Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Monger |
Marvel Universe #003
Lets see here, what’s the difference between the old Wasp and the new Wasp?
Click one, nothing. Click two, nothing. Click three, nothing. Click four –
oh hey, there it is, “Earthbound”.
This ability doesn’t help Wasp much. If you have her in soaring, once she
gains “earthbound” she falls to the ground and is KO’ed (as she takes 1
click of damage for falling).
Wasp will never see as much action as she used to. Taxis aren’t as important
as they used to be in HeroClix. The “no action after being carried” rule
really ruined all the cheap fliers in the game. It’s really pointless to
have a taxi that’s not offensive or defensive minded anymore.
If you are ever able to play in a tournament that allows actions after being
carried, then this Wasp is for you! She has a decent defense, high movement
values and is an avenger, which means she carries your Nightcrawler, Hulk
etc. across the board for free! You can never underestimate this ability, as
free movements can make a huge difference and allows you quick board
Overall, there is no “real” difference in the figures, other then – Wasp
cannot taxi your bruisers when she’s damaged. I can see this being more of a
real comic book situation, but in actual game play, this can be a damper!
Gemini77 |
Today I’ll be taking a look at Marvel Universe Starter’s
Wasp. A quick comparison to IC’s Starter set Wasp shows a vast difference.
Most obvious is the point cost and lack of Incapacitate.
At 19 pts she is one of the cheapest taxis in the game. With the Avengers
team ability, she can carry someone into position without using one of your
allotted actions. Good for putting an Outwitter or Pcer on a roof.
Wasp’s offensive abilities are better than her earlier counterpart, but are
not going to be used often. 2 damage at range 4 with an AV of 8 is only good
for picking off weakened support pieces.
Her defense of 17 is good and never drops below 15. With only 4 clicks of
life, and Earthbound on her last, it only takes one good hit to render her
useless. On the plus side, the 17 defense should make your opponent think
twice about wasting a good attack roll for a measly 19 pts.
If you find yourself with 20 points leftover when building a team, throw her
in. Wasp should be able to flit around the map, moving your characters in
and out of danger, without much thought from your opponent.
100: 4 – High defense and the free taxi are important
200: 3.5 – Defense and move action are still good , but her lack of offense
costs her.
300+: 3.5 – 19 free pts should be easy to find.