Pojo's HeroClix "Click of the Day"

Light |
Quick random fact: The sculpts are getting better and
Loki is no exception. Even though some are good I could not find the will to
review anything but Loki. This is my first review everyone so please just
let me get the hang of this. Anyway back on to the subject at hand: how good
is Loki?
Variety of Powers
Decent stats
Worth it's point cost
Wild Card team ability
Variety of Powers
Some stats are not decent
His first stats are quite good mixing phasing, psychic blast, and probabilty
control was a great idea. Not only can he escape from combat and get to
safety in case some one rushes him. He can make a ranged attack and just let
the damage slide through. Also if something does not go your way probability
control it and your still in good. However with an attack of 12 or even 11
the odds of you missing are slim. I would imagine these combined powers are
the reason for his extremely low defense for a piece of such a great point
value. And as well dumbing a god (his character) down to suit his other
powers without increasing the point value. Onto playing him, basically if
you pull him in draft thank your good fortune cause you will most likely win
with him. In constructed you can play him but in all honesty he relies more
on either sealed and casual play. Casual play he must be a blast to play
with, if only I could get my hands on one.
Casual: 4.5
Constructed: 3.7
Sealed: 4.5
Stormwolf |
The reason for the formation of the Avengers. The bane of
Thors existance. An overall unpleasant guy, today we review Loki, god of
mishief. A unique from the Mutant Mayhem set, Loki clocks in at a
healthy 160 points. Is he worth it? Read on:
Loki, a flyer, opens up with at a very pleasing 12 move with
phase/Teleport. This will allow you to get him around the board quite
easily in the opening moves of the game. After a click, he drops the
Phase/Teleport and his movement falls to a quite average 8 for a couple
of clicks, then 7's. But in the final 2 clicks, he regains the 12 movent,
and the Phase/Teleport! Makes it QUITE nice to get back to the medic for
some much-needed healing.
Loki excels here. Opening up with a 12 AV is nice, coupled with Psychic
Blast for 5 clicks! After that, he gains incapacitate for the final 3
clicks, which aids in his retreat to the medic. He also has a range of 8
and 2 targets, which makes him a little more versatile.
Defense~ 16
seems a little low for a God, but he runs the gamut of invincible for 2
clicks, toughness for 2, barrier for 2, and finishes out with Energy
Shield/Deflection on the final 2. By the time he gets down to the end of
his click, His Defense has dropped to a very healible 13.
More versatility. 3 damage for his 2 clicks of Probability control, 3
Damage for his 3 clicks of Outwit, and 2 damage for his final 3 clicks,
where he has Perplex.
Sculpt- The
pose is quite good, it makes him look daunting. However, the paint and
detail work leaves a lot to be desired. He's quite a large piece, you
would have thought they could have managed more detail with him, and he
has a 2 color paint job which makes him look very cartoony.
My thoughts on Loki is that he is a truly great
character. Defense is his only low point, and even there he is above
average. He can be used as a ranged hitter, and has great support
ability with the Prob Control, the Outwit, and the Perplex. Very worth
his cost, I know he'll be showing up in many tournament teams. And if
you pull him in a sealed draft, you have a very major advantage.
Overall Rating~
8.5 / 10
1234 |
Lets start today off with a who the heck is loki anyway's?
I mean i know him as far as mythology goes but is that who he is in the
Marvel U? A walk over to whoclix (http://hometown.aol.com/thefightingfury/whoclix/guide.htm)
says that he is. Let me jsut say that I'm not a big fan of this click. I am
not exactly sure why, he seems decent enough but still. For 160 points you
basically get a glorified destiny. He has phasing so he can move for free
just like she does, but unlike destiny he has an actually attack and damage.
He has a pretty good defense so he'll stick around, but really is he worth
it? After the two clicks of PB he gets some outwit and then some perplex. So
yes you have a great support piece, but id rather have a destiny, black
panther, and a con artist. With that you can use them all at the same time,
and for a lot less points too. With 12 attack you will be hitting often
enough, especially with the PBC, but really is he worth it? I don't think
so. In the typical 300 point game this guy is taking up over half of your
points. For those points you could have a good solid attacker, with a better
defensive power. The psychic blast is helpful but I think he's far too
unfocused for a 300 point game. Yes this review is a bit shorter than the
last one, deal with it guys.
