Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Monger |
Zelda Dubois LE
Marvel Ultimates
When Wizkids creates an LE, it seems as though they always make the figure
terrible when compared to the REV versions. This LE version of Princess
Python is no different. Even though the point cost is extremely low, she
does offer a few good abilities and can be a very handy piece against teams
that only pack one or two offensive pieces.
Speed / Range: The overall speed and range of this figure are horrid. I’m
not sure what the range of two was suppose to simulate, but it will have no
affect on the game and it doesn’t help this piece at all. The only thing
this figure has going for it in this area is the power of plasticity. You
can TK this figure adjacent to an opposing figure and try to keep them in
check for at least a turn, which can buy your team some time to get into
position if possible. She could be useful against teams that pack a single
heavy hitter, as they will have to deal with this girl before they worry
about everyone else.
Attack: This could have been a lot worse. An 8 attack value is decent and
with a good dice roll, you can hit most opposing figures you’ll come across.
The best thing about this figure can be found here though – the
blades/claws/fangs ability. Having the capability of dealing six clicks of
damage and only costing a miniscule 21 points is a big deal!
Defense: This area will be overlooked by more experienced players and
laughed at by newbie’s. Although she is easy to hit, he main function will
be found in the speed and attack powers. We can look past her low defense as
long as she is keeping an opposing Doc Samson or Wrecker in his place for a
turn or two.
Damage: Much like the defense, this area will be overlooked and will have
little impact on the game. The blades/claws/fangs ability will be used 99%
of the time, unless it is outwitted.
Overall: A good little piece for tying up opposing figures. She doesn’t have
to deal dial and she cannot take a solid hit – but when combined with a
TK’er she can get into a characters face, hit them for a possible 6 clicks
of damage and then hold them tight for a turn or two while you move your
other pieces into position.
vizier_usa |
Zelda Dubois
Rank: LE
Point Value: 21
Team: None
Range: 6
Ranged Attacks: 1 Powers
Speed: 6/6/5/5 ALL Plasticity
Attack: 8/7/7/6 BCF Clicks 1-3
Defense: 13/13/12/12
Damage: 1/1/1/1
Background: Who s Zelda Dubois? Zelda Dubois is real name of Princess
Python. Who s Princess Python?
She s a gal who likes to attack people with her giant snake. How s that make
her a supervillain? I dunno, I guess the writers were having a really bad
week ..
First Thoughts: Wow, they finally made a figure with Plasticity and BCF (No,
EV Chameleon doesn t count).
For such a synergistic combination it sure took Wizkids long enough to
figure out it was a good combo.
I guess it s sort of like the thing with peanut butter and jelly, you just
don t know its good until you ve tried it .
Strengths: It s Plasticity plus BCF for 21 points.
In other words, a tie-up piece with TEETH. Base your opponent, and they will
have to waste time taking care of you because they know RED on Attack is
Weaknesses: 13 Defense. Four clicks. It s a tie-up piece. Please reserve a
space in wherever you put your Heroclix, because you re going to be putting
this piece back there in a few turns. Oh, yeah the Attack Value is pretty
low at 8, but what the heck, what were you expecting for 21 points?
Opportunities: Too bad they took out the Serpent Society TA, or else I would
call this the best tie-up figure ever created. As it stands, it s still
pretty good. What do tie-up pieces do specifically? They make opponents
waste their time, energy and most importantly, moves taking out something
that they normally wouldn t bother with. Taxi it next to their beatstick and
watch them squirm. TK it in the middle of their formation. Move it next to
their Medics and/or Perplexers. Ah, yes, this piece is EVIL. The Plasticity
will annoy them, but the BCF WILL make them go to pieces. Oh yeah, you might
as well push, since
4 clicks isn t going to stop anyone anyway.
Threats: Of course, leaving this piece in the open is like giving your
opponent 21 free points. That s also an option if you want an opponent to
waste that action creaming Zelda, but that really isn t using this piece to
its full potential. A good player will use this piece as a psychological
weapon, holding it back until the moment is ripe to spring it, creating an
instant headache for your opponent and preventing them from implementing
their strategy.
