The Le |
Clearly Wizkids is starting to
realize how important the organized play scene is,
because they have implemented "new guy night", a way
to bring in new players. To help with this, they are
giving away an exclusive "new guy night" figure. The
first figure, Jessica Drew, was given away as
part of the Armor Wars release.
Right off the bat I can say that I really like this
piece. For 65 points we have a figure with
respectable stats and a nice range of abilities. Her
stats are not overly powerful, but her combination
of powers makes her a very good second-string

We start with a mediocre range of
6 with the <b>Hydra</b> team affiliation (TA). I am
not a big fan of this TA, but it is a very cheap one
that gives Jessica a potential +2 to her Attack
Value, so it's definitely not a bad thing (nor is it
as lame as the S.H.I.E.L.D. TA).
(Hydra TA: When one of your characters makes a
ranged combat attack, you may modify its attack
value by +1 for each friendly member of this team
that is adjacent to the attacker and has a line of
fire to the target.)
Clearly she is made to be more of a ranged attacker.
Or is she? Her first click of life is very good,
sporting a very nice damage of 3, Super Strength
(SS) with a respectable attack value, and charge.
Wait, charge? Then she must be built for close
combat. No not really. The charge is really wasted
here, as you really want to keep her as a ranged
combatant. Her SS will let you pick up a heavy
object and throw it for a fine 3+2 damage though,
and her high defense of 17 makes her difficult to
You should definitely push her if you can to get
into her 2nd and 3rd clicks of life, where she
sports Mind Control (MC) and 2 damage with Ranged
Combat Expert (RCE). Her attack is still decent, and
hitting for 2+2 damage with RCE is very powerful
(especially for a 65 point figure). And there are
endless things you can do with MC -- one of my
finest Heroclix moments was taking control of an
enemy Iron Man, and then pummeling his medic with
it. If you are playing a Hydra team, then all
the better, as it helps for either of these
abilities. MC and RCE with 2 damage makes me a
little annoyed though, because both abilities are so
good. Being able to do 4 damage is most impressive,
and MC is just one of the most fun abilities to have
available. This is a minor quibble though, as it
just gives you more strategic options, which is
always important in this game.
Her 4th click of life is clearly her weakest, as she
picks up Leap/Climb (L/C) for the rest of her dial,
and loses RCE. Still though, this is where things
become interesting, as she can use L/C to flee at
any time to get become a ranged attacker again, or
perhaps to get another heavy object somewhere and
come back into close combat.
This leads us to the last 3 clicks of life, which is
very impressive in it's own right. Her attack values
and defense values are pretty pathetic, but once
again that Hydra ability can help with that. She
gains 2 clicks of Incapacitate, one of my favorite
abilities (and thankfully also works in close
combat). Incapacitate is the great equalizer in my
opinion -- it can bring any Hulk or Thor
to it's knees. And if you prefer to do some damage
up close, her last 2 clicks has Close Combat Expert,
letting you deal 1+2 damage, which is exceptional
this late in the dial.
And for her last trick she ends with Pulse Wave, a
very powerful blast that can give your opponents a
real surprise. Too bad her attack value is a pitiful
6, but this late in the game it's probably good
enough to deal some damage.
I really like Jessica Drew. She has just smattering
of powers to let her be a pain in the butt while in
close combat, but has a whole slew of powers to make
her a formidable ranged attacker. She has a number
of overlapping abilities, which gives you lots of
strategic options -- and this is always nice to have
in the ever-changing battlefield.
Oh, and don't think I forgot about her full dial of
Combat Reflexes. This works very well on
Jessica, because she is very much built for ranged
combat. So if someone gets close and hits her, she
can just roll away and make ranged attack on your
turn. I like Combat Reflexes on the right character,
and this is definitely the right character.
Combat Reflexes: (optional): This character
suffers knockback from any attack from which it
takes damage. Knockback damage dealt to this
character is reduced to 0.
While I would love to give this figure a perfect
rating, but I am just a bit concerned with the drop
in values in her mid and late dial. Still though,
for 65 points I think this is a great secondary
4.5 out of 5 stars (a great ranged attacker with
lots of options)
--The Le