100: 0/0 ERRR cheater!
200: 1.1/5 NEIN!!!!!!!!!!!
300: 2.11/5 I guess you could but really there are better pieces
400: 3.41/5 This is where he shines, he's a good enough attacker and in this
format true support pieces are usually lacking
500: 2.88/5 He drops a little here because he's easy to kill
So said the spy.
skilanky64 |
Review of Loki
Okay, Loki is the pain in the butt villain that everybody faces in some way
or another, and everybody can just barely beat him, if at all.
The Heroclix representation of Loki makes him kind of like that.
First of all, his point value is 160, mostly because of the minions of Doom
Wildcard ability
8 clix of life
He has 12 speed with phasing on his first click and last two clicks- ba ba
boom, phasing finish!
5 clicks of psychic blast and 3 with incap, his attack starts at 12 and ends
at 8, pretty good attack
Defense, a bit low: 16 for 2 with invulnerability, 16, 15 with toughness,
15, 14 with barrier, and 14, 13 with ESD.
Now his damage, holy hell his damage!
Starts at 3, ends at 2!
2 clicks of 3 with prob control, 3 clicks of 3 with outwit, and 3 clicks of
2 with perplex
So overall, I like Loki
He is very good, especially in sealed, and constructed with an invisible
girl rook and an Alfred pog (DC map set).
Sealed 5/5- devestating
200 1/5- no! stay away!
300 3/5- maybe with an alfred and an invisible
400 4/5
500 10/5- DOOOO IT!!!
Nicholas Wright |
Loki (Unique)
Mutant Mayhem
Team Ability: Minion of Dr. Doom
Powers: Phasing, Psychic Blast, Incapacitate, probability control, outwit,
perplex, toughness, invulnerability, barrier, and E/S/D
Speed: 12,8,8,7,7,7,12,12
Attack: 12,11,10,10,9,9,8,8
Defense: 16,15,16,15,15,14,14,13
Damage: 3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2
Well here is one of the best uniques in Mutant Mayhem. I have yet to pull a
Loki yet, but I'm hoping to soon. He's a Minion's of doom so he can copy any
power which is pretty useful. He is the only Minions of Doom to be released
in the last two sets which makes him pretty unique.
With a starting speed of 12 with phasing he can basically get anywhere he
needs to go. He can also carry someone, like a veteran Uman to get the
enhancement, or maybe even a medic to heal after he has been damaged. With a
starting attack of 12 he can basically hit almost anything with relative
ease, against a Veteran Deadpool he would only have to roll a 5 to hit,
which is pretty good.
His damage is pretty average until he dies never dropping below 2 which
isn't too bad, and the clicks he has 2 damage he has perplex so he can just
perplex it back to 3. His defense isn't too low but it's still pretty easy
to hit, but he has invulnerability to reduce the damage.
His powers are what really makes Loki shine, with psychic blast he can hit
through any damage reducing defense, and with probability control he can
reroll the dice if he misses. With 8 range he can hit pretty far away. Down
his dial he gets incapacitate which works well with his 8 range and two
Probably one of the best things i like about Loki is how he gets outwit in
the middle of the dial. Outwit is probably one of the best super powers and
it works well with Loki.
Overall: 4.1 / 5.0
Francesco Rook |
Francesco Rook's Loki COTD
At long last, we have Thor's evil half-brother as a heroclix. Wizkids
chose to make a Mr. Fixit unique but only now do we get access to Loki.
Even fans of The Hulk are ashamed of that period in The Hulk’s history but
they chose him as a heroclix before making Loki. Someone should be dragged
in the street and shot.
In the comic world, Loki was never a straight forward person but always
preferred to get to his goals by putting others to task. We owe the
existence of The Wrecker and the entire Wrecking Crew, among others, to
Loki. Rarely if ever has he confronted Thor face to face. He is a man of
manipulation and plotting. And yet, Wizkids chose not to give him
Mastermind. He does not have at any point on his dial the Mastermind power.
I said it before with MODOK and I'll say it again here : Not putting this
power on we stupid. I would love to sit in to one of those design meetings
and see who the hell makes these decisions
Anyway, before I get too emotional, let's get to the character we DID end up
His beginning stats are very good but for some unknown reason his speed goes
from a very good 12 (with phasing) to a very average 8 (with nothing) in one
single click! That’s the fastest drop in stats I have ever seen in a
character. I would love to see the reason for that sudden drop.
