Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

WildWill |
Name: Spiderman
Set: Marvel Universe
Number: 1 (71)
Rarities: Fixed Starter (4- Uncommon)
Costs: 40 (82)
Health: 6 (9)
SSADD: 8/10/15/2 (9/11/17/2)
Powers: Leap/Climb, Super-Strength, Incapacitate, Super-Senses (Leap/Climb,
Flurry, Incapacitate, Outwit)
Ranged Attacks: 1 Range 4 (1 Range 4)
Team: Spider-man (None)
This week and next we’re going to look at the six fixed starter figures that
are newly available in Marvel Universe, WizKids’ new basic entry level
product. There’s been a ton of debate about this product, both on our boards
and elsewhere. There’s one side of the debate that says this set is
unnecessary and a waste of resources that could otherwise be spent working
on new expansions. Then there’s the opposite point of view which says that
HC is a complicated game that’s been out a while, and there’s some folks who
don’t already have tons of the figures reprinted in this set already.
Besides merely reprinting 126 figures from either the Infinity Challenge or
X-plosion sets, it also was supposed to codify all the rules changes since
the start into one nice new Marvel Rule Book. The fixed figures in the
starter set have also not only been reprinted, but their stats have been
modified so that you can make two 100 point teams and play right out of the
box. That’s pretty nifty. Now I have yet to actually BUY a starter set
(though I know I will, just so I can get these figures), and I understand
there’s a different map available as well, I just don’t know which one it
So let’s start the week by looking at Spidey, number one in the set, and
number one in the hearts and minds of MANY Marvel Zombies. For comparion’s
sake I included in the stats above the original Spider-Man Experienced stats
from Infinity Challenge.
Well, his dial is pretty short at only 6 health (compared to the whopping 9
earlier). His starting stats are only SLIGHTLY toned down too, which isn’t
too bad. That 40 point build cost with the Spider-Man TA may place him on a
few tournament teams, but only in a theme I suppose. The lack of any outwit
or perplex is disturbing though, and just like every other figure of
Web-Head they’ve created, I think this one has gotten a short shrift.
Now for the next two weeks, I’m not going to mention anything about the
sculpt or collectability, since the sculpt is a re-use, and these figures
are in a fixed starter, which means any schmoe with $13 bucks can grab one.
I doubt that they’ll go for higher than the $2.00 average cost of any figure
in this starter at any point in the future.
My ratings –
Playability 2
Collectability 2
Next time – He’s the best there is at what he does, not the Best there is,
the best there was and the best that ever will be…that’s Bret Hart