WildWill |
Name: Captain America
Set: Ultimates
Numbers: 64-66
Rarities: 3-5
Cost: 72, 89, 103
Health: 8, 8, 9
SSADD: 8/10/16/3, 8/11/17/3,
Powers: Charge, Leap/Climb,
Flurry, Impervious, Combat Reflexes, Defend, Leadership, Exploit Weakness,
Exp & Vet add no new powers
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 4,
1 Range 6, 1 Range 6
Team: None, Ultimates,
Ultimate Captain America is
VERY similar to the original Captain America, if the websites I’m reading
his bio on are correct. See I don’t do the Ultimate Universe. I’ve read a
few issues of Ultimate Spiderman, and I own Ultimate Team-Up #1, but only
because it was written and drawn by Matt Wagner, and I’m a Matt Wagner
completist. So the bottom line here is that my bios for Ultimate characters
are going to be skimpy at best. Sorry, but it’s the best I can do.
This bugger, he’s gonna
change the game as well. There’s a reason why I chose Thor, Hawkeye and
Captain America as the first three COTD reviews from this set, it’s because
these all have the Ultimate Team Ability, which like the Superman TA from
DC, is basically Anti-Stealth. Nasty if you can get it. Cap’s stats on the
Exp. and Vet. version make him a tournament quality figure, he’s just a beat
stick, and since he’s cheaper than Thor and easier to get, he’ll probably
end up on more teams. Add to that, he’ll probably never get KO’ed, and
you’re looking at your number one new Primary Attacker…well maybe not number
one, but he’s in the top three.
You can see for yourself the
vast array of powers that Cap comes with, Exploit Weakness, Outwit, Flurry,
Combat Weakness, etc. About the only thing he doesn’t have is CCE or RCE,
which, well, he doesn’t really need now, does he?
Thus far, Ultimates has only
been available at conventions and pre-release tournaments, but that doesn’t
mean there aren’t singles out there. Caps singles are going to be VERY
highly prized, probably as much, if not more so than any other REV set. His
single Rookie is going for as much as four bucks by itself, and the Vet has
sold for as high as $15. REV sets have gone for about the same though.
He’s not quite as broken as Firelord, but believe me, there aren’t going to
be as many of him out there as there are Firelords.
My Ratings (Playability
First, then Collectability)
Rookie 3,3
Exp 4,4
Vet 5,4
LE 2,2
Next time The March of the
Ultimates continues, with a guy who’s loved and feared throughout the Marvel
Universe…I’ll give you one hint, he ain’t Venom.
Gemini77 |
Many Marvel fans have been asking, nigh begging, for a
playable Captain America. Finally, he as arrived in Ultimates. Cap is a
veritable Swiss Army knife of powers with 10 different powers in the Rookie
and Experienced version and 11 in the Veteran. All three versions have
Charge, Leaping & Climbing, and Flurry on movement, Energy
Shield/Deflection, Impervious, Combat Reflexes, and Defend on Defense,
Leadership Exploit Weakness and Outwit on Damage. The Vet adds a couple of
clicks of Toughness. When looking at the different dials, one thing that
sticks out is the consistency of his stats.
By looking at the ordering of Cap's power, a strategy emerges. Move
forward; use Leadership for extra actions to position your figures and ES/D
to protect Cap from range. When close enough Charge in to close combat and
get Impervious and Exploit Weakness. After taking a few clicks, you can use
L/C or Combat Reflexes to fall back. At the end of the dial you are set to
make you last stand with Flurry, Outwit, and Defend.
The Rookie has a 4-range attack, no Team Ability, 7 clicks of life, and
costs 72 points. The Exp version is 89 points, has a 6 range, and adds the
Ultimate TA. The Vet adds a click of life and some Toughness for 103 pts.
The most outstanding feature of these figures is the Defense. It starts at a
17 (16 for the Rookie) and ends at a 16, while never dropping below a 14.
The starting Attack values are 10,11, and 12 for Rook, Exp and Vet,
All 3 versions are great additions to any team. The Ultimates team
ability is not only great for anti-Stealth, but also allows you to Charge
through hindering terrain. Point for point, the Experienced version is the
best of the lot. He is a sub 100 point Anti-stealth who is one of the best
secondary attackers in the game.