Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Monger |
Marvel Critical Mass
The six point headache. That’s what we call Moloid at our local venue. He is
one of the best shields Marvel has to offer. Taxi this little fellow around
and place him in front of your big hitters, preferably in some sort of
hindering terrain as well if possible – to abuse his stealth ability.
Standing in at only six points, this guy can be used on just about any team
and he can be worth his weight in gold at certain times!
The rookie is the best of the three! Although he only offers one click of
stealth and two clicks of life, he does his job well and you do not bust
into tears when he becomes KO’ed. The uses for this little guy are endless…
He can be TK’ed or run into opposing figures, to tie them up for a single
turn. He can stand in hindering terrain and become a blocker for line of
sight between your important figures and your opponent’s big threats. He can
even pull off a little damage when needed as well, even though he only has a
base one damage and a horrid six attack, you would think twice before
sending in a low point figure to fight him.
He may not be the prettiest figure in the game, but he has the ability to
get you into tough positions without drawing fire. This can be priceless in
some game situations and has even helped me to pull out a few wins in tight
Godwin |
Ok so when I first pulled my Rookie Moloid I could swear
that he looked just like Golem from Lord of the Rings. It was uncanny.. When
I saw the 6 points I began to laugh. It should be noted that Rookie Moloid
is the cheapest figure currently in the Heroclix game if you don’t include
bystander tokens.
Before I review this figure (which won’t take long) let me say one thing. I
love my Rookie Moloid. I have never been disappointed with him in a game
(which is not hard to do because a figure with 6 points doesn’t have high
So here is Moloid in a nutshell. Starting Speed of 6 with 1, 2, or 3 clicks
of Stealth on the Rookie, Experienced, and Veteran respectively. His
starting Attack is 6 on the Rookie, and 7 on the other two. He never has a
Damage above 1, and his starting Defense is a measly 13 on all three. Oh and
the Rookie only has 2 clicks of life so even a Henchman can kill him in one
So why do I love my Rookie Moloid so much? Ladies in gentlemen he is a
Stealth figure for 6 points! How many games have you played with 6 or more
points remaining on your team? He is the ultimate moving terrain. There are
two ways that I like to use Moloid. One I put him in hiding in the front
lines with my forces next to figures I want to keep opponents away from. If
someone gets close and looks like they are going to Charge or attack my
figure I simply move Moloid into base contact. Now if they want to Charge
they have to try to break away. If they don’t succeed they lose an action.
If they attack Moloid they waste an action. If they have ranged attack they
can’t use it until Moloid is KO’d.
The other way to use him is as blocking terrain. Move him in front of figure
to block against ranged attacks. If they attack Moloid that is an attack
that normally would have been aimed at your other figures. I had a hilarious
game where my Bat Sentry was actually hiding behind Moloid from Kingdom Come
Superman. It was so impractical and funny to see, but it worked.
Overall you can’t go wrong with this guy. I think the Rookie is the best
because it’s harder to digest even 8 or 9 points then it is to digest 6
measly points. If he dies then who cares, but if used correctly he can buy
you an extra round or two and that can make a difference in the game.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Rookie Moloid – 6.75
Experienced Moloid – 6.5
Veteran Moloid – 6.5