Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Kraven, Sergei Kravinov)
Set: Critical Mass
Numbers: 43-45, 215
Rarities: 2-4, LE
Costs: 52, 72, 80, 90
Health: 6, 7, 7, 7
SSADD: 8/9/15/3, 9/10/16/3, 10/10/17/3, 10/11/17/3
Powers: Rookie – Stealth, Leap/Climb, Incapacitate, Toughness, Outwit .
Experienced adds nothing
Veteran adds nothing
LE adds nothing
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 4, 1 Range 4, 1 Range 6, 1 Range 6
Team: None, Sinister Syndicate, None, None
Sergei Kravinov was a big-game hunter, the best big-game hunter as a matter
of fact. He first came to prominence by hunting down Spider-Man (in the
EARLY years), but was never able to bag the wall-crawler. Eventually, right
after Peter Parker and Mary Jane were married, he succeeded in basically
becoming Spider-Man; he buried Pete alive and took over his identity.
Knowing he could never really be Spidey, he committed suicide. All that took
place in the six issue crossover “Kraven’s Last Hunt”, which was freakin’
awesome. There is a new Kraven running around though, his son.
I’ve been running the Veteran Kraven in conjunction with Nightcrawler and
Calypso for awhile now. Kraven is nasty by himself, having Stealth and
Outwit plus a ranged attack, BUT once he gets hit a couple times, he loses
most of his good stuff. Still, place him on some hindering terrain, and he
can’t get hit by ranged attacks, which I LOVE! I don’t care much for the
Rookie or Experienced version, and the LE isn’t much better than the Vet,
and it costs more. Still the Veteran version is kind of expensive at 80
points, and I might consider switching to the EXP, if I had one, especially
with the Sinister Syndicate TA. Being the best hunter in the world, he
SHOULD have RCE, but Outwit is more powerful. He’s one piece that could
definitely benefit from a split power.
Kraven looks fantastically feral, which he should. I’ve always loved that
coat, with the bare chest underneath…looks fantastic in this sculpt. My only
problem is that I wish he had a gun (and RCE for that matter). Kraven REV
sets are selling for between $3.49 and $9.00 right now (shipping included).
That high end is really, really high, and only a few lots have sold in that
range. The lower end is what you’ll most likely pay, especially since he’s
only 2-3-4 REV.
The LE is another story, though, as it usually is, the LE has been selling
for between $13 and $48 recently which for an LE is really reasonable.
My Ratings: (Playability first, then Collectability)
R – 3, 2
E – 3, 2
V – 4, 2
LE – 3, 4
Next Week: Again, we need your suggestions, let us know what YOU want to
see, because week after next, we are UNLEASHED! |
Monger |
Veteran Kraven
Critical Mass #045
When you pick this figure up and give him a quick glance, you’ll see some
pretty strong starting stats. You’ll think to yourself, for 80 points, this
guy isn’t bad. Sorry to say this though, his first click will fool you! This
figure is not worth the 80 points required to use him and will only begin to
see serious play (if any at all) if Black Panther is not reprinted in
Universe. Why am I being so mean to this animal man? Read on and find out…
Speed: Ok, I’m sure most readers will agree, Stealth is as broken as a power
9 magic deck. Its’ not fun to play against but it’s always nice to have on
your side. He has decent stats for speed and I have no problems with this
area, it’s the figures range that bothers me. In order for this guy to cause
havoc on the map, he needs more range. Once Kraven takes 2 clicks of damage,
he’s out of the game and searching for support.
Attack: Incapacitate for six clicks, that’s somewhat impressive – I guess.
If you like incapacitate that is. Although, when you look past the light
shade of blue, you’ll soon see they are stacked on top of miserable attack
value numbers. This guy cannot afford to take any damage, as his attack
numbers drop like a rock. Try to get this guy into hindering terrain as
quick as you can and use the ten attack as much as possible, because it
doesn’t last long AT ALL!
Defense: A 17 defense on a figure is nice, but when you consider an opposing
figure needs to be base-to-base to confront you and you don’t get any form
of hindering terrain modifier, it’s actually somewhat low. I would rather
see super senses on this figure then toughness; it would make him more
playable in my opinion. Like his attack values, his defense shares the same
fate; it drops like a rock as well. I’m not impressed with Kravens’ defense
and for 80 points, I expected to see more.
Damage: I wish they would have held on making this figure. Give him some
exploit weakness along with outwit and you would have a solid piece.
Unfortunately, your stuck outwitting defense abilities of opposing figures
in hopes that your low attack with actually get through (good luck). Two
clicks of outwit is helpful, and teamed with stealth is pretty nasty, but
after those two clicks, what’s left? Nothing…
Overall: To me, paying 80 points to field a figure that only has two useful
clicks and no team ability is ludicrous. Even when Infinity Challenge drops
from current tournament play, you will NOT find a tourny worthy teams that
sport Kraven. He is not an offensive piece by any means and he is not worth
80 points. In tournament play, I would love to be placed against an opponent
using Kraven, because that just means an easy 80 points in my win column. Do
not be scared of this figure and do not build teams around him!
~Monger~ |