Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Godwin |
My only knowledge of Spiral before Heroclix came from the
X-Men Saturday morning cartoon. There was an episode where the X-Men are
captured by Mojo and put into his Running Man type cosmic game show. Anyway
Spiral was one of his bodyguards and that’s all I remember. Spiral is a
Unique from Clobberin Time and during my obsession to pull a CT Unique she
was one of the ones I was hoping to pull. In the end I only pulled Titania,
but I have since added Nick Fury and Medusa.
Spiral comes in at 56 points, which makes her playable in almost any size
game. Her starting Speed of 8 is pretty decent. She has Battle Fury, which
means you can’t carry her so she will have to move on her own. This is the
bad news about Battle Fury. I will mention the good news about Battle Fury a
little later.
Her Attack starts at 10 and she keeps this for 2 clicks before it starts to
drop. That is a very nice way to start for a 56-point character. She has no
range whatsoever, but that doesn’t matter because she has Battle Fury her
entire dial. Her natural Damage starts at 1, but later goes up to 2 for
several clicks. That doesn’t matter either because she starts with Blades /
Claws / Fangs (BCF). Oh and I forgot to mention one other power she has.
It’s called Flurry. This means that she now can do 2 separate close combat
attacks on the same turn and she can use BCF for each attack. Now this combo
is not new to the game. In fact Logan came from the very same set and he had
the same ability, but what makes her stand out is that she gets this combo
on her first 2 clicks. So you don’t have to Push to get it, or prey that
your opponent will do just enough damage to get it. She starts right off
with it and if you keep her out of range of other figures and make sure you
attack first then she has the ability to rip your opponent to shreds. This
is also where the good news about Battle Fury comes in. Your opponent cannot
mind control her to use it against you so you don’t have to worry about
watching her mutilate her own teammate.
I think Spiral would be awesome as a bodyguard. In bigger point games you
can hold her back and park her next to someone with Telekinesis (TK). When
your opponent attacks one of your figures with his most expensive piece move
Spiral up with TK and attack. If you don’t finish them off on the first wave
of attacks then you can think about Pushing to do it again. Imagine the
potential to do 24 clicks of damage in two turns and it doesn’t have to be
all at the same figure. Now of course you could do as little as 4 even if
you landed every hit and rolled ones, but we like to think positively.
Other then that her Defense is solid with a 16 and 2 clicks of Toughness to
protect against minor attacks and Energy Explosion. She also has Minions of
Doom which I’m not sure why since I don’t think she ever worked with Doom.
But this gives her the wild card team ability and that is just another
weapon in her arsenal. On top of that she has an amazingly cool sculpt with
her 6 arms each holding a sword. Overall I think this is a very awesome
figure and for the point cost she is a steal to put on almost any team. I
would love to have her so if anyone happens to have an extra send her my
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Unique Spiral – 7.74