Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Peltzer |
This version of Sabretooth has the same mix of powers and team ability as
its IC predecessor, Stealth, BCF, Toughness, Regen and Battlefury. Stealth
is a powerful ability, but with only one click of it and no range attack,
Sabretooth can’t use it to its full potential. He can hidey-sneak his way to
the frontlines, but once there he has to wait for an opponent to come to him
or moved out of cover to attack.
If you manage to get next to an opponent, BCF with a 10 AV is a very potent
attack. Unfortunately, his 14 Defense makes him very hittable. Toughness is
OK, but stopping 1 point of damage per hit is nothing when you can be hit at
will. Regen on the last 2 clicks can help Sabretooth to stick around for a
while. A good roll will get him back to full health. Battle fury is there
for color. I can’t think of good reason why you would want to mind control
him when he has it, he doesn’t have a range to begin with, and he can move
for free because of Brotherhood.
While extra move action TAs are good to help position your forces, it could
be a detriment to Sabretooth. He is not very pushable, losing Stealth after
the first click and his stats drop every click. Overall I give him a 2
across the board.
100+ : 2
Monger |
Marvel Universe #005
The difference between the new Universe Sabretooth and the old school
Infinity Challenge Sabretooth doesn’t look like much point wise (40 Univ, 51
IC) but the difference in stats is HUGE! I didn’t expect any eye-popping
stats for 40 points, but neither did I expect Wizkids to rob Sabretooth of
so many valuable stats either. I’ll give a quick run through of his dial and
name off some of the differences in which I feel harm or help this once
powerful character.
Speed: Still starts the game with stealth, which is always good, but that 7
instead of 8 can lead to a few shortcomings when you’re bouncing between
hindering terrains. Now, the later part of this guys dial is really
disappointing. He looses his stealth altogether and holds no speed powers at
all, combined with extremely low base numbers. For 40 points, I would have
given up a few clicks of toughness in order to receive a few more clicks of
Attack: Pretty much the same as the old Infinity counterpart. Starts the
game with a strong 10 attack value and drops slowly, something I like to
see. He remains a serious threat on the board for 4 straight clicks courtesy
of Blades/Claws/Fangs, which is something not many 40 pt. figures can say
they offer! The ability to deal 6 clicks of damage can never be
Defense: Starts off a little lower (14 compared to a 15) but with stealth,
it doesn’t make him as vulnerable. Only two clicks of regeneration on this
version, but its not a huge deal, as his regeneration stats are placed
where, with a good roll, you are back in your prime numbers. I wish he
offered two clicks of stealth though; this would make his stealth reachable
if you roll a 6 on either click of regeneration.
Damage: Straight up 2 damage, nothing fancy. Battle Fury is found after
three clicks, but I’ve found that ability to be rather unused and somewhat
pointless (other then to make the game a little more realistic). When
Sabretooth gets to his last three clicks of life, he’s pretty much on his
own, as you wont be fighting, you’ll be making regeneration rolls more then
likely (unless you can be TK’ed to safety).
Overall: One click of stealth still has me baffled. Giving Sabretooth one
click of stealth is like giving Spider-Man one click of Leap/Climb or giving
Hulk one click of super strength. It just doesn’t mix well with the
character and I would gladly give up different abilities in order to receive
extra clicks of stealth. I was somewhat disappointed with this change
Wizkids made. Other then this, I found Sabretooth to be well worth his 40
points and an extremely playable figure in casual games. Combine this figure
with some telekinesis and you’ll have a long distance damage dealing