Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Bat Sentry
Set: Unleashed
Number: 97
Rarities: Unique 7
Costs: 67
Health: 8
Powers: Charge, Leap/Climb, Incapacitate, Toughness
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 6
Team: Kingdom Come
The first Unique 7 piece, meaning when you get him, you only get 3 clix in
that booster, not that I think anyone is going to complain. He also is
another first, he has articulation! Yup you can move him around. I haven’t
had the opportunity to hold one of these bad boys, but I’ve seen them up
close. They are a BEAUTIFUL sculpt, and a real testament to the outstanding
work that WizKids can produce when they want to.
Now is he a great figure? Not really. Those starting stats aren’t that
great, and they don’t get much better. I can think of a dozen figures that
give that power combination, and while this clix has the KC ability, it
doesn’t offer THAT much protection, other than a 1 in 3 chance that he won’t
get based. Whoopee.
By making a very mediocre figure one of the rarer figures (the folks at WK
say that he should be “more available than any regular unique”, though I
doubt that this is the case, since thus far I’ve heard him coming out at a
rate of 1 per 2 cases) they’ve created a supply and demand issue. Sure, the
collectors want one, but I doubt that he’ll actually see a lot of tournament
play, due to high cost and bad stats. Thus far he’s selling for between $35
and $46, but I expect that as players discover what a bad playing figure it
is, the price will drop significantly. Still it’s a great sculpt, and that
has to count for something doesn’t it?
My Ratings:
Playability 3 of 5
Collectibility 4 of 5.
Next Time – a Princess in some Armor…don’t you want one of those?
Havokclix |
Bat Sentry
In Kingdom Come, Batman was too old to patrol the
streets himself, so he sent his Bat Sentry robots out
while he controlled them from his venerable computer
console and got high on Ben-Gay.
For 67pts, this figure is a steal. The Kingdom Come TA
makes him nearly unbasable, though that is
contradicted by his own charge on the first two
clicks. He’s not a heavy hitter, but has a very
consistent 2 damage for 4 clicks. 15 DV and toughness
aren’t too bad, especially for the points. It has a
starting AV of 10, which is nothing to scoff about,
and doesn’t drop very fast. IC at a range of 6 is just
icing, though a double IC would have been really nice.
Collectability: 5/5 (notice the 7 on rarity on the
Wizkid’s site)
100: 2/5
200: 3/5
300: 3/5
400+: 4/5
Crit happens…
Monger |
Bat Sentry Unique
DC Unleashed #097
Bat Sentry was presented to us for the first time thanks to Wizkids “Sneak
Peeks”. The quality and massive size of this figure made him a popular topic
in most heroclix forums. It was during this figures first appearance that we
were introduced to the “Kingdom Come” team ability. I guess you could
consider this guy the guinea pig of the set. Anyhow, in order to pick up one
of these large figures in a booster, you are stuck with only getting three
figures. His size takes up to much room to fit in four figures and reshaping
the booster boxes wouldn’t work either. Don’t go thinking you can pick up
boosters and find this figure by sheer weight as there are MANY heavy
figures in the “Unleashed” set. Enough talk about his size, lets get on with
his dial review.
Speed: Nothing eye popping, but the first two clicks of charge is a nice
addition. Unlike all other heroclix figures, this machine actually keeps his
starting distance of eight for five clicks. When the Bat Sentry takes two
clicks of damage, he drops his charge ability and gains lead/climb. Although
this guy is big and bulky, he can move about the map as he pleases.
Attack: Bat Sentry starts off with a ten attack, which isn’t to shabby for a
67 point figure. Combined with his ten attack is the ability of
incapacitate, which can be useful when you are battling a figure with
invulnerability or impervious. This gives you a little time to move your
heavy hitters in or even get an outwitter within range to deal some damage.
Although he only keeps his ten attack for one click, his attack values stay
above seven all the way to his death. For a figure only costing 67 points, I
was somewhat impressed.
Defense: If there is one weak point about DC figures, it’s their low defense
values. This figure begins with a fifteen defense and drops all the way to
twelve before falling over. Toughness is a decent ability in DC as there
aren’t many figures who deal more then three to four clicks of damage. This
is definitely the weak point on Bat Sentry, but with his leap/climb ability,
he can find medics rather easily when needed.
Damage: I didn’t expect much on this part of the dial. Bat Sentry wasn’t
assembled to be a combatant. He should only see major fighting when your
team is near defeat or for cleanup on weak opposing figures. A base two
damage isn’t eye popping, but is doesn’t need to be.
Overall: With hypersonic speed being the most abused ability in the game,
the “Kingdom Come” team ability will help balance everything out
(hopefully). Place this figure on a team with a few wildcards and a Batman
ally; you’ll end up with a solid wrecking crew. It will be fun building
teams around this figure. Heck, it will be fun just to see this figure
towering over the rest of the field. If you pull one of these guys from a
booster and you want to play him, try these tips. Keep him away from battle
in early game situations and only fight when you need to. Move him around
figures with low damage values and charge into range when you can. Keep in
mind, you can charge four spaces and shoot six. This gives you ten range and
is longer then 80% of the other DC figures. Keep a medic close by, Bat
Sentry’s defense drops quickly and can be KO’ed rather easily.
Duke |
Bat Sentry
Glorified Manhunter? Maybe so, but the Bat Sentry provides you with the only
real shot at spreading that Kingdom Come team ability around to your wild
card figures.
The ability is a real asset to the Legion founders from Cosmic Justice, all
whom are ranged combat figures who don't do real well in close combat.
Unfortunately, Unleashed provides Legionnaires without ranged attacks (not
counting the LEs for Kara Zor-El and Shvaughn Erin), thus there's not a good
opportunity for using the Bat Sentry and the Legionnaires in the upcoming
The sculpt itself is a spectacle, but the Sentry won't stand tall in the
playability category at its 67-point cost. The figure is similar to R Steel:
the most affordable figure with its respective team ability (66), but the
stats and powers don't offer much.
Yet one nifty combo you can use it for is Charge/Incapacitate. The only
other figure in the game that can do the same is LE Aphrodite, who
coincidentally also costs 67 points.