He is designed as a support character but still retains some very good
offensive powers. Probability Control, Outwit and Perplex appear on the dial
from start to finish. He is there to help the team out but with a base of
three damage and Psychic Blast, he can knock most opponents off their best
clicks in one shot. He keeps Psychic Blast for five clicks and his attack
rating never goes below 9 with it.
He finishes his dial regaining his 12 move and phasing, just in time to
bring his butt back to a medic. The team ability can be quite useful if
played correctly. Let’s say that the Batman Team Ability would be a great
addition to this character or a Franklin Richards Pog with Fantastic Four
Team Ability would mean one free click of life for Loki. These are just
exemples but you catch my drift.
Loki is a good Heroclix but would keep him off my teams in battle of less
than 400 or 500 points.
Godwin |
Today we review the Norse God of
Trickery and Mischief and the thorn in Thor’s side, Unique Loki from Mutant
- Loki starts off his movement with a bang. A Speed of 12
with Phasing really makes him a potent figure to open up a battle with.
Combined with his Flight he now has the capability to carry a figure, even
through walls or other barriers. This means he is excellent for helping set
up figures you want to advance from your main group. On his second click
his Speed plummets to an 8, but after the first initial few turns Speed
isn’t as crucial as the other stats. The loss of Phasing hurts a little
more, but on his last few clicks he gains back a Speed of 12 with Phasing.
If you don’t KO him by the time he gets on his last two clicks you won’t. He
will disappear and run to a Medic for healing or hide from you the rest of
the game.
– His Starting Attack of 12 is above average even for a figure of 160
points. Combine that with a Range of 8 and he can command a decent chunk of
the board. Throw in 2 Ranged attacks and you should never miss an attack
unless you roll double 1s. Then again with Probability Control the only way
you should miss is by rolling double 1s twice in a row. If you do that you
deserve to lose. His Attack does drop all the way to an 8 at the end of his
dial, but by then it should be your focus to run and hide rather then stay
and attack.
Damage –
Five clicks of a Damage of 3 is good. Now throw in 2 clicks of Probability
Control, followed 3 of Outwit and 3 of Perplex and Loki has a whole bag of
tricks to be able to do some Damage to opponents. That’s not all though.
Loki starts with 5 clicks of Psychic Blast so he definitely will be a threat
to any figure on the board. I’m pretty sure he can’t use Psychic Blast with
2 Ranged attacks, but if he could that would be awesome. He also ends with
3 clicks of Incapacitate so there is literally never a click on his dial
were Loki can’t damage any figure in the game.
– If Loki has a weak point I would say it is his Defense although that does
not mean he is easy to KO either. His starting Defense of 16 with
Invulnerability is decent, but nothing special. He does have two clicks of
Invulnerability followed by two clicks of Toughness where is Defense jumps
back up to 16 before beginning to drop again. After that he gains a couple
of clicks of Barrier which works well to impede your opponent or create a
barrier to protect some of your team from ranged attacks. He also finishes
with 2 clicks of Energy Shield Deflection so when he is trying to run away
it will take a better roll to shoot him in the back. His major drawback
seems to be the average Defense combined with only 2 clicks of
Invulnerability and a somewhat shallow dial of 8 clicks of health. Still
play Loki smart and you can keep him alive. Use Probability Control to
force your opponent to hit Loki twice and prevent the lucky rolls against
– His sculpture is right out of the comics, but nothing
special. The other interesting twist to Loki is the Minion of Doom team
ability. Even though he was never a Minion of Doom (that I know of) this
team ability fits him perfectly and gives him some added advantages on the
battlefield. Think Mystic and Cross Gen is your friend.
Playability –
Loki may be able to be shoehorned into a 300 point team and he would be
irresistible to play in a sealed booster if you pulled him, but he really
belong on 400 point teams and above. I think Loki looks like an extremely
fun character to play and he may not win you every game, but you can sure
annoy the heck out of your opponent with him and go down laughing all the
way. If you pull him consider yourself lucky and have a ball.
Overall Score: (Out of 10. Score of: 4
= horrible, 5 = below average, 6 = slightly above average, 7 = great, 8 =
Unique Loki – 7.5