Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Parademon Warrior
Set: Cosmic Justice
Number: 10-12, 204
Rarities: 1-3, LE
Cost: 19, 22, 25, 26
Health: 5, 5, 6, 5
SSADD: 6/8/14/2, 6/8/15/2,
7/8/15/2, 8/8/14/2
Powers: Incapacitate
Exp, Vet and LE add no new
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 6, 1
Range 6, 1 Range 8, 1 Range 6
Team: None
Parademons are the grunt
soldiers of Darkseid, and exist through his good graces on Apokalips, they
aren’t terribly bright, and their combat value is really only in their sheer
numbers…there’s millions of these bad boys.
While Parademons may look
cool (especially in the Super Powers figure from the early 80’s), they
aren’t terribly exciting to play, unless you’re going for an All-Apokalips
theme team, I don’t really see a need to play them. They have no TA, and
their only power is Incapacitate, which is nice, but really, with a starting
attack of 8 across the board, you’re not going to hit a whole lot with these
guys. That’s why I call them scrubs. These aren’t even usefull scrubs.
The only one of these I’m
going to bother looking up is the LE, which has been selling lately for
between a whopping $4.99 and $8.50 (sans shipping). For an LE that isn’t a
heck of a lot. Goes to show you how important these guys are. For
completists only.
My Ratings (Playability
First, then Collectability)
Rookie 1,1
Exp 1,1
Vet 2,1
LE 2,2
Next time – you know him, you
love him, he’s getting a new series in a couple of
weeks…yes…it’s….err….that’d be telling!
Shooter |
Parademon Warrior
19 points
Range 6; 1 Targets
4 clix of life
Incapacitate (1 click)
Um….what can I say about the Parademon Warrior. He’s sculpt is interesting,
but nothing phenomenal. His stats are well….pathetic. His first click might
be slightly useful in lower point games. 8 attack with 2 damage or
Incapacitate isn’t necessarily bad, especially in lower point games. But
that’s his only possible good side. He’s got low movement so he’s not able
to be an effective tie-up throw away. He’s got short life so he’s not worth
his points as Mastermind fodder. He’s got low defense so again, he’ll
probably not life through any kind of confrontation. He’s got a range of 6
which isn’t bad, but an 8 would be so much better. He’s a few too many
points to be just mobile terrain. Overall, he’s not really worth the 19
points you’re gonna pay for him. The only reason I would see to using him is
if you were playing a 100 point game where he would be at low risk of being
knocked off that first click, or if you were playing a generics only game.
But even still, there are just better generics. I tend to be able to find an
intriguing use for almost any figure, but he just doesn’t seem to make the
cut. He might do well in a sealed game, but I’ve never had the opportunity
to use him.
100 points: 1.5 out of 5
200 points: 1 out of 5
300 points: 1 out of 5
400+ points: 1 out of 5
Next time… Look out!...Radioactive Man! (it’s not him, but it give you a