Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Mysterio
Set: Marvel Ultimates
Number: 49-51, 217
Rarity: 2-4, LE6
Costs: 44, 57, 68, [61]
Health: 5, 6, 7, [6]
SSADD: 6/8/15/2, 6/9/16/2, 7/9/16/2, [6/8/16/1]
Powers: Stealth, Mind Control, Smoke Cloud, Super Senses, Outwit
LE has only Stealth, Mind Control, Poison, Smoke Cloud & Outwit
Experienced and Vet adds no new powers.
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 4 (all versions)
Team: Sinister Syndicate (all versions)
Quentin Beck was your ordinary Hollywood Stuntman, who lusted after a life
of crime. With a cohort he stole a bunch of special technology and created a
super-suit that allowed him to rip off pretty much what he wanted. He didn’t
expect to be soundly thrashed time and again by your friendly neighborhood
Spider-Man though. Years of using toxic chemicals in makeup and special
effects left their toll, and Beck developed cancer. He would never get his
ultimate revenge on Spider-man though, his last major campaign coming to an
end at the hands of Daredevil in the fantastic Kevin Smith run. He did train
a couple successors though, and thus there is still a Mysterio running
around the Marvel U.
My biggest memories of Mysterio come from the 1967 cartoon version, where
the fishbowl head guy appeared in the opening credits getting slid across a
bar. He never was a major villain, but he fit nicely in Spidey’s rogue’s
gallery. Finally, we get a nifty Heroclix version, which actually should
play decently.
You all know I love stealthed range attackers, though a range 4 isn’t going
to go very far (heh heh). Mind Control at range doesn’t stink however, and
Outwit and the Sinister Syndicate TA on all versions? Hello, super 2nd tier
attacker! Plus, his point cost is VERY reasonable, he’ll fit on pretty much
any team. Sure, he doesn’t have the attack stats of a Taskmaster, but he’s
nasty nonetheless. Couple Perplexers and he’ll be a force to be reckoned
The LE version is even better than any of the REVs, as you only really lose
Smoke Cloud, which I don’t like anyway. A short dial though means he won’t
last long unfortunately, but he’ll still see some play.
Mysterio has a great sculpt, and I can’t wait to pull one. Thus far the LE
has been selling for between $15 and $40, which is a HUGE range, I’d imagine
as more get out there he’ll be going for the low end of that range. REV sets
should be had for under $5.00.
My Ratings:
Playability first, then Collectability out of 5.
Rookie 3,2
Exp 3,2
Vet 4,3
LE 4, 4
Next time: Think about this REALLY hard….our next review is on Wednesday,
June 30. There’s a little movie that is being released to theatres on that
day. The next figure, well he’s the main character of that movie.
Monger |
Mysterio Veteran
Marvel Ultimates #051
You don’t even have to be a fan of Mysterio to like the sculpt Wizkids has
supplied this figure. It’s a great looking piece and the little skulls all
about his feet give him an intimidating appearance. Although the picture
that Wizkids has showing on the website has a blue dome for his head, when
you get the actual piece, you’ll notice it’s clear instead. If you are a fan
of Mysterio, then you might be disappointed in this figure, hard to say
really, some people might really like him...? I really expected a lot out of
him, especially at his point cost of 68. A figure full of abilities is nice
(which Mysterio offers), but when it comes to tourney play, it requires high
numbers on the dial to impress me (which Mysterio fails to offer). Don’t get
me wrong though, this is a decent figure and will see fair play time in
limited tournaments.
Speed / Range: Normally, a figure with any range at all and stealth would be
considered decent. But the entire face of Marvel Clix has been changed with
the release of the “Ultimates” team ability. This may be a pain in the rear
for Mysterio, but when not facing these guys, he’s a decent figure. The
stealth allows Mysterio to get within attacking range, give him a slight
push, a little TK and your mind controlling abilities are in full swing. The
actual speed values seem a little weak, but we didn’t expect Mysterio to be
an Olympic sprinter, now did we? After his three clicks of mind control, he
gains his camouflage ability back (stealth). Let’s just say when he’s
injured – he’s hard to find.
Attack: Smoke cloud? To me it seems like a lot of Marvel figure were given
this ability in the Ultimates set. Usually this was seen on Robin or Batman
from DC and the Marvel counterparts were given something really cool like –
force blast or Combat reflexes (I’m kidding on the “cool” part). Mysterio
was given five straight clicks of smoke cloud, which can be nice I guess
when there is no cover to hide behind. It’s not a real popular ability in
HeroClix and I would have been happier with Psychic Blast. Now that would
have been interesting! The attack values are low, ranging from 9 to 6, which
are disappointing, but a nine does give you a chance to hit those high
defensive stat characters, so it could be a lot worse!
Defense: Super senses is an ability that is used (and works) more then
people give it credit for. If you’re able to shrug off a couple of attacks
in one game, it makes a HUGE difference. Sure, it’s not Impervious, but it’s
the next best thing as far as avoiding being hit all together. However, you
might find yourself needing to roll 5’s and 6’s quit a bit, since Mysterios’
defense is only a 16 and drops very fast, resulting is a lonely 12 before
his KO.
Damage: Four straight clicks of outwit and three straight clicks of base two
damage. Nothing to be disgruntled about, he has an above average damage
dial. Not a real offensive piece, but he opens up opposing figures to
everyone else on your team.
