Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Godwin |
Ah my beloved blonde bombshell the White Queen. How many
games have we played together as I watched you bring big mean scary men to
their knees begging for mercy from your sweet yet wicked wrath? Ok so I’m a
little taken with her, but that’s because I have always been a sucker for
blondes. Honestly I don’t know much about her from the comics, but when
Clobberin Time came out and I pulled my first White Queen (a rookie) from a
booster I was smitten. I only have the Rookie and Experienced in my
collection, but I will review all three.
The Rookie comes in at 61 points. This means she is playable at almost any
point level and makes her a good support piece to help soften your opponents
so your primary attackers can rein havoc. Her starting Speed is mundane at 6
so if you want to get her into the action early you have to taxi her or use
Telekinesis. She does start with Leadership, which helps if you are tight on
actions. Her starting Attack of 9 is about average for a figure of her cost.
She gets a Range of 8, which is good, but leaves her vulnerable to figures
with Perplex and Outwit that can use a range of 10. Her Damage is only 2
although she keeps this for 4 clicks, but what makes her such a deadly
figure is a combination of 2 powers; Psychic Blast and Mind Control. Psychic
Blast will make any opponent cringe especially if he is relying on figures
with Impervious. Only Super Senses can avoid this power so target his
primary attackers and soften them up before they can attack. Mind Control
gives you options if you want to move opponents to screw up his plans, or
move an opponent away from support so you can gang up on him. Its mainly
useful for attacking an opponent with his own figure, but its best to target
figures less than 100 points so you don’t take damage from Mind Control. To
round out her figure she has a starting Defense of 15 with 4 clicks of Super
The Experienced version of White Queen is almost identical except some of
her stats are enhanced. Her starting Attack goes up to 10, and Defense goes
up to 16. Her dial is now 6 clicks instead of 5. She also gets Mind Control,
Psychic Blast and Super Senses for an additional click. Basically she
becomes a more effective and well-rounded figure, but she also cost 19
points more coming in at 80. In essence I love both the Rookie and
Experienced and will use whichever one fits into the army build cost. They
are interchangeable in my mind.
So if the Rookie and Experienced are so very nice the Veteran should be
dynamite, right? Most Vetarans are just well rounded versions of their
Rookie and Experienced with better stats and deeper dials. Very rarely do
they change significantly. Well White Queen does and it’s not pretty. For 94
points she becomes a member of the X-Men team. I don’t want to waste my
breath on her, but here she is in a nut shell. A slow moving figure with a
weak attack, no range, limited damage, and a strong defense that is only
useful for allowing you to use Leadership. Huh? In the comics White Queen
learns to use some type of diamond defense and this figure is suppose to
represent that. Her Defense on her second click is 17 with Invulnerability
for 4 clicks. Why her second click? Because her first is only a 13 so she
has to “charge up” her diamond shield. On top of this her starting Attack
drops back to 9, she has a range of 0, and her Damage doesn’t go above 2.
She does get Outwit, but not until her fourth click.
Overall the Rookie and Experienced White Queen are both some of my most
beloved pieces in the game. I always try to use figures I haven’t used much,
but I keep going back to my blonde bombshells. I actually think the Rookie
is a little better value at 61 points. For the extra cost of the Experienced
you could get a decent flyer to move her around. I like to use a Doombot
(although it’s a tad more expensive) as her taxi.. Throw in a Hydra member
and the Doombot pushes her Attack at Range up to 10, which is the same as
the Experienced. Perplex is also very nice to have around. As for the
Veteran I think she is one of the most disappointing figure in the game and
I can think of no reason I would ever really want to use her. She doesn’t
have anything of significant value other then she is hard to hit, but not
impossible. (I’ll take Invisible Woman over her any day of the week.)
Luckily I don’t have the Veteran and so I don’t have to fret about her so we
shall talk of her no more and pretend she never existed.
Sorry for the long review, but my gorgeous blonde deserved my words of
affection except the Veteran of course.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Rookie White Queen – 7.68
Experienced White Queen – 7.58
Veteran White Queen – 4.68