Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Nebula
Set: Critical Mass
Numbers: 52-54, 218
Rarities: 2-4, LE
Costs: 57, 65, 76, 66
Health: 6, 7, 7, 6
SSADD:7/9/15/2, 8/10/16/2, 8/11/17/2, 8/9/15/2
Powers: Incapacitate, Energy Shield/Deflection, Mastermind, RCE
Experienced adds no new powers
Veteran adds no new powers
LE adds no new powers
Ranged Attacks: 2 Range 8, 2 Range 8, 2 Range 10, 2 Range 8
Team: None
Nebula is a space pirate (goes with the Corsair/Hepizabeh block), who has
once wielded the Infinity Gauntlet. She claims that Thanos is her
Granddaddy…what a weirdo. She also once conquered the Skrull empire and
destroyed Firelord’s home world. Nice gal, the kind you wanna take home to
mom for dinner. She’s still at large, having tussled with the Beyonder,
Thanos, the Avengers, Spidey and Nova.
Too expensive to be a support player, not powerful enough to be a heavy
hitter. Those two range 8 (or 10) targets sure look nice with RCE, and
Mastermind is an interesting power, but no Stealth, Outwit or Perplex, and
I’d be hard pressed to put her on a team.
The Limited Edition falls smack dab in between the Experienced and the
Veteran, and if you happened to win her, I guess she makes a nice addition
to your collection. I can’t see playing her, but maybe you can. A pretty
weak LE I must admit.
Nebula is a weak character in the game, and apparently an even weaker clix
on the secondary market. REV Sets can be had for only a couple bucks, and
the LE is selling between $2 and $16. That’s HORRIBLE for an LE. If you win
her in a tourney, you’re bound to be disappointed.
My Ratings: (Playability first, then Collectability)
R – 3, 2
E – 3, 2
V – 3, 2
LE - 3, 3
Next time, the cosmic theme continues…
Shooter |
V Nebula
76 points
Range 10; 2 Targets
6 clix of life
Incapacitate (5 clix); Mastermind (3 clix); Energy Shield/Deflection (3 clix);
Ranged Combat Expert (3 clix)
In my opinion, Nebula (all her versions actually) has revolutionized how we
(and by we I mean me) look at an offensive ranged attacker. Now, looking at
her stats, she could very easily be a powerful sniper. I mean, 11 attack, 10
range, and 2 damage with RCE, that’s the makings of a hard hitting sniper.
However, it is my humble opinion that she can be far more than a mere
sniper, much more. And for 76 points, she had better be more useful or be
the damn best sniper in the game.
The way I would personally use Nebula is in the manner that you would use
any kind of offensive Mastermind piece (like those from Indy) – move her
around to the best position with fodder in toe. However, fodder for her
mastermind can’t just be anyone…I would highly recommend a medium costed
close combat attack, probably a BCF piece (the Wolverine variations come to
mind). Just have her move around with her bodyguard into crucial positions.
Then, if someone tries to get close, Nebula can Incap them while the
bodyguard gets into position to attack, or actually attacks for crucial
Once she takes damage enough to where her Energy Shield is showing, run. Run
fast. If you have a medic, heal her up ASAP. If you don’t, then try and
position her on a building corner and then you can use her as a sniper, but
try using her double Incap while snipering instead of damage.
100 points: 2 out of 5 (it’s possible to create an ok team of her surrounded
by lackeys, but I wouldn’t recommend it)
200 points: 2out of 5
300 points: 3 out of 5
400+ points: 4.5 out of 5 (great at this level since you have points to put
into a strong bodyguard)
Monger |
Veteran Nebula
Critical Mass #054
I cannot wait until April 2nd! Why is that you ask? Because on April 2nd the
figure list for Universe will be released and everyone will be looking for
Firelord. Now, if I look upon this list and Firelord is not present, I will
dig out my Nebula’s and prepare her for upcoming constructed battles. She
deserves play time but right now she is overshadowed by the big cheese. I
will keep my fingers crossed, simply because I cannot wait to wreck some
havoc in my area with this figure – she is good!
Speed: Nothing fancy in this area, heck, it doesn’t even provide any
abilities, but who cares, she’s not meant to move around the board, she just
needs to stand in one place and raise some hell.
Attack: Mmmmmm, eleven attack, mmmmm. This is very attractive to me when I
see this on a figure under 100 pts. I especially enjoy an eleven attack when
they combine it with a ten range, two targets and incapacitate. Nebula has
the ability to lock opposing figures down or just use her high damage to
knock them out. Her attack values stay above seven all the way through her
dial and she gives you the ability to incapacitate two figures with one
attack for five straight clicks.
Defense: Mastermind? It’s a useful ability I guess, if you have a figure to
deflect the damage onto. I’m not a huge fan of this ability, I would have
preferred to see energy deflection on all six clicks, but that would have
made this figure almost Firelord like in overall power. Nebula gains energy
deflection on her fourth click, which is a nice touch to even out her
abilities, since she looses her RCE at the same time as well. They did a
decent job on this figure defense and she’ll find herself in hindering
terrain during most games in attempt to boost her defense early, because
mastermind won’t help her when she’s on her own.
Damage: A nice touch to a well rounded figure. Nebula offers three clicks of
RCE with a base two damage. She has the ability to outrange most figures in
the game and laughs at Firelord when he isn’t adjacent to a figure with
telekinesis. If your opponent tries to outwit your RCE, you shrug it off and
deal two clicks of damage back, which is usually easy to do since Nebula
yields a nice eleven attack.
Overall: Definitely a tournament worthy piece. I might even attempt placing
her on my regionals team for the end of this month. I have a lot of respect
for this figure and I am keeping my fingers crossed. If Wizkids decides not
to reprint Firelord in Universe, Nebula will get the play time she deserves.
Until then, you can try her out and you won’t be disappointed, I can almost
assure it!
~Monger~ |