close
combat figures, then he might be the key to winning a few games. I
personally would never consider playing the Hulk in any form of serious
play. As far as casual games go though…. He can be a lot of fun!!
Godwin |
Heroclix so far has brought us a wide range of Hulk figures
to choose from. We got an Avenger Hulk and a Defender Hulk, a mail away Hulk
and a grey mobster Hulk in a suit. We got a really big savage Hulk and a
bigger smart Hulk with a really big gun. Now we get the Ultimate version of
Hulk. Basically in Ultimates Bruce Banner is cast aside when he can’t get
his super soldier serum to work and Captain America is unthawed. He gets fed
up and injects himself with the serum and it mixes with his Hulk side. He
trashes New York and gives the Ultimates their first real test. He also gets
pushed out of a plane when he won’t turn into Hulk and eats a Skrull, but I
won’t go into the details.I also have an invested interest in this review
since I recently pulled the big ugly from a booster. So lets take a look at
this version of the Hulk.
At 182 points he is only behind the Xplosion savage Hulk as the most
expensive version of Hulk to date. Like most version of Hulk this one
requires you to push to make him angry and have him turn into the big green
(actually in this case grey) monster. With this version though he instantly
becomes effective on his 2nd click and doesn’t need to be pushed 2 or 3 more
times to make him effective. His movement is pretty basic for a Hulk figure.
He starts at a Speed of 8 after pushing and it goes up to a 10 before
sliding back down to an 8 on his last two clicks. He has Leap/Climb from his
2nd click on so moving Hulk around the board and in and out of combat should
be fairly easy. He does have Battle Fury from his 2nd click on so you don’t
have to be afraid of Mind Control although this also means that you can’t
carry Hulk with a Flyer (but you can use Telekinesis).
His Attack is much better than his previous versions. After pushing he
starts at 10, which means he has a good chance of hitting from the get go.
It steadily climbs all the way up to a whopping 13 on his 6th and 7th click,
which is higher than any other version. Even on the way back down it never
drops below a 10. Of course Hulk has no range. Only the Critical Mass
version has a range of 8 with the tank gun he carries and even then he can’t
use his range on his best clicks because he gains Battle Fury.
From a Damage perspective this guy is one of the biggest monsters you will
ever face. After pushing his Damage immediately jumps up to 4. In comparison
even his Veteran version from Infinity Challenge / Universe doesn’t have a
Damage of 4 until his 6th click! After 3 clicks of 4 Damage it goes up again
to 5 on his 5th click, and then 6 on his 6th click before dropping back to a
5. Wait was that right? A natural Damage of 6? That is just insane Now throw
in Super Strength and he has a potential to do up to 8 clicks of damage!
Ultimate Hulk also gets to use a new power in Quake that he gets later in
his dial for 3 clicks. If two or more figures are attacking Hulk Quake gives
him a good option to try to knock them back and if they have no range or
Charge they have to waste an action to move back into contact.
From a survivability standpoint Hulk has a good chance of sticking around
for long time. His dial is maxed out at 11 and after pushing he starts at a
Defense of 15. It goes up to 17 for 2 clicks before dropping back down again
and ending on a 13. What makes this Hulk different from the others is that
he gets Impervious. At long last Hulk has Impervious. The planets are
aligned, the moon is full, and all is right in the world. If ever a
character in Marvel screamed to have Impervious it would be Hulk. His 3
clicks of Impervious are sandwiched between 4 clicks of Invulnerability (2
before and 2 after). This gives him 7 clicks of reducing damage by at least
2. Very nice!
Overall I am of the opinion that this figure is an excellent representation
of what Hulk should really be like. He has amazing damage capabiltiy,
Leap/Climb up the ying yang, and Impervious as well as Battle Fury (which
some people hate, but represents Hulk perfectly). The range of the Critical
Mass Hulk would be nice and the Regeneration click on the Veteran Hulk would
be a useful addition, but from the moment you push this guy he simply does
what he does best. Hulk smash! His only negative is that he has the Ultimate
team ability, which is basically useless on Hulk. It’s still intriguing to
use with wild card figures and could set up some fun Spidey teams. Still I
can’t wait to get this guy into a game and just run rampant with him. Even
if I don’t win I don’t care as long as I destroy everything I can. Hulk
smash! Sorry I already said that. It’s just so much fun.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Unique Hulk (Ultimates) – 7.77
Monger |
Unique Hulk
Marvel Ultimates #095
Everyone knows who the Hulk is, and what kind of terrifying presence he
brings with him. Well, in the world of HeroClix; it happens to be the exact
opposite. Wizkids has been printing different versions of the Hulk ever
since Infinity Challenge. Unfortunately, they have yet to make a version
that is as dominating as the real thing. The Ultimates version is no
different from any of the others. The numbers are high, the damage he deals
is amazing, but his lack of charge puts a damper on a good piece.
Speed / Range: Until Wizkids gives us a Hulk figure with charge, I’ll never
be happy. His 10 straight clicks of leap/climb is nothing to laugh at, but
it does not enable Hulk to work at maximum proficiency. Other then the lack
of much needed abilities, the Hulks base speed numbers are very high –
ranging from 8 to 10.
Attack: An absolute powerhouse when it comes to attack values. This version
of the Hulk can hit anyone that steps toe-to-toe with him, and with relative
ease. Hulk offers seven clicks of super strength with values that range from
10 to 13. After the 7th click of super strength, the Hulk picks up an
interesting ability in the form of Quake. You can get the Hulk into a group
of opposing figures, he’ll wreck havoc on all of them, dealing 2 damage to
everyone in the group and also pushing them back..
Defense: Nobody ever said the Hulk couldn’t take a punch. His dial is packed
full of damage reducing abilities of every kind; toughness, invulnerability
and impervious. Unfortunately for the Hulk though, this is the backbone to
his entire existence. If the opposing team has anyone with outwit available,
Hulk finds himself falling off the map in short time. When not facing any
opponents with outwit, the Hulk is a major force who can stand up to anyone,
especially when you’re making successful impervious rolls to ignore any
attacks or damage. The numbers are high and the powers are begging to be
Damage: OUCH, this guy can knock out about 25% of the Marvel Universe in one
punch. Tack on his super strength and this Hulk can deal an awe-inspiring 8
clicks of damage. All it takes is one solid hit from this big guy and anyone
will be close to KO, even a full strength Thor. The only downfall on Hulks
damage is his battle fury, which means you cannot taxi him, but its also
means he cannot be mind controlled, which is a gret thing; you don’t want
Hulk turning around a busting one of his own teammates in the chops.
Overall: I would give just about anything to see this figure with charge. He
would be a game dominating piece. A guy who deals a possible 8 clicks of
damage running in from 5 spaces away and smashing people – that would be
GREAT!!! Well, back to reality and the 10 clicks of leap / climb. Its
unfortunate, but we’ll deal with it in whatever way possible. I guess that’s
why you’ll always see Hulk hanging around a TK’er like Jean Grey. Either
way, this figures usefulness really depends on the metagame you are facing.
If you expect to see a lot of Black Panthers roaming around the board, then
I wouldn’t suggest using the Hulk. If you plan on seeing a lot of close
combat figures, then he might be the key to winning a few games. I
personally would never consider playing the Hulk in any form of serious
play. As far as casual games go though…. He can be a lot of fun!!