Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Monger |
Robin REV
DC HeroClix Hypertime
Today we review one of DC’s most popular figures, Robin. This little guy has
received lots of play from coast to coast because of his decent stats and
great team ability (Batman). Standing in at 17, 20, and 22 points, you will
not find another figure anywhere in the HeroClix line that offers this
stealth ability. Sure, if you want to go really cheap and save yourself some
points, you can always play the “Alfred” pog. With only 1 click of life
though, he is a risky choice for teams that depend upon his team ability.
This is where Robin steps in. Not only can he take a decent punch, he can
hand them out as well! Keeping this figure alive is your biggest worry. As
he’ll be teamed up with many wildcards and they will rely heavily upon his
team ability. Wizkids understood this when they created Robin, giving him
the powers he needs to run to safety or deal out a quick punch when needed.
The Rookie (17 pts): The addition of leap/climb gives Robin the ability to
get anywhere he so chooses. If any opposing figures get to close, he easily
runs away – which is a HUGE bonus for players who need to keep him on the
board. The range of six is well above what I expected and it gives Robin
opportunities to take shots at pieces without being right on top of them.
Smoke cloud was placed in the attack stats, and this not only helps Robin
out, but can provide some cover for team members. Now, the attack value
itself is a little low, but for this entire 17 point figure, it is more then
The Experienced (20 pts): This figure is exactly the same as the rookie
counterpart, only he offers one additional click of life and one additional
click of leap/climb. Tack on two more clicks of a solid base 2 damage, and
we’ve got ourselves a serious headache coming for opposing players. This is
one of the best cheap figures in the HeroClix line – comparable to Scourge
from Marvel Ultimates, but with a MUCH better team ability.
The Veteran (22 pts): This version is not as popular as the experienced
version, but he does have his bonuses. The higher attack value is one, and
the addition of a fourth leap/climb click is the other. Now if you have the
room for the extra two points this version costs over the experienced, by
all means, play him – but if you are tight for points, go down a notch and
you’ll be hard pressed to notice the difference in the two figs.
Overall: Possibly the best low point figures Wizkids has produced for the DC
line thus far. Decent attack values, great mobility, good range, a solid
damage value and one of the best team abilities to boot! This figure will
find his way onto teams for as long as HeroClix is played – he is just that
good, I have no complaints! Great piece!
Godwin |
The Robin REV set comes to us from the DC Hypertime set.
Basically if you don’t know that Robin is Batman’s sidekick then there is no
sense in explaining it to you. You can be forgiven if you don’t read the
comics and don’t know that there have been more then one Robin, but if you
are really into Heroclix you probably knew that anyway.
Robin is the quintessential cheap support piece. His Rookie starts off at 17
points so he won’t break the bank where points are concerned, but he gives
you some useful abilities for that price that separates him from the
Henchmen and Lackeys of the game. The great thing about any Batman Ally
figure is that they usually have both the Batman Ally team ability and Leap
/ Climb. This means that with a figure like Robin you can move freely with
Leap / Climb, but still have Stealth. This is very good combo to have.
Combine with Robin’s starting Speed of 8 he can move around pretty easily.
The other power Robin has is one starting click of Smoke Cloud. Treat Smoke
Cloud as simply creating cover for your Stealth figures. This allows them to
hide as they move up the board.
Other than that Robin is really pretty simple. Starting Attack of 8, Defense
of 16, and Damage of 2. His Experienced goes up to 20 points, but his
starting click doesn’t change. For 22 points his Veteran get his starting
Attack pushed up to 9.
Overall Robin is a good solid cheap support piece. Nothing fancy. He really
is a good sidekick because he can help support Batman or others with his
Smoke Cloud. His Attack isn’t bad for the point cost and he can do some
damage if needed. His dial drops fast and his Rookie only has 4 clicks while
the Experienced and Veteran have 5. Basically after a couple of clicks of
damage he becomes moving terrain if he isn’t KO’d. What is nice about Robin
is that he is the cheapest Batman Ally so in games with wild card team
abilities (especially in Open games since Marvel doesn’t have a similar
ability) Robin can pass on his ability to others. My favorite combo with
Robin is actually E Black Cat from Marvel Clobberin Time. This gives her
Leap/Climb and Stealth to start and lets her get closer to the action.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Rookie Robin – 6.25
Experienced Robin – 6.25
Veteran Robin – 6.50