Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Godwin |
The Rookie Brainiac 13 starts off already over 100
points. Well 101 points to be exact. His Speed of 8 with Flight gives him
solid movement ability and you might as well taxi someone forward with it
and save an action. His Attack of 10 is almost exactly par for a figure of
100 points, but the Range of 6 is fairly limiting. He can do damage in two
different ways. With Ranged Combat Expert (RCE) he can do 3 clicks of
damage. His other option is to use Psychic Blast, but it would only be
effective for 1 click of damage. Under the old rules you cannot use RCE and
Psychic Blast at the same time, but with the Universe rules I’m not sure if
this still applies. I believe so because RCE is a power action and Psychic
Blast a Ranged Combat Action. It’s a shame because if you could use both at
the same time it would greatly enhance the ability of this figure. To round
out the Rookie he has a mundane starting Defense of 15, but does get a click
of Impervious. After that he only gets 2 clicks of Toughness before he is on
his own with a 14 Defense that just gets lower.
Overall I want to like this figure, but I can’t. For 101 points he doesn’t
cut it for me. He has a very cool sculpt that looks very intimidating, but
this figure doesn’t scare me. With Rookie White Queen (my gorgeous blonde) I
can do 2 clicks of Psychic Blast with a Range of 8 for 41 fewer points. Also
with Superman Enemy just carry around a Lexcorp Security chick and use
Outwit to take out your opponent’s Defensive power and peg them for 3
clicks. That makes Psychic Blast an expensive waste in my opinion.
The Experienced Brainiac 13 goes up to 122 points. He starts off with 2
clicks of Mind Control, which can be helpful in certain situations. His
starting Damage goes up to 2, but you can’t use it with Psychic Blast
because he now doesn’t gain that power until his 3rd click. So you can use
RCE to hit for 4 Damage, but with your range still limited to 6 you can’t
really hit much. His Defense doesn’t really change so knock him off his
first click and he’s easy to take down.
The Veteran Brainiac 13 goes up to 133 points. His starting Speed, Attack,
and Defense all go up 1. He now has 2 clicks of Impervious and has a natural
Damage of 2 for 2 clicks instead of 1 click. He also now doesn’t get Psychic
Blast until his 4th click. His range does go to 8, which is much better. The
only other major difference is he loses the Superman Enemy ability and gets
Injustice League, which is not a very useful team ability.
Overall before this review I always thought this was a good figure, but I
don’t have one and haven’t played against one. I was disappointed. For the
price he is very limited. No close combat capabilities at all. He is a pure
ranged figure, but his actual range is very limiting. Psychic Blast is
almost useless since it can only do 1 click of damage. Get him past
Impervious and he is easy to hit and his last couple of clicks on each of
his versions are useless. Still if you can surround this guy with Perplex he
could be quite useful, but then again I feel there are better Psychic Blast
figures out there for cheaper aka my lovely White Queen.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Rookie Brainiac 13 – 5.76
Experienced Brainiac 13 – 6.06
Veteran Brainiac 13 – 6.26