Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Gorilla Grodd
Set: Hypertime
Numbers: 70-72
Rarities: 3-5
Costs: 54, 76, 86
Health: 8, 9, 10
SSADD: 9/10/15/2, 9/10/15/2, 9/10/15/2
Powers: Mind Control, Super Strength, Psychic Blast, Toughness, Outwit
Exp, & Vet add no new powers
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 6, 1 Range 6, 1 Range 8
Team: None, Injustice League, Injustice League
Arch Enemy – Flash(all versions)
In the DC Universe there’s a secret city inhabited by super-intelligent
gorillas, hey if you can disbelieve long enough to believe a man can fly,
why can’t there be a city full of super-intelligent gorillas? Anyway, one of
these super-intelligent gorillas is Grodd, who not only is really smart, but
he has mental powers too. And he’s evil – E V I L, did I mention that? Grodd
originally started off as a Flash villain, but has lately become a JLA
villain, even making a few memorable appearances on the Justice League
animated show. Actually, those were some of the best episodes of the
series…hmm…a connection?
Talking monkeys are great in comic books, but turns out they’re not so great
in the game. Other than being a VERY expensive arch-enemy for The Flash,
Grodd isn’t worth playing. A 10 attack is always nice, but only the Vet
version has more than one click of Mind Control, though if you can keep him
from getting hit, MC with a 10 isn’t bad either. Outwit doesn’t come until
the end of the dial, and by then you’ve got nothing else. Unfortunately, the
game has passed Grodd by, unless it’s a theme team, you won’t be seeing him
on many teams at this point.
Not surprisingly, Grodd is really cheap right now. There’s still a glut of
unopened Hypertime product out there, and even though his Vet is a level 5
rare, you can still get sets of him on Ebay for under two bucks. Is he worth
two bucks, for the sculpt alone, yeah. They did a really nice job on the
piece, and somehow I’m left thinking, if I had 300 monkeys and 300
typewriters, given an infinite amount of time would they really type out the
complete works of Shakespeare? Maybe Grodd knows. Maybe Yorick knows.
Probably not, Yorick’s the skull.
My ratings – playability first, then Collectability.
Rookie – 2,1
Exp – 2,2
Vet – 2,3
Next time we’re still doing DC…but we’re looking at a few older pieces…next
up, DC’s answer to Nick Fury…and hey, he’s got a new Hardcover by the
Kuberts coming out soon.