This sculpt is one of the
most cartoony I’ve seen yet but then again,
a giant flying head is hardly ever described as menacing J
In my humble opinion, this character
has some great powers but lack a power that looks like it was created
specifically for him. More on this a little later.
MODOK is a ranged attack powerhouse.
He does not have all the range he could have and only one potential
target but he packs quite a punch when he gets there and has the powers
to help out too. His 4 clicks of unmodified damage value are great
assets to any team. He is not your primary attacker but he’ll be a good
sharpshooter for your team if he’s supported properly. He can Psychic
Blast (which he keeps for his whole dial) through defence powers and
still be Perplexed up to 7 clicks of damage! This is combined with
Outwit and Mind Control on his first two clicks of health. I’d rather
have too many options than not enough and this character gives you a lot
of options. MODOK has a defence value that drops very rapidly. Some
may see that as a problem but when he’s surrounded by a wall of Hydra
medics, he just begs to be pushed for damage and then healed back up.
As I said earlier, MODOK
lacks one specific power that would turn everything around for him.
This would change him from a good character to a great one.
MASTERMIND. In the comic book universe, this
character is surrounded by hundreds of flunkies begging to be killed for
their master. Ok, maybe not begging but at least they understand it’s a
possibility when they sign up J
If MODOK had Mastermind, you could
simply park him somewhere and shoot the living hell out of the
opposition and then just replace the living wall in front of him. And
since his little friends have the Hydra Team Ability, they would
actually be useful for something instead of filling up the bottom of our
heroclix boxes…