Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Annihilus hails from the wonderful land of the
Negative Zone, where he rules over everything with a
despotic hand, and the Cosmic Control Rod (You know I
think my wife has one of those...buh dumb bum). There
he fought with the Fantastic Four a few times, and
he's also teamed up with Blastaar to kill off a few
good guys. Oh, and he's an insect, but you can't just
squash this guy like a roach...he keeps coming back
for more, and more, and more.
Today I'll be reviewing his REV set AND the Level 5 LE
that was available in the initial series of
tournaments for Marvel Heroclix, a looooooong time
Name: Annihilus
Set: Infinity Challenge
Rarities: 3-5, LE5
Numbers: 64-66, 170
Costs: 83, 103, 129, 146
Health: 9, 9, 10, 10
SSADD: 8/10/15/2, 8/11/15/3, 8/11/16/3, 8/11/16/3
Powers: Running Shot, Invulnerability, Toughness
Experienced adds Nothing.
Veteran adds Nothing
LE Adds Pulse Wave
Ranged Attacks: 2 range 8, 2 range 10, 3 Range 10, 1
Range 10
Arch-Enemy: None
Team: Exp., Vet. & LE are Minions of Doom
If you wanna try Annihilus on one of your teams, you
had better do it quickly, because in a few months, WK
is going to retire all the non-Marvel Universe
reprinted figures, and I wouldn't expect Anny to be
reprinted, he's just way, way, WAY too strong. One
power...two or three targets...NICE attack
level...perplexed up, and Anny can whack pretty much
anyone on the field of battle, and just laugh
Sure, all three versions of him are bloody expensive,
as they ought to be, but even the Rookie is well worth
the points. So strong he's in the top 5 figures that
ought to be retired. Use him now if you got him, any
of the versions.
Annihilus has a great sculpt that really captures the
flavor of the villain. You want Anny? He's really
cheap...Many REV sets have sold recently for under
THREE bucks. THREE bucks! That's almost giving him
His Limited Edition "Alter-Ego" is a Level 5 LE,
meaning he's hella-expensive...though he's out there
in numbers. Online sales are going from about $45 to
$65...Pretty expensive considering for 27 extra points
over the Vet version you give up TWO ranged targets,
but gain 5 clicks of Pulse Wave.
My Ratings (Playability then Collectability, out of 5)
Rook 4, 2
Exp. 4, 2
Vet. 4, 2
LE. 5, 4
Monger |
Veteran Annihilus
Infinity Challenge # 066
Annihilus is one of only a few powerhouse wildcards in Marvel.
Unfortunately, the Marvel universe doesn’t offer many team abilities that he
can abuse. Fortunately for Annihilus, there are darker and nastier team
abilities in the DC Universe! Although he doesn’t see receive much play time
in Marvel based games, he is a commander of the field in the Open Universe.
Place him on the same team with a Batman ally and a Superman ally, he is
almost untouchable! However, most games are single universe and I’ll try to
review him based upon his abilities in this set.
Speed: 8 range is nothing amazing, but tack on running shot and it’s a
little more useful. Especially when you consider that this version offers 3
clicks of this ability. He’s powerful on open and closed maps, being able to
run around and cause havoc about anywhere within reach (14 spaces w/ running
shot). After 4 clicks, he begins to show some wear. When he is near death,
mobility is a noticeable problem, being able to only run 4 spaces.
Attack: I was kind of depressed with this figures attack values. They start
at a good number (11 on first click) but they drop rather quickly (6 attack
on 6th click) and this requires high rolls on your part to deal any damage.
I’m not impressed with his attack; I feel that it should be a little more
consistent considering he is 129 points.
Defense: Six clicks of life that includes either invulnerability or
toughness. This is a definitely a luxury ability, but when you look past
this, you’ll see his actual defensive numbers are rather low. Try to stay
away from figures with outwit, they make this figure vulnerable to almost
any other marvel figure in the game.
Damage: Nothing fancy on this figure, just a brut that has nothing but beat
down on his mind. He starts off with a base 3 damage, which allows you to
perplex or enhance up as much as you can. Ranged combat expert would have
been a nice addition, but then I would be asking for WAY to much. His damage
is a solid stat that remains consistent and is one of the most attractive
stats about this piece.
Range: Ah, as if the stats weren’t powerful enough, Wizkids gave this figure
the ability to target 3 different figures at 10 spaces away. Add in the
running shot and you can now run 4 spaces and then target 3 figures at 10
spaces away. This is Annihilus’ beast feature by far.
Overall: Although stealth tends to give Annihilus problems (as it does most
ranged combatants). The addition of running enables this figure to get base
to base to them and still attack. Don’t get to greedy with this figure, as
I’ve mentioned, his high stats don’t linger for very long. Keep him close to
a figure with Support, or turtle around a medic with him, he will need it.
I’ve used this figure in Open Universe games several times and I have never
been disappointed.
Give him a try in Marvel, but if you really want to use him to his max
potential, try him in Open Universe games!