Overall: Stealth, Mind Control, Super Senses and Outwit. Those are all great
abilities, but when they get placed on low numbers, it really doesn’t make
them seem as appealing. I’m not saying Mysterio is an awful piece, but he
doesn’t seem to have the actual stats that win games. All it takes is one
solid hit to bump Mysterio into a 5th or 6th click that renders him almost
useless. If you do end up playing Mysterio on a team of yours, try to stay
away from any anti-stealth teams, and you’ll be alright.
Gemini77 |
The Ultimates set is certainly giving us a host of
Spiderman villains. And the sculpts in this set also seem to be getting
better than previous sets. Today's review, Mysterio, fits both categories.
The REV Mysterio's share the same set of powers, Stealth, Mind Control,
Smoke Cloud, Super Senses, and Outwit. They also share the Sinister
Syndicate Team ability. I think the combination of powers is a fairly good
interpretation of Mysterio's illusions and hypnosis ability. Especially
Super Senses representing the idea that your are attacking a hologram and
not the real thing. Unfortunately, Smoke Cloud and Mind Control are not very
effective with only a range 4. That leaves his Stealth Outwit ability to be
his key asset.
We all know that the Ultimates TA will be very popular and Stealth will
not be as powerful. But, Mysterio offers a twist, Super Senses. So what if
you can see him, he has a chance to make your attack a wasted action. And
with at least 2 clicks of Outwit on each figure, it takes a concerted effort
to knock him off of his Outwit, unlike Black Panther who can be a
multi-target ranged attack afterthought.
If you do find yourself based, the Mind Control can be used to move your
attacker away, assuming you hit. With a starting attack of 9 for the EV and
8 for the Rook, offense is not Mysterio's strong suit.
The LE Quentin Beck trades his front side Stealth for Mind Control and
Smoke Cloud for Poison. He also loses his Super Senses and Team Ability. For
61 points, (the vet is 68, exp 57, and rook 44) he is the least playable of
the Mysterio's.
The best of the bunch is the Rookie. At 44 points you get a stealthed
Outwitter who can hang around for a while. If the Ultimate TA becomes used
as much as everyone anticipates, Mysterio will be a good replacement for
Black Panther.
Shooter |
Mysterio Veteran
Marvel Ultimates #051
You don’t even have to be a fan of Mysterio to like the sculpt Wizkids has
supplied this figure. It’s a great looking piece and the little skulls all
about his feet give him an intimidating appearance. Although the picture
that Wizkids has showing on the website has a blue dome for his head, when
you get the actual piece, you’ll notice it’s clear instead. If you are a fan
of Mysterio, then you might be disappointed in this figure, hard to say
really, some people might really like him...? I really expected a lot out of
him, especially at his point cost of 68. A figure full of abilities is nice
(which Mysterio offers), but when it comes to tourney play, it requires high
numbers on the dial to impress me (which Mysterio fails to offer). Don’t get
me wrong though, this is a decent figure and will see fair play time in
limited tournaments.
Speed / Range: Normally, a figure with any range at all and stealth would be
considered decent. But the entire face of Marvel Clix has been changed with
the release of the “Ultimates” team ability. This may be a pain in the rear
for Mysterio, but when not facing these guys, he’s a decent figure. The
stealth allows Mysterio to get within attacking range, give him a slight
push, a little TK and your mind controlling abilities are in full swing. The
actual speed values seem a little weak, but we didn’t expect Mysterio to be
an Olympic sprinter, now did we? After his three clicks of mind control, he
gains his camouflage ability back (stealth). Let’s just say when he’s
injured – he’s hard to find.
Attack: Smoke cloud? To me it seems like a lot of Marvel figure were given
this ability in the Ultimates set. Usually this was seen on Robin or Batman
from DC and the Marvel counterparts were given something really cool like –
force blast or Combat reflexes (I’m kidding on the “cool” part). Mysterio
was given five straight clicks of smoke cloud, which can be nice I guess
when there is no cover to hide behind. It’s not a real popular ability in
HeroClix and I would have been happier with Psychic Blast. Now that would
have been interesting! The attack values are low, ranging from 9 to 6, which
are disappointing, but a nine does give you a chance to hit those high
defensive stat characters, so it could be a lot worse!
Defense: Super senses is an ability that is used (and works) more then
people give it credit for. If you’re able to shrug off a couple of attacks
in one game, it makes a HUGE difference. Sure, it’s not Impervious, but it’s
the next best thing as far as avoiding being hit all together. However, you
might find yourself needing to roll 5’s and 6’s quit a bit, since Mysterios’
defense is only a 16 and drops very fast, resulting is a lonely 12 before
his KO.
Damage: Four straight clicks of outwit and three straight clicks of base two
damage. Nothing to be disgruntled about, he has an above average damage
dial. Not a real offensive piece, but he opens up opposing figures to
everyone else on your team.
Overall: Stealth, Mind Control, Super Senses and Outwit. Those are all great
abilities, but when they get placed on low numbers, it really doesn’t make
them seem as appealing. I’m not saying Mysterio is an awful piece, but he
doesn’t seem to have the actual stats that win games. All it takes is one
solid hit to bump Mysterio into a 5th or 6th click that renders him almost
useless. If you do end up playing Mysterio on a team of yours, try to stay
away from any anti-stealth teams, and you’ll be alright.