Man. For those of you that missed the Ultimates storyline, he is the
one that beats his girlfriend
and then gets totally punked for it by Captain America
regains some of his lustre in the Heroclix platform. His physical
attributes are decent but what sets him appart is the brand spanking new
game mechanic for giant figures. A short rundown here will help some of
you that are unfamiliar with these rules.
figures do not block lines of sight to or from a Giant Figure.
figures are considered adjacent to characters up to two squares away.
Regular figures that are two squares away cannot consider a Giant figure
to be adjacent (more on this later).
cannot be carried, are immune to knockback and Telekinesis.
They fail
to break away only on rolls of 1 or 2.
ignore hindering or elevated terrain for movement purposes.
The stats
of Giant-Man have the potential to be used to good results by a player
who plans his strategy right. He starts with 4 clicks of damage, a 16
defence with Inv. and Super Strength. Those can be good stats for a
standard brick. But he’s got something more. Remember, characters do
not block line of sight to and from him. This means that your Con
Artist can be anywhere with 10 squares and still be able to Perplex his
natural 4 clicks damage. His 12 speed will help him cover large areas
to try and control the board.
The great
way to abuse the new mechanic is to place Giant-Man 2 squares away from
a character and attack. The victim is going to have to break away to
enter the square right next to Giant-Man to land his attack and the
great thing is that Giant-Man can just move two squares away and have
the victim go through that all over again. The is not fool proof as you
will still be subject to attacks from characters with flight, phasing,
Leap/Climb, etc. who will not need to break away to come all the way
into your 2 square sanctuary.
everything is perfect when you are a Giant sized figure. Against ranged
attacks, Giant-Man is very easy to hit (or Outwit) because characters do
not block line of sight. His defence is low enough that even scrubs can
try and take shots at him. Giant-Man is going to be a sitting duck for
ranged attacks but he’s a great control piece against earthbound
characters with no ranged attacks (Wolverine, Sabertooth and Colossus
for exemple).
His stats
are ok but the potential to play the game in an all new way is well
worth the character in my mind.