Conclusion: Again, a great, but often overlooked piece. If you have 21
points and you re wondering what to spend it on, there are worst things you
could do. It may be a little situational for tournament play, as its good
mainly for melee teams, but it s still useful regardless. In casual, it
probably won t be a very sexy piece, but it still does its job.
Tournament: 4
Casual: 4
If you have any feedback, rants and/or disagreements, feel free to contact
me here: vizier_usa@yahoo.com
Majinxstar |
Today we are looking at Zelda Dubois the real name of
Princess Python. I have to admit that I cringed at the sight of her name. I
have pulled upwards of 6 Princess Pythons and I have started to just throw
them away. A phasing incappacitater would seem like a good thing if her
attack wasn't so horrible. Anyway Zelda costs 21 points and changes tactics
a little now that her identity is revealed. She has only 4 clicks of life,
which is just horrible and no defensive powers.
Her defense is a paltry 13 which means she should just kill herself if
someone ilke Thor ever bases her. She is very slow with a movement of six,
but she has plasticity for all four of her clixs. She has a one damage and
an 8 attack. What good is she you ask well she has blades/claws/fangs.
So what can she do exactly. Well she is the ultimate medic killer. However
due to the fact that she does not have the Serpent Society TA you have to
use a special trick to get her to the medic. I like to call it the TK
Cannon. You need 3 people with telekinesis for it to work, but it does work.
First have a tk'er tk out another tk'er. Then have the third tk'er tk out
Zeldanext to the 2nd tk'er. Then have that one tk her next to your opponets
medic, (as long as that medic is not Xorn or Jean Grey), and plasticity will
cause the medic to be unable to get away and then Zelda can shred them.
Don't expect her to make it back though. Have fun as this seems to be the
only version of PP that is playable IMO.
Godwin |
Zelda Dubois is the Limited Edition version of the Princess
Python REV from the Ultimate set. At 21 points her LE version is actually
cheaper then even the Rookie version of Princess Python. The sculpt is
pretty decent with a giant python wrapped around her shoulders so it gives
it a little bit of a unique flair.
I’m not really sure what to say on this figure. In regards
to her REV set I found them all to be pretty dissappointing. She basically
is an Incapacitate figure with a weak Attack and a Range of only 2. The
Serpent Society team ability is useful, but she doesn’t have a large enough
move to really take advantage of it.
The Limited Edition version doesn’t have either Incapacitate
or the Serpent Society team ability. In its stead she gains 4 clicks of
Plasticity and 3 of Blades / Claws / Fangs which I assume represents the
snake being able to wrap up people and nibble on them. Her stats are not
flattering. Her starting Speed is 6, Attack of 8, Defense of 13, and Damage
of 1 with only 4 clicks of life.
Overall there is nothing really exciting about this figure.
There are other cheap BCF figures out there that are better (V Kobra Fanatic
being one that comes to mind). Plasticity has its moments, but let me get
on my soapbox about Plasticity. This power is a disappointment because it
has one serious flaw. It has no effect on figures with Leap / Climb,
Phasing or Hypersonic Speed since they don’t have to roll break away. With
the clarification of the rules requiring you to take an action if you fail a
break away players are less reluctant to take that chance. In my opinion
Plasticity would be 10 times more useful if it would force figures with
powers that don’t need to roll a break away to roll a 4, 5, or 6 to break
away from a figure with Plasticity. That way the power could really be
useful in slowing up opponent figures that move easily around the board.
With Zelda though Plasticity isn’t really a big concern,
because with a Defense of only 13 if she tries to prevent you from moving
just attack her and even an Attack of 8 will hit with a 5 or better. She
doesn’t really provide anything to the game I can’t get with other
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below
average, 6 = slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Limited Edition Zelda Dubois – 5.0