Reviewed by Cramcompany
we are going to review the POG Colleen Wing from the
Fantastic Forces Set
ON POGS: (same as all my reviews) Personally I hate
the Pogs. I dislike the idea that they can be used
in competitive play to tie up figures or hide behind
with trick shot. Nubula with 10 Aunt May Pogs and
trick shot, pretty much can not be killed. The Fact
that a veteran Superman needs to “break away” with
Iris West-Allen seems ridiculous to me. I love
getting that something extra in the pack and I love
the idea of doing a “save Ben Urich” scenario, but
if we are taking competitive tournament, the Pogs
can be way too abused. I hate playing with them,
but I do when I really want to win.
Cost and Abilities:
10 Points, 1 clicks of life
7 in
movement. You will probably have to telekinesis her
or you will have to wait for later game to move her
in range.
8. With Blades Claws……yes A POG that could hit
Superman on starting click for 4 clicks.
15….isn’t that the best defense from any character
in DC’s Hyper time set?
2….2! Oh come on…why make it two. She is ten
points for goodness sake and has blades claws, but
if you want to make something broken you have to
brake from the norm.
My favorite POG sculpt ever.
Team Ability:
I think the reason that I hated POG’s so much is
because I knew they would go too far. This
character makes every criminal and thug ever made
look terrible. I always loved the 20 point Vampire
Lackey. She had blades claws and could surprise
people. Now we have a 10 point character that can
hit people for a major amount of damage or just 2 if
she so chooses. Not only that, but the 15 defense
is ridiculous. Basically she is in line if Legacy
and some of the newer sets, but this character makes
the older sets look retarded. Still she only has
one click and that is not too hard to deal with. So
while I dislike the idea of her, I hope to pull a
lot of Wings and team them up with my Mary Jane POGs
that will all be copying the Morlocks team ability
and will be Mystics too. This was a little bit of a
rant and she is not actually that broken, but if she
was 8 points she would be on every team. She does
make it pointless to even think about playing an 80
point Wolverine that is basically the same thing.
Feats and Conditions:
She is very good just because of her really low
point cost. Do not waste a feat on her. Conditions
are something you don’t want to play around her
with. Earthquake obviously would kill her and if
you are making teams of people like her then I
suggest darkness.
How to Beat Her:
anybody and hit her just once. You can not ignore
her though and that is truly her major power over
How to Play Her
I think her best use is to use her like an object
for a telekinesis character. I think mid game when
your Jean Grey doesn’t have too much too do have her
throw a Colleen Wing at her opponent and hope for a
lucky roll. Characters with one target are
vulnerable to her as well. They must target her and
they must deal with her that turn. Feel free to
push her and make those 10 points hurt your
oppenents bad.
Overall Score:
300 Point Games 3/5 (10 points could probably be
used better)
400 Point Games 4./5 (10 points seem easier to come
500 Point Games 3/5 (8 attack is really hard to use
Fun Games 0/5 (Does anybody have tons of fun with
tying up their friends Heroes with Pogs)
= This is Cramcompany. (Please no hate mail)