Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Adam Warlock
Set: Critical Mass
Number: 87
Rarities: Unique6
Costs: 61
Health: 9
Powers: Toughness, Willpower, Leadership, Outwit
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 8
Team: None
Adam Warlock is an artificial being, a prototype of “Him” who gained
intelligence and rebelled against his creators. He fled Earth (after
battling Thor) and ended up on High Evolutionary’s planet, where the power
of the Soul Gem imbedded in his forehead helped him against the evil
Man-Beasts. He journeyed through space again, where he fought Thanos, and
actually died. His spirit hid itself in his soul gem, recreating him when he
was most needed (against, Thanos again). This time Thanos was defeated, and
Adam gained the massive duty of protecting the Infinity Gauntlet,
effectively making him the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe.
But he ain’t the most powerful Heroclix, that’s for sure. What a WUSS!
Toughness, Willpower, Leadership and Outwit. Oh Boy, there’s a set of powers
I’m writing home about. Nice stats, a ranged attack…all great, but he’s no
where NEAR as powerful as he should be. What a waste of plastic.
Warlock is selling for between $7.50 and $16.50, which should be MUCH
higher, and would be if they made a better clix.
My Ratings: (Playability first, then Collectability)
Next week – UNLEASHED! Oh Yeah!!!!
Shooter |
61 points
Range 8; 1 Target
8 clix of life
Toughness (3 clix); Willpower (3 clix); Leadership (2 clix); Outwit (2 clix)
I look at Mr. Warlock and say “meh”. I mean, don’t get me wrong, his opening
stats are phenomenal for 61 points. But the problems lie in the fact that
after 3 clix of damage, he seems to acquire the stats of a generic piece
with willpower as an added bonus. On click 4, he has an attack of 8, a
defense of 15, and a damage of 2. Upon looking, the V AIM Agent has those
exact same stats on his first click with the same range and he’s a meager 15
points (and has a useful TA if I might add). His only real saving graces at
this time are his decent speed of 8 and of course willpower is always handy.
Hmmm, it almost seems like he was designed to try to run back to a medic at
this point….that’s interesting.
Anyway, after another 3 clix of damage, he gets a damage bump back up to 3
(like he has to start) and outwit. Outwit is always a good thing. A damage
boost with outwit is very nice. Outwit and a damage boost without an
increase in attack (which is a mere 6 by this time) on click 7 and 8 just
isn’t very good. Don’t get me wrong; unlike most people, I happen to be a
fan of the late dial outwit…it’s usually an unfortunate surprise for your
opponent when that black shows up on the dial. But it just seems to be too
little too late on this guy.
If you’re planning on playing him, whatever you do, DO NOT PUSH
HIM!!!!!!!!!!! At least not until he is damaged into willpower. Pushing him
off of that beautiful first click is absolute suicide. He just isn’t meant
to be played that way. In fact, the best way I can see to play him, is as an
aggressive tie up piece. Use that awesome 12 speed to move in fast, have the
17 defense plus toughness shield him until he clears, then do some damage
with 10 attack and 3 damage. He could also be used as a clean up crew in a
sense. Have some bigger more powerful figure plow through the enemy, dealing
damage to as many figs as possible, and then have Adam take care of actually
finishing the guys off. His speed lets him get within range to deliver the
finishing blow easily, and his attack value means that he has a good chance
of hitting. I’m really not sure how I feel about leadership on this piece,
to be perfectly honest.
I would make suggestions of how to make this figure better, but not knowing
really anything about his character, I can’t say for sure what would be
appropriate to put on in both a clix and a comic sense.
100 points: 4 out of 5 (a little expensive, but not enough so to overlook
his beastly opening stats, which rock at this level)
200 points: 2.5 out of 5
300 points: 2.5 out of 5
400+ points: 4 out of 5 (you’re gonna have some kind of support figure to
run him back to when needed at this level, which makes him useful even late
Monger |
Adam Warlock Unique
Critical Mass #087
Did I see this right? A figure with eight clicks of life, toughness,
leadership, willpower, outwit, eight range, a base three damage, ten attack
and twelve movement – all for 61 points? Well, well, well….I am impressed,
yes. Unfortunately, his low attack values and low defensive numbers keep him
from seeing any forms of serious play.
Speed: Twelve movement allows Adam to get just about anywhere on the board.
He is able to run around, deal some quick damage and jet off in search of
support if needed without any trouble. Although he does sport any form of
ability in this area, they have him with high enough numbers that most
people will be happy.
Attack: I’m somewhat please with his attack, I mean, you cannot expect much
for 61 points. What really bothers me is the fact that he has no abilities
in this area. Psychic Blast or Super Strength would have been nice. Even
incapacitate would have been a good ability (they seem to place this ability
on everyone these days). Although his attack starts off at a ten, it drops
rather quickly and makes it extremely difficult for this figure to hit any
opposing figures. I know he’s only 61 points, but I’m not impressed.
Defense: Three clicks of toughness to start off the game followed by three
strong clicks of willpower. If I had to make the call on this figures
defense, I would have swapped the toughness and the willpower, which would
have made him extremely playable. As it sits now though, he is able to take
a couple of good hits and not drop completely off the board, just fall on
his face. Willpower is an ability that can and should be abused at all
times. For Adam though, by the time he reaches willpower, his stats are so
low it’s almost useless.
Damage: The most attractive part of Adam’s dial, by far. Leadership is
always a nice ability to have in small constructed games. That one extra
action can pull out wins in tight games. Placing a base three damage on this
figure was a nice addition as well. His starting attack values are just high
enough he can get through most early defense values without requiring to
high of a roll. One sneaky thing about this figure, look at his 7th and 8th
click. On these two clicks, his damage bounces all the way up to a three
with a little bit of outwit. Adam may get knocked around all game but he’s
far from being finished. He goes down swinging, and he is capable of packing
a pretty good punch.
Overall: Place Adam on a team with a few perplexers’ and you have a nice
figure. Try to keep a figure with support close, as when Adam takes a few
hits, he drops fairly fast. His first three clicks are by far his best and
he needs to stay in these clicks as long as possible to be effective. If you
want to use this figures willpower, don’t use it to fight, use it to run
away, as you are not far from death! He is a good experimental piece and
could see a lot of play in 200 point constructed / draft teams.