Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Shooter |
163 points
Range 0; 1 Target
10 clix of life
Arch Enemy: Doctor Strange
Incapacitate (8 click); Steal Energy (2 clix); Invulnerability (3 click);
Toughness (1 click); Enhancement (6 clix)
From the Dream Dimension, this old school Marvel baddy has some of the best
starting stats in the game…if not the best. But wait, I’m getting ahead of
myself. First, a sculpt review:
Nightmare has certainly seen better looking days. I’m not really sure what
he’s trying to do in that pose…I supposed scratch someone or something. The
cape is kinda nifty, but overall it’s a rather odd sculpt. The all black
with stark white face certainly doesn’t make him more appealing. I
personally would have liked a sculpt more like his picture on Whoclix…but
that’s just me.
Stat wise….whoa. 14 attack and 18 defense. There are guys over 200 points
who don’t have these kind of stats. His speed of 10 is no slouch for a
grounded figure either. The damage of 3 leaves a little to be desired, but
it’s bearable. Plus, he keeps that 3 damage for half his dial, having 2
damage for the other half. Unlike most of the other figures in the game who
have amazing starting stats, Nightmare does not have a glass jaw. In fact,
his last click contains a great 10 attack and a respectable 14 defense. He
even has 3 clix of Invulnerability and 1 of Toughness to ensure that he’s
not damaged too fast. So why isn’t everyone and their mother playing
Nightmare squads?
There’s a couple of reasons he rarely sees play. First of all, he has no
range. He has no Charge. He has no mobility. While he decently fast and can
probably base someone with ease, an opponent with Leap/Climb or Phasing can
just run away without him even laying a finger on them. Also, Nightmare
can’t get past hindering terrain. Getting stuck in hindering terrain makes a
big target when you don’t have stealth. And while he’ll be more difficult to
hit, it’s still not impossible. The other big downfall he has is his
non-defensive powers. The Incapacitate is ok, but the only time I really see
using this is against someone with Imperv/Invul where you’d only be doing 1
damage anyway, so might as well make them push too. His Enhancement on the
other hand is absolutely worthless in my opinion. If you hold him back next
to a ranged shooter (or even 2 of them), then he provides his Enhancement
along with a “DO NOT BASE” warning to protect them. However, for 100+ points
cheaper you can get E Psylocke who does the same thing with stealth, range,
and BCF.
Best case scenario, you move this guy around with a ranged flyer, so that
the flyer can put Nightmare in base contact with an opposing fig, taking
Enhanced pot-shots around the board while he goes to town of the based fig.
But how often is that gonna happen?
100 points: NA
200 points: 1 out of 5
300 points: 1.5 out of 5
400+ points: 2.5 out of 5 (he gets an average rating here, since in very
high point games, he can be properly supported)
Next time…the Rajin’ Cajun….and no not Emeril.
Godwin |
Of the 3 Uniques I have that were originally from
Infinity Challenge, Nightmare is the only one I pulled from an IC booster (U
Juggernaut I traded for, and I pulled U Thanos from Universe). Ironically I
pulled Nightmare after Universe came out and I found a few packs left of IC
at a local store. Nightmare is the archenemy of Dr. Strange and is why the
IC version has a pink base. Don’t let that pink base fool you. Nightmare is
not to be taken lightly.
Nightmare comes in at a whopping 163 points. So what do you get for that
point cost? First of all Nightmare can move with a starting Speed of 10.
Granted he doesn’t have any powers like Leap/Climb or Phasing or even Flight
so hindering terrain will still trip him up, but he does keep a move of 10
for 3 clicks.
The meat and potatoes of Nightmare is his Attack. His starting Attack is 14
and it never drops below 10! Even though Thanos has an Attack of 15 he
doesn’t get that until his third click and his starting Attack is only 13.
The big kicker though for Nightmare is that he has a range of zero, zip,
nada. That makes him painfully one dimensional, but there are ways to abuse
that one dimension.
His starting Damage of 3 (which he keeps for 5 clicks) is solid and having
Incapacitate gives him some options. It’s a very powerful weapon to get
around Impervious if you can just make your opponent push. The other nice
thing is a little uncommon power known as Enhancement. This is the rarest
power I know since I think only Dr. Strange and Nightmare have it. It’s
basically the S.H.I.E.L.D. team ability except it doesn’t cost you an action
to use. So plop Nightmare next to any figure with a ranged combat and their
damage automatically goes up 1. What’s even better is if that figure has
Telekinesis then you can throw Nightmare directly into combat and let him
attack first when the opportunity presents itself.
Nightmare is also not an easy figure to hit. His starting Defense of 18 is
astounding and Invulnerability will help soften any blow if you do manage to
hit. His second and third click still has a Defense of 17 and
Invulnerability. After that though he becomes easier to hit as he only has
once click with Toughness. His last few clicks have Steal Energy so if you
can keep landing hits (and with a 10 you should) then you can heal him up a
Overall Nightmare is a great piece, but not astounding. His lack of range
really makes him one dimensional, but the Enhancement helps level that out a
bit. If you are playing against him stay away from him and try to hit him
from a distance. If he gets next to you then you are dead. I love Nightmare
in larger games because I can park him next to my best-ranged figure and let
RCE do some damage. Then as the game goes on I let Nightmare lose to prey on
the damaged figures and finish them off. If you are smart with Nightmare he
can reward you.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4 = horrible, 5 = below average, 6 =
slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 = outstanding)
Unique Nightmare – 7.25
Monger |
Nightmare Unique #118
Marvel Universe & Infinity Challenge
Nightmare – the menace of Sleepwalker! When you look at this guy, three
things catch your eye; his 14 attack value, his 163 points and his 0 range.
One of these stats doesn’t belong and I’ll give you a second to figure it
out. Done? Well it’s that 0 range! I’d be hard pressed to play a figure with
such a fast dropping dial and 0 range that costs 163 pts. Look at the new
unique Thor, his stands in at 186, has an amazing team ability and a dial
that stays consistent. Now he is worth his points… This figure Nightmare, he
is a completely different story!
Speed: Decent. There are no fancy abilities here, but the actual numbers are
high and can get him about the board without much trouble.
Attack: Amazing. This area alone makes people want to play this figure. He
is almost guaranteed to make successful attacks no matter who he is facing.
Now only does his attack value start off at an outstanding 14, but it ends
on a 10, which is higher this most figures begin!
Defense: Mediocre. Impervious would have been a little sweeter and more
appealing, but invulnerability is the next best thing. Tack on the high 18
for the base value and you’ve got yourself a hard to hit and hard to damage
figure. Unfortunately for Nightmare though, he only has three clicks that
hold any kind of abilities. After this, he drops to a normal state and
become a HUGE target for your opponent – an easy 163 pts for them!
Damage: Horrid. If I play a 163 point figure on my team, and I march him all
the way across the board unhurt, I would want the figure to be capable of
putting a serious hurting on someone, anyone – just to make me smile. But
Nightmare – he’s just not the damage dealing type obviously. His base three
damage is extremely low for a figure of this point value. Because of this
stat alone, I consider this figure unplayable in tournaments or serious
Overall: His high attack value does not make up for his fast dropping dial,
low damage, high point cost, and zero range. This piece has always been
overlooked by gamers and it always will. He does not have what it takes to
win you game. There are better pieces